Minutes of CKA AGM meeting at the Boot, Histon, Cambridgeshire, Thursday, 5th September
Sam, Jam, Nick, Liv, Dave B, Ian, Dave W, Liz, Sally, Lee, Andy, Rick
Scott, Dave S, Zareh
Thanks to all of committee and others who have helped through out the year. Special mention to juniors committee, Lee and Lions for the CKA tournament and Liv and her helpers for the County tournament. Ian has rep CKA at the BKA AGM. Thanks to Ade for being secretary.
£1928.62 funds available. Seniors made a profit of £1589.89 with the Juniors losing £51.54 (2001-loss £699.86).
Still vacant
Now have 6 junior coaches. Expanding in age range of children coached. Great team of junior development team members. Parents meetings held regularly. Planning to implement KKA awards scheme. Sjibren and Minke have produced a newsletter. Involved in the Inter Area and BKA Youth Cup, mini tournaments with local schools and Dutch team. National Youth Day – took 7 teams and will host next years event. Aim to increase numbers and profit. Mixed matches adults and children are good and will continue. Club school link went well and link has been developed with Dutch Club. £800 grant from City Council, $4924 Awards for all grant. Only 2 juniors came from City Sport. Trip to Holland was successful. Training will move to Perse from 8/9/02.
Dave B resigned
Set up improvers course and waiting for the more advanced course to be organised.
Weekly reports in newspapers. Rick interviewed on radio. Radio Cambridgeshire and Anglia TV attended tournament. Littleport Lions have good amount of publicity in Ely. Regularly in BKA magazine. Purchased 2 promotional videos for Korfbal. Suggest that City Sport should be responsibility of development officer.
People have take the exam and passed over the year.
Reported weekly in email update and website. Occasional chasing up of scorecards could be lessened.
Successful season no major problems
Chair Ian
Treasurer Liz
Secretary remains vacant
Junior Dev Liv
Senior Dev Lee (new to post)
Coaching Scott
Press and Publicity Rick
Refereeing Andy
Results Nick
Fixtures Dave B
All post members re-elected unless indicated.
Proposal to have a rep for the National League side to sit on the committee with full voting rights. This was accepted and Dave B will amend the constitution.
Scott has agreed to run and maintain a CKA website. The fees will be paid by the CKA.
JAM to organise the senior Inter Area cup
Liv to organise the junior Inter Area cup.
Dave S, Andy, David B, Ian and Liv will meet according to the terms of reference (see below).
Terms of reference for the CKA working party on a 10 Year Strategy Document for Korfball in Cambridgeshire
The working party will look at all aspects of Korfball in Cambridgeshire.
This will include, but is not necessary a comprehensive list,
Financing of the CKA
Junior development
Senior development
New clubs to be targeted
Generating greater awareness of the sport
League Structure
The composition of the CKA committee and its working
The working party will report back to the CKA committee at a specified time with a report that will be discussed. This report will contain primary and secondary objectives to be reached throughout the 10 years.
Once accepted by the committee the document will be circulated to all members of the Cambridgeshire Korfball community for discussion.
The Cambridgeshire Korfball community will then ratify the 10 Year Strategy Document at the next AGM or a convened EGM.
Voted to keep 3.21 and 3.22 the same.
To remain unchanged £35 for 1st team, and £20 for subsequent teams.
JAM thanked CKA on behalf of Cambridge Korfball
Liv asked about NL squad points. Some NL squad players may only play in 2nd team matches which would which would not be allowed once they have got NL status. It was decided that they would be allowed to play on an individual basis by permission being granted by the appeals committee.