CKA Meeting Minutes

29th April 2004


Present: Mike Northfield, Howard Laffling, Scott Christie, Ian Birch-Machin, Rick Baldwin, Nick Armitage, Lee Matthews


Apologies: Andy Rutter, Liv Armitage, Zareh Langridge


Minutes of last meeting approved.


Secretary post still vacant.


Treasurer’s report, Mike:

Account Balance (at 1.4.2004): £2,791.50


    CKA £2090.64

    Knights £700.86


Payments since 1.4.2004



£80.00    Knights Training Fees



£256.50    Perse School (Knights Hire Fees - March 2004)

£260.00    Netherhall School (Knights Hire Fees – 19.1.04-28.3.04)

£14.93    Simon Jackson (Knights Expenses - Kent and Twickenham)

£7.12    Reda Ibn-Tahaikt (Knights Expenses - Envelopes and Postage)


Account Balance:£2355.00

    CKA    £2090.64

    Knights    £264.36


Concern that Knights seniors are not paying training fees and that Knights will soon go into the red. Lee to go to next Knights committee meeting to advise on getting funds from the BKA to set up the club and to give advice on setting up the club. It was agreed to set a deadline of 1st June 2004 for Knights to appoint a treasurer, set up their own separate club bank account and be responsible for collecting training fees and paying their hall hire fees. Knights will be asked to send a representative to the next CKA meeting. Lois Clark to be asked to join the CKA committee email group.


Press and Publicity Officer’s report, Rick


Press Reports: 3 articles on Varsity matches, National League matches, Cambridge league and the Cup final.


Nick to send photo(s) and end of season report to BKA magazine.


Results Officer report, Nick

Season finished, except for Plate final and promotion play-off matches.


Fixtures Officer’s report, Howard

Cup final and 3rd/4th play-off matches successfully went ahead. I'm now in possession of the 'Development Cup' shield, not sure what to do with it now.

The Plate final will be on Monday 10th May, during a Phoenix training session.

The Division 1/Division 2 promotion/relegation play-off matches between Phoenix 2 and Tigers 2 and will be on Thursday 6th May, 9 p.m. at CRC and Wednesday 26th May 9 p.m. at the Perse. I'm still looking for referees for both these matches. If I don't get any volunteers then the only option I can think of is to put the names of eligible clubs into a hat and draw to allocate clubs to provide referees to each match. Under the league rules failure of a club to provide a referee would result in fine.

I've not heard anything about Division 2/Division 3 promotion/relegation play-off matches.

I have distributed surveys to each club to get feedback from individual players about how they felt about this season's league structure and cup competition.


Nick took the Development Cup Shield on behalf of Tigers.


Lee volunteered to referee one of the Division 1/Division 2 promotion/relegation play-off matches. Lee to confirm his availability for 6th May after the meeting.


Rick to ask Andy if City can provide a referee.


Lee said Lions had emailed Ionut at Uni to say they wanted to play the Division 2/Division 3 promotion/relegation play-off matches.


1)      Venue of CKA tournament and organisation (Ian, Lee, Howard)

It was agreed that the proposed date at the end of May was too soon and it would be better to postpone until a date in August. Ian to check the dates of existing tournaments and events and pick a date and find a venue.


It was agreed to set the date for next year’s tournament early to prevent coinciding with other tournaments, which has caused problems this year, by getting in first. Next year’s tournament date to be decided at the next meeting.


2)      Help required for Junior Tournament (Liv)


Howard has agreed to draw up the fixtures list.


Scott agreed to organise setting up of the pitches. The tournament is at the Perse, so it is unlikely that posts need to be transported.


There was discussion about the pros and cons of a BBQ and tuck shop and factors such as weather making providing too much or too little always a problem. Liv to clarify what catering is needed.


Need to know number of teams so that the number of volunteers required can be estimated. Club representatives to ask clubs for volunteers. Can Knights seniors help ?


3)      Club-school link – accommodation for Dutch coaches (Liv)

2 sets of 2 coaches, 1 week per 2 coaches, Sunday to Thursday nights inclusive.

It would be helpful to know specific dates as an open commitment in June may be difficult. Also helpful to know for sharing if the 2 coaches are the same sex.


Lee offered to provide accommodation for 2 Tuesday nights as he’d like the coaches to go along to Lions training.


Ian to email club contacts to ask them to ask their clubs for help.


4)      Sportsfest (Rick)

A City Council day of sport for juniors. Sunday 27th June at Netherhall. CKA were invited to participate and have accepted. Volunteers will be needed to help out.


5)      City sport course (Rick)

Seniors course is up and running, 8 people 1st week, 12 people 2nd week, maybe more next week. City will distribute information about all of the Cambridge clubs during the course.

Juniors course will be at the Perse starting 6th June.


6) AOB


Mike : Invoices

Uni haven’t paid their league fees. Mike to send a reminder letter.

Mike to send invoices for fines to Uni and other clubs.

Howard to find out what happened with Uni no show for match on 11th March and let Mike know if there are any fines due. Howard to let Mike know exact hall costs for previous Uni no show.



Request for clubs to make sure teams turn out in similar colours, particularly with new players and substitutes to make life easier for the referee. Suggested that clubs buy spare shirts that can be used. (Note : the korfball rules state “The players of each side must be dressed in a uniform sports costume that is sufficiently different from that of the other side.”)

Request to make sure there is always a minimum 5 minutes of warm up time allowed by the referee before a match for both teams. The warm up time should be deducted from match time if the hall is not available to both teams for warm up before the scheduled match start time. Scott to set up an egroup for referees so that this sort of information can be emailed to them.


From BKA via Lee :

Clubs need to address the issue of Child Protection Officers, as it’s law. Club chairman needs to sign a declaration if there are no juniors (under 18s) otherwise a Child Protection Officer is needed.

Matt Brooks has offered to do shooting clinics for £20 per hour plus £10 expenses. Scott to contact clubs and make them aware of this offer.


Howard :

What is the status with Kites ? Concern that numbers are dwindling. It would be a retrograde step if the club folds, particularly when Knights is in the process of setting up as a new club.

7) Date and time of next meeting

Thursday 27th May 7.45 at the Pike and Eel