CKA Meeting Minutes – 1st April 2004



Apologies: Zareh – Andy – Rick – Liv


Matters arising;

Andy yet unable to access site re rules for yellow cards. Will speak to Graham Crafter.


Ref’s exam has taken place - 4 Kites, 1 Tiger and 3 Lions passed.


Chairs report – Nothing to report.


Publicity Officers report as e-mail previously sent to all members.


Knights committee are holding next meeting on 5th April.


Child Protection Officer – nothing to report.


Development Officer – nothing to report.


Treasurers report – as attached.  Fines to be sent out shortly to various clubs.


Nick read out league t able results. Playoffs must be before 30th May. Teams to sort out dates and venues.


CKA Tournament – Date and venue to be decided. End of May suggested at Cambridge Rugby Club. Lee to look into availability for one day tournament and report back.


Use of Music at Matches: Lee informed meeting of how music is used at Lions and why. Meeting agreed it is acceptable as long as it does not impede the game.


Reda handed out ‘Standard of Behaviour’ sheets, as printed on BKA website and suggests clubs take note of this and crack down on behaviour especially as more juniors are now playing. Reda just wanted to highlight the fact that there needs to be more discipline on court and more control from the refs.


Liv requested 1140 pounds from the CKA for new equipment for juniors. 2 new primary schools as asking for equipment. Lee suggested applying to Awards for All. Takes approximately 10 weeks for a decision so until then the CKA are willing to underwrite, subject to the application being made,  until grant is approved. Order to placed in the meantime.


League structure for next season was discussed and it was decided that it cannot be finalised until we know how many teams there will be in the new season. Playoffs for promotion/relegation should go ahead and if league structure is changed then teams will be placed accordingly. Clubs will be sent a survey via e-mail on league structure, i.e. 2 or 3 divisions, but CKA committee will have final word.


Date and time of next meeting: Thursday 29th April, Pike & Eel, Chesterton – 7.45 pm