CKA Meeting Minutes

17th January 2005


Present: Ian Birch-Machin, Rick Baldwin, Steve Haworth, Sam Rayner, Alex Beavan, Howard Laffling, Scott Christie, Steve Moratti, Vanessa Bull, Lee Matthews


Apologies for absence : Andy Rutter, Nick Armitage, Liv Armitage, Laura Neaves


Minutes of last meeting approved.


Secretary post still vacant.


Press and Publicity Officer’s report, Rick


Press Reports: 3 articles in the Cambridge Evening News and 1 article in the Cambridge Weekly News on National and Cambridge league match reports, results and fixtures. Andy, Nick and Tony headline !


1)      Child Protection (Sam)

Sam distributed information on Child Protection to each club via Steve at National League training. So far only Lions and Phoenix have responded. Have clubs received the information ?


City have 1 junior.

Knights have juniors.

Phoenix have 2 juniors but they haven’t come back since they were asked to complete the necessary consent forms.

Tigers have juniors.

Uni don’t have any juniors.

The National League side has juniors.


National League players are registered with City, but National League training and matches are separate from City. Tony Fitzgerald is the NL manager and Hugh Barker is the coach. Ste to contact Tony and Hugh and give them the Child Protection forms and information.


Clubs need to follow the BKA procedures and complete the necessary paperwork if they have junior members. In the meantime, Sam needs a Child Protection Officer contact for each club and names of junior members as soon as possible.


2)      Rules/procedure for email voting (Scott)

It was agreed that email votes to have a time limit of 5 days. If there are enough votes within the 5 days such the vote passes or fails, irrespective of any remaining uncast votes, then the vote can be concluded. Emails asking for votes should specify the date and time by which votes must be received. After the vote has been concluded an email should be sent out with the result of the vote. The CKA constitution says that CKA Committee members (10 at present) and one representative from each club (6) at present) can vote (total 16).


3)      Inter-area junior referees (Andy)

Would it be possible to enforce clubs to send a referee to inter-area junior games on a rota basis ? There was some discussion, but no action was agreed.


4)      Date of CKA tournament (Ian)

Tigers are holding a tournament on 18th June. The suggested date for the Cambridge tournament is sometime in late July. Ian will check web sites for other tournament dates and choose a date for the Cambridge tournament. Ian will inform Lee who will check the availability of Littleport. Ian will check the availability of Netherhall. This need to be done in time for the deadline for the next BKA magazine, which is February 8th.


5) AOB



Request for clubs to make sure teams turn out in similar colours. Suggested that clubs buy spare shirts that can be used. This is in the rules “The players of each side must be dressed in a uniform sports costume that is sufficiently different from that of the other side.” The referee is responsible for enforcing the rules. Ian will send out an email reminding clubs about team colors.


Vanessa :

Uni only have 1 referee, but lots of refereeing commitments. Can other clubs help out Uni with refereeing commitments ? Whilst Uni are responsible for providing a referee for the commitments allocated to them the referee doesn’t have to be from Uni. Uni can use the referees email list to ask for referees to cover commitments. Uni to contact Andy about referees exam to try and get some more Uni people to take and pass the exam and thus be able to referee. Lee said that some of their newly qualified referees maybe willing to referee some games for University.


The Varsity match is on Sunday 20th February. 1st team match needs a National League referee, but all the National League team, which includes all Cambridge National League referees, are playing away at Norwich that day. A referee is also needed for the 2nd team match, but they don’t have a National League referee. Uni will ask Oxford if they will accept a referee who’s not a National League referee for the first team match. Uni to use the referees email list to ask for referees for the Varsity matches.


6) Date and time of next meeting

Monday 21st February 7.45 at the Penny Ferry (Pike and Eel), Chesterton