CKA Committee Minutes April 10th 2003


1.        Present

Ian Birch-Machin, Lee Matthews, Nick Armitage, Rick Baldwin, Dave Bate, Ste Haworth, Liv Armitage, Scott Christie, Zareh Langridge, Liz Clark, Andy Rutter


2.       Apologies

Sam Whittaker, Jo Woolley (Uni)


3.       Matters Arising



4.      Officers’ Reports



Nothing to report



£2085.15 in bank



Nothing to report



Nothing to report


Senior Development

£98.22 raised for Comic Relief, players recruited for Littleport, Phoenix & Trojans. Thanks to Lee for organising


Junior Development

Liv and Liz attended Comberton Village College’s feeder PE Co-ordinator meeting; sharing letter explaining the development aims. Schools seemed interested.

Parkside Community College have expressed interest.

Liv is working hard to develop korfball in schools, anyone else who would like to do so is welcome.

It was agreed that teachers who attend club training in order to develop korfball in schools, should train free.

Monday 7th July coaching course for teachers to be run by Peter Allen.

BKA Inter-Area U13 final is taking place on Sun 12th April Cambridge vs Kent support welcome.


Press and Publicity

No reports in CEN, lots in last issue of BKA magazine.

Citysport confirmed.

Rick attended City Council’s Sports Club Seminar and has information on Sportsfest, Child Protection and Netherhall’s Sportzone.



See website



Dave gave his resignation.


5.       League Structure

Discussion of proposals to change league structure was followed by voting


For 2 leagues                                                                  2

For 3 leagues                                                                  5

Abstentions                                                                    3

There will be 3 leagues/divisions next season.

Within 3 leagues


To stay with current structure                                               0

To have a balanced no of teams in each division              9

Abstentions                                                                    1

There will be a balanced no of teams in each division.


Inter Division Matches


To continue to play inter division matches                          0

To no longer play inter division matches                         4

Abstentions                                                                    6

There will be no inter division matches next season.


Match Structure


To play other teams in same division 3 times              3

To play a cup competition.                                           5

Abstentions.                                                                   2

There will be a cup competition and teams will play other teams in same division twice.


Structure of cup to be decided at later stage.

It was agreed to defer the layout of the balance / cup until teams known.


Individual teams to decide whether to play this seasons play offs. Dave Bate to arrange.


Deadline for entry of teams into the league for 2003-2004 SEPTEMBER 1ST 2003.


6.       Junior Tournament

Liv has emailed details please read.

21 teams have entered as at 10.4.03


7.       CKA Awards

Need trophies for 7 voted awards, 4 top scorers as well as the 3 division shields.


8.       Sideline Passes

Andy to check National League ruling and feedback at later meeting


9.       AOB

Lee disappointed at cancellation of matches by home teams, Nick to check an alleged Tigers

Cancelled match.


It was agreed to affiliate to Netherhall, Liz to pay £15.


Ian/Sam to circulate minutes of 10 year development plan


Nick raised question of Tigers 2 attaining status next season when playing in division 1 – to discuss at next meeting.


10.     Next Meeting

Thursday 8th May  Pike and Eel Chesterton  7.45pm