Laura (lions)
Alex (tigers)
Sam (lions)
Sam was contacting the BKA CPO but found it impossible. She emailed the BKA Secretary to get disclosure number but there was no response. She was yet to speak to the CRB but she is on the job though. Further information was revealed concerning the imminent appointment of a new CPO at the BKA AGM as the BKA themselves have been experiencing problems.
Improver’s course to be undertaken this Sunday at Kelsey Kerridge…so far 11/12 people have signed up. Intention to run a similar course in September.
The Level 1 coaching course went well. Need to get money off people from clubs. Everyone passed.
University varsity matches were mentioned in the papers