CKA Meeting Minutes

26th February 2004


Present: Mike Northfield, Howard Laffling, Scott Christie, Ian Birch-Machin, Dave Males, Zareh Langridge, Andy Rutter, Nick Armitage, Ionut Lazar


Apologies: Kevin White, Liv Armitage, Rick Baldwin



I have been in contact with the NKA re the EA league but I am waiting for them to confirm the date of the meeting to discuss this.


Mike: (supplied before meeting)

Account Balance (at 8.1.2004): £2,477.92


    CKA £1715.64

    Knights £762.28


Payments since 8.1.2004



£550.00    Knights Training Fees

£82.00    Knights Match Fees (Inter-Area - 13.12.2003)

£37.00    Knights Match Fees (Kent - 31.1.2004 and Twickenham - 7.2.2004)

£130.00    CKA League Fees (City and Lions)



£120.00    Perse School (Knights Hire Fees - December 2003)

£180.00    Perse School (Knights Hire Fees - January 2004)

£78.00    Netherhall School (Knights Hire Fees - August-October 2003)

£182.00    Netherhall School (Knights Hire Fees - October 2003-January 2004)

£14.93    Simon Jackson (Knights Expenses - Kent and Twickenham)

£7.12    Reda Ibn-Tahaikt (Knights Expenses - Envelopes and Postage)


Account Balance:£2694.87

    CKA    £1845.64

    Knights    £849.23


Fines to be levied:

Missing reffing (10 pounds per match): Lions, Phoenix, Uni (2 matches), Tigers (although an unqualified ref was used twice the CKA agreed that this should have been noticed after the first offence and therefore they will only be fined once)


In addition, Uni failed to provide sufficient notice of cancelling a match on two occasions. Against phoenix no notice was given (40 pound fine) and Lions were given less than the 72 hours notice required (Mike find out if Lions were able to use or cancel the hall to see if uni are to be fined again)


Rule regarding fine for late notice to be updated to indicate that fine is only applicable if the home team is unable to cancel the hall after being notified. Action Scott


Rick (supplied before meeting)


Press Reports: 2 articles on Lisa playing for GB and 2 articles on National League matches so still doing quite well.


CitySport: I'm sure everyone has seen the new brochure: please help in distributing it amongst team members.








Refs exam @ Golden Hynd 7.30. to be confirmed



Nick has 8 spiked bases at his house that he would like to be stored elsewhere. Andy to ask Simon

Nick gave secretary’s file from Sam to Ian

Liv wants help with Histon festival. Stephen Davis is not available and wants a club to be responsible for organisation. Liv/Nick to email requirements to the committee.  Deadline to be set for finding club to be responsible.


Citysport should never be cancelled due to lack of numbers. If necessary a club should sign up some of its own players so it can go ahead. New players in each club should be asked directly whether they want to take part (rather than asking clubs to ask)


Next meeting: 1st April 7.45 at the Pike and Eel