MINUTES CKA MEETING SUNDAY MARCH 20th. Held at the Penny Ferry, 7.30pm
Present: Ian Birch-Machin (chair), Liv Armitage, Andy Rutter, Mike Northfield, Alex Beavan, Rick Baldwin (minutes)
Apologies: Vanessa Bull, Nick Armitage, Sam Rayner, Laura Neaves. Scott Christie Steve Moratti
Matters Arising
Brought up by Scott in an e-mail (to be attached), replied to by Andy:
a) University reffing allocations. We are not sure if Ionut is here next year but there are 2 university girls who want to do the exam. New refs will not be expected to ref Division One matches.
b) Knights: Knights I and II players will be asked to sit the exam over the summer but not necessarily with a view to taking up reffing commitments next season, allowing a period of grace of 2 years.
Andy will arrange a time for the exam for Uni / Knights. The last reffing exam was in December which 12 people sat.
c) BKA practically-qualified refs. At present we have: Andy Rutter, Hugh Barker, Simon Jackson, Dave Bate, Scott Christie. The BKA ruling that each club has to have BKA qualified refs has not yet been enforced but is likely to be implemented. Several people have received an email questionnaire from Alan Lewis (chairman of BKA referees’ committee) enquiring as to their intentions regarding the practical qualification test: those passing the BKA theory paper have three years from date of passing in which to complete the practical, after which time the theory qualification will lapse.
However Graham Crafter has refused a request for inspections to take place at the BKA under-23s so they will have to take place at summer tournaments. If someone passes, it doesn’t automatically mean they will be asked to ref National League matches but Andy will contact Alan L. to ask about the BKA’s intentions/aims.
d) Improve refs’ training? Andy has been in touch with Alan L. to offer an
improvers’ reffing course for CKA refs as recently held in Central England
and Norwich: with regards improvers course AL suggests 3 weeks before any practical, so we would be looking at something either mid May or early July to tie in with summer tournaments.
However, we must also remember that the IKF may implement some rule
changes before next season.
Liv wondered whether the refs’ e-mail forum could be used to ask for help / advice / support but it was felt that reffing questions were hard to visualise in written form as shown by the recent discussion on travelling.
Andy isn’t at present informed by clubs as to when their newly-qualified refs are actually reffing. Andy requests that the reffing officer of each club inform him of all reffing appointments.
e) Alex B. was given the IKF reffing DVD and will (try to) make a copy for each club.
The CKA strategy is: to look to having more practically-qualified referees and to encourage CKA Division One refs to be BKA practically-qualified. Andy will approach current referees with regard to this.
Scott has been in direct contact with Alan Lewis but he is requested to go through the CKA committee/reffing officer in future.
Officers Reports:
Chair The CKA tournament is on Saturday July 23rd. Ian has provisionally booked Netherhall from 9 to 5 (at c£15 per hour). Last year it cost £88 for the day so we may get it cheaper. We will be able to do a bbq. Ian will confirm the booking. Chesterton is also available but at £37 an hour.
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer Mike apologised for his recent absences. He handed out/explained the current balance sheet. (To be attached). Mike also handed out invoices for league fees and also for the advertisement (only Kites have paid!). Mike needs to be informed of any (reffing) fines so that he can send out invoices. He will contact Nick/Howard this time.
Press and Publicity Only one article recently: on the Varsity results. The CENews has ignored articles (on Andy’s 100 NL appearances and on Junior tournaments) and NL / local league reports.
CPO Not present but a report (to be attached) was read out. Sam has to a) press the BKA for the free number for disclosure checking as it will cost £10 if the CKA go through the Sports Council b) check if the BKA would cover the cost if the CKA is charged and c) check if the CKA can apply for their own number.
Junior Development
a).There was a junior tournament after the recent City Council korfball project: 13 teams (7 schools). Special thanks to Reda for coaching at 8 schools and to Simon and Janine. The City Council will continue to help to keep korfball going in primary schools.
b). There will (hopefully) be a Junior CitySport course (under-11s) at Perse in April which Sijbren will take. Coaches are paid £10 an hour: Liv will invoice the Council on behalf of the CKA for the coaching.
c). Netherhall has bought some posts and size 4 balls.
d).The Cambridge Junior Tournament is on Sunday May 22nd. Steve Davis is in charge of organising helpers/support.
e). Liv has agreed with the BKA to do National Youth Day in Cambridge in 2006.
Senior Development
A report was sent about the Level 1 coaching course on May 7th which is going ahead at Impington Village College from 10-1 and 2-4. Costs are £184.65 (i.e. about £10 per head). Scott will ask the CKA to consider covering half of the costs and will be contacting clubs in the near future to confirm places.
