Junior Development Team Meeting Notes
20 February 2003
Attendees: Liv Armitage (Chair), David Sheldon (Notes), Seijbren Otto, Reda Ibn-Tahaikt, Simon Jackson, Mike Northfield, Chris Lewis, Tim Asby.
Item |
Notes |
Action |
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Apologies for AbsenceLiz Clark
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Matters Arising – 191202The Ritola visit is on 27th April not 29th
Reda to carry out work on child protection policy
RI |
3 |
Financial Status of KnightsKnights are progressing well – income exceeds outgoings. SO suggested Knights should have their own funds identified. This was agreed that these should, at present, be identified within the CKA accounts but Knights should be looking to manage their own funds.
The question of not charging under 7’s was raised – they’re not charged at present although some of them are playing in the under 9’s. It was agreed that they should be charged by the group that they play with rather than on age.
SJ |
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Making Helpers Feel Valued and WelcomeA point had been made that the last CKA meeting that some people who had come along to help hadn’t been made to feel welcome and it was suggested that they should be introduced to the children at the start of the session. This was agreed and coaches would make an effort to welcome the people who come along to help.
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Lending Posts to Schools and ContractsLC had fed back that the CKA were not able to charge a rental for the posts under the terms of the lottery grant. However a contract needs to be prepared to ensure that the school is responsible for good care of the equipment.
LA said she’d enquire how many posts were needed at Milton Road and Newnham Croft.
LA |
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Follow Up on CombertonOne of the teachers there, Mel Edwards, had expressed a willingness to learn Korfball. Mel to be given coaching information and be loaned posts.
LA |
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Feedback from ParentsSome parents were concerned about the coaches of the under 13’s speaking personally about team members before games.
Parents had also questioned whether opposition teams should be given refreshments during and after the games. This was agreed where the opposition had travelled some distance.
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Under 11 BoysLC had made a suggestion that there should be a free 6 week block for beginners which may help encouraging some of the boys at her school to come along. Agreed.
SJ said he had been in contact with a cub pack to see if he could use their meeting to publicise Korfball.
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Imminent FixturesIt was suggested that this be an agenda item for all meetings. Agreed.
The BKA cup semi-finals for under 9 and under 13 are on 23rd March. The finals are in Norwich on 6 April. It was agreed for matches in London that players should pay £4 each towards fuel and £2 match fees.
There are inter-area matches against London and District for U9, U11 & U13 on 15 March.
LA |
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Regional League for U9 & U11Teams to be competing are Cambridge, Norwich, Nottingham, Milton Keynes. It is intended that there will be a tournament in each area with all other teams travelling April, May, June, July. Dave Bate to be asked if he will organise. Tournaments to include a penalty shot league and possibly a personal shot league.
LA |
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Knights LogoIt was agreed that this should stay as the website. Thanks Scott.
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Ice SkatingIt is happening, enough helpers – more than enough kids.
SJ |
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Ritola VisitRitola are bringing 2 U15 teams over for the tournament on 27 April. Nicola Northfield has provisionally book space at Abington Scout Camp which includes use of the kitchen. The possibility of a game against the GB U16 squad is being considered. SO is concerned that the junior tournament is not being well enough publicised. LA said she’d e-mailed all clubs but was awaiting replies. Nicola Northfield to investigate the possibility of hiring a bouncy castle for the day.
MN |
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City SportIt will be offered as part of the training session for 4 weeks, 22 June to 13 July. LA to inform Rick to take forward with the City Council.
LA |
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Future PlansLA opened a discussion about the plans for the future of junior Korfball using her draft report as a guide. No agreement was reached.
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Any Other BusinessThere will be no training on 20 April – Easter Sunday. Need to check with The Perse about what’s going to happen afterwards.
There needs to be more information on the notice board at The Perse.
There is a need to buy some cones. To be obtained from Andy Rutter.
Knights would like their league matches to finish by 9.00pm. Phoenix to see if their match could be moved.
TA is about to leave for New Zealand for the summer so can’t help with any events.
Match forms for all Knights games to be sent to LA. |
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Date of Next Meeting20 March 2003 |