Minutes of CKA committee meeting

Thursday 15th January 2004 at the Pike and Eel, Chesterton, Cambridge


Ian, Scott, Kevin, Howard, Rick, Mike, Dave (Tigers), Lee, Steve (Knights), Andy


Nick, Liv, Zareh

Officers’ Reports


I have been in contact with NKA about the proposed EA league. It has been decided to form a working party to formulate a proposal which would be discussed by both Associations. The document deadline will be the end of March. The NKA secretary will chair the group, members will be drawn from each association (max 3 per association). Ian will be in the group. 1 or 2 other volunteers are required.

Lee volunteered.




CKA Finances (as at 8.1.2004).

Account Balance (at 17.11.2003): £2,520.81

CKA £1,734.53

Knights £ 786.28

Payments since 17.11.2003


£ 24.50 Mitcham KC Hall Fees (BKA Cup [U-9]: 11.1.2003)

£496.00 Knights Training Fees


£ 38.30 Liv Armitage (Photocopying/Binding ­ Introductory handbook for schools)

£ 5.09 Stephen Davis (Envelopes/Postage ­ Lesson plans for Primary schools)

£280.00 Perse School (Knights hire fees ­ October 2003)

£240.00 Perse School (Knights hire fees ­ November 2003)


Nothing to report

Results Officer

Nothing to report

Fixtures Officer

The Cup matches (Pools 1 and 2) have been added to the fixtures list, which has been circulated and is on the web site.

One Cup fixture still to be arranged - waiting for Tigers to provide a home playing slot.

P4 vs L3 League Division 3 match from last half season still to be re-scheduled - need Lions to provide an acceptable home playing slot.

L3 vs K2 Cup Qualification Pool A match from last half season has been scheduled [and
played TBC]. The result will finalise the teams in the Plate and allow the 2 Plate semi-final matches to be arranged.

The last Cup Qualification match L3 vs K2 was played. The result means that Phoenix 3 (Pool A 2nd), Phoenix 2 (Pool B 2nd), Uni 2 (Pool C 2nd) and Tigers 4 (Best 3rd - Pool C) go through to the Plate (Nick to confirm).

So the Plate semi finals will be :-

P2 vs T4 ref U2

U2 vs P3 ref T4

Junior Development Officer / Child Protection Officer

Nothing to report

Refereeing officer

Nothing to report.

Senior Development Officer

Nothing to report.

Press & Publicity Officer

There have been a number of articles published in the press since the last meeting. These include national league and local league reports and a spotlight on Lia.

CitySport is going ahead. Seniors will be run by City for 6 weeks from 20th April. Juniors will be at Perse for 4 weeks from 6th June. There will be two junior age groups.

Scott expressed the opinion that not enough was being done to ensure that CitySport courses went ahead. A number have been cancelled which ought to be avoidable.

Scott volunteered to co-ordinate the CitySport courses, to ensure they go ahead, as part of his coaching brief.

Other items

1.      Andy - Missed commitments and Reda reffing a game whilst unqualified. Fine issuing.

Andy should be informed whenever a club fails to provide a referee. Team captains should do this if possible or otherwise Nick. Andy will inform Mike who should levy fines.

No one was clear whether fines had been issued last season. It was felt that fines should be issued for this season’s offences. These were believed to be Uni (twice), Phoenix (once) and Tigers (Reda reffing while unqualified, twice).

Mike will confirm the commitments that have been missed with Nick and issue the fines.

2.      Liv - Development plan for Graham Crafter - Tony sent an email which I will forward to you. I am unclear as to who is responsible for this plan. I have not been able to get a clear response from Graham Crafter and wonder if you or Lee know any different. I assume it has to do with the getting development points for National League. It may be an idea to encourage Tony or Hughie to attend as NL reps.

No one was very clear on the situation here. No one had seen the email. Andy thought that the deadline for submitting the development plan was January 1st.

3.      Liv - Histon Sports Festival - this will be happening in May 2004 and should involve some sort of promotional demonstration involving both juniors and seniors (can involve spectator participation if we are insured for this). I am wondering if Phoenix (being the local club) would like to take responsibility for organising, or whether someone from the CKA would coordinate. I will send the flyer for this along with the secretary's folder with Andy to the meeting.

This item was held over until February. Lee felt that Sue Carr would be a good person to get involved and possibly a candidate for Senior Development Officer. Rick will supply her contact details.

4.      Howard - Can I add something about compiling a list of contact telephone and/or mobile numbers for team captains, referees, club secretaries, coaches, club chairman etc. that can be circulated so that people can be contacted quickly and easily if matches arrangements change at short notice.

There has been a contacts list in previous years but one has not been done this year. Andy will try to find last year’s form and send it to Howard. Howard will collect information from the clubs.

5.      Rick - Letter from Anne Campbell MP (probably for club development officers).

The letter gives information on Community Amateur Sports Clubs and the tax breaks available to them. Rick will circulate a copy to each club.

Matters Arising

Last year’s account have not been audited. Darren did the previous year’s accounts. Mike will contact him about doing last year’s. Howard will supply Mike with Darren’s contact details.


Andy – please can clubs send him a list of the referees appointed to fixtures in the second half of the season.

The Cambridge summer tournament will be a 2-day event on June 26th & 27th. Lee has asked for it to go in the BKA diary without success. Rick will repeat the request. The tournament will be at Littleport and free (to the CKA) camping will be available. So far two Dutch teams and one German team have expressed an interest in playing.

The junior tournament will be a separate event, probably in May.

Date of next meeting

26th February 2004 7.45pm at the Pike and Eel, Chesterton.