Reffing See above
League Not present
Results Apologies but sent a report that scorecards have improved. One is missing/outstanding: City I v Phoenix I. (Rick can send the details to Nick)
Alex B: The Tigers Tournament is on June 18th. Alex asked about the pitch tapes (Howard), the spiked bases (Simon), the BBQ (Lee). There is a discount for teams with ex-Tigers. Norwich and Nottingham have expressed interest so far. Venue: tbc.
Andy: The NL (= Andy) will be running an improvers’ training course for 8 weeks from the end of April at Chesterton 8-9 pm at £25 per person. Initially open to 4 people per club.
Rick: had asked in advance if the CKA has sponsored anyone who attends the Avon Tyrrell course. Answer: not in the past two years but Mike will check past records. Scott had replied before the meeting £30 but the cost is now £500. The BKA will be contacted about a possible subsidy also.
Liv: a). Forewarned the CKA that she needs to book a coach (transport) for National Youth Day in London on July 3rd and asked the CKA to subsidise it. Every effort will be made to fill the coach up.
b). Expressed concern over Knights and finances/recruitment: have they paid any insurance? It was pointed out that Knights go outside for training from late April + (which is cheaper) and that it is hoped the under-11s will start up again after the CitySport course so Knights may build up a reserve over the summer.
c). would like to have some information/details from Scott about his plans to start up a new club and to know if/when he will consult the CKA.
Date of next meeting: Thursday 28th April at the Penny Ferry at 7.30 pm
- All coaches,
CPOs, Refs and junior team Captains need
to be disclosure checked. Disclosures cost nearly £40
each, but are free to voluntary 'workers'. We qualify as a
Voluntary organisation and therefore should get them free.
However, in order to do this we need a organisation number
from the BKA. I have contacted their CPO, and she is yet
to obtain the number. She recommended we contact the local
sports council to use their organisations number. After
contacting them i was told that they would do it, but
there would be a £10 admin fee per disclosure. Obviously
this could run into hundreds of pounds for the whole CKA.
The discussion therefore needs to be around whether we are
willing to pay for this, and who would pay (CKA, BKA,
individual clubs?). Or do we decide not to get disclosure
checks done until the BKA has their own number?
- Secondly, we need to get copies of the disclosure
checks for the people who have already been through the
process. This could cause problems for some people if they
have been checked through their employer as they may not
be able to access this information. Do we then decide to
take their word for it that they have a check? or do we
enforce another disclosure check?
Although the first decision i would expect everyone to
jump to is to wait for the BKA to obtain a number, however
most sports councils in the country apparently do not
charge an admin fee for checking local clubs, and this is
the method used by other korfball areas to obtain their
disclosures. It may take some time for the BKA to obtain
their number, so can we risk a long period of time in
which people are working/training with kids unchecked?
Sorry there is a lot of info here but clearly it needs
CKA Finances (as at 20.3.2005)
Account Balance (at 23.9.2004): £ 974.34
CKA £ 805.11
Knights £ 169.23
In: £ 72.00 City Sport Fees
£ 56.00 Junior Inter-Area Match Fees
£ 35.00 National Korfball Week Advertising Contribution
£1,086.50 Knights Training and Match Fees
Out: £ 499.63 National Korfball Week Advertising costs
£ 55.00 National Korfball Week Expenses
£ 61.13 Nick Armitage (Printing/Postage – Referee Cards)
£ 20.00 Bank Charge
£ 49.50 Perse School (Knights hire fees – September 2004)
£ 389.50Perse School (Knights hire fees – October 2004)
£ 164.00Perse School (Knights hire fees – November 2004)
£ 123.00Perse School (Knights hire fees – December 2004)
£ 287.00Perse School (Knights hire fees – January 2005)
Account Balance: £ 575.08
CKA £ 332.35
Knights £ 242.73
Email from scott
I'm afraid I can't make Sunday's meeting
The course on the 7th May is going ahead. It will run from 10-1 and then
2-4 at Impington Village college. The total costs are 184.65, and so if it
is full (16 for course and 3 learning how to run it. This seems likely
from response) it will be 10 pounds each.
I think the CKA should consider paying some of this and I would like to
charge 5 pounds per person i.e. cover about half the costs
I will be asking clubs to commit to the costs in a couple of weeks if they
want to book places
As for the reffing, this can be discussed without me:
Situation with uni - are we going to make them referee their full
allocation next season (bearing in mind how unhappy people are likely to
be with competely new referees doing quite a lot of match)
Knights - should they be reffing next season? Should a club get a set
period of grace e.g. 2 or 3 years before they have to ref? Should some of
them have to sit the theory exam, say, a year beforehand?
How can we encourage people to get BKA qualified - should it be enforced
in some way e.g. you have to be bka qualified to ref 1st division
How can we improve training for existing referees. At the moment some of
them get no feedback for far too long. A practical course would obviously
help in the short term but it would be good to have a more structured
We need to find some way of copying the reffing DVD - I have asked Howard
if he can do it