Instructions on how to fill out a CKA Scorecard
Match details
Division: For Divisions 1, 2 and 3 fill in with “1”, “2” and “3”.
Date: The date the match took place.
Time: The start time of the match.
Home Team: The name of the home club plus team number (eg “Tigers 1”, “City 2”, etc).
Home Score: The total number of goals (including penalties) scored by the home team at Half Time (in the HT box) and Full Time (in the FT box).
Away Team: The name of the away club plus team number (eg “Tigers 1”, “City 2”, etc).
Away Score: The total number of goals (including penalties) scored by the away team at Half Time (in the HT box) and Full Time (in the FT box).
Player Boxes
Name: The full name of the player (eg Fred Bloggs – not F. Bloggs). Remember to put the names of the players in the home team in the left hand boxes and the names of the players in the away team in the right hand boxes!
Note that Home Players 1 to 4 and Away Players 5 to 8 are the players involved in their teams FIRST ATTACK (ie the division [2 male+2 female] that attacks first).
U18: The captain should tick the Under 18 box if the player is under the age of 18 and has the relevant documentation to permit them to play in the match.
Penalties: The number of penalties scored by this player.
Goals: The number of goals scored by this player (not including penalties).
For: This indicates the number of the player who came off (this should be in the range 1 to 8). Note that if a substitute comes on and is then substituted, the eight available substitutes are numbered from 9 to 16.
At: This indicates the point in the match at which the substitution occurred. This should either be “1ST” (if the substitution occurred at any point in the first half), “HT” (if the substitution occurred during the half time break) or “2ND” (if the substitution occurred at any point in the second half).
Name: see Name in Player Boxes section above
U18: see U18 in Player Boxes section above
Penalties: see Penalties in Player Boxes section above
Goals: see Goals in Player Boxes section above
Notes: If for any reason there is something else to be noted about the game that is in addition to all the other the details, this is the area to use. Examples might be that the game was a walkover due to the opposition failing to turn up or perhaps the game could not finish due to light failure or could not start as the hall wasn’t booked. If yellow or red cards are shown, it should contain brief details of the offence including the name of the player(s) involved. If relevant U18 documentation could not be provided, this should be noted here.
Captains: The home and away captains should fill out the relevant details for their team and sign the scorecard to indicate the information is correct. Please note the First Attack section – this is the biggest source of error!
Referee: When the card has been completed and signed by the home and away captains, the referee should check the validity of the card (eg the number of penalties and goals scored by all their players and subs add up to the score indicated at the top; all player names should be legible and written in full; all substitute details should be filled in). When the referee is satisfied that the scorecard is complete, they sign here and indicates which club they play for (eg “Tigers”).
Scores: The strip at the bottom allows someone on the sidelines to fill in the scores as they happen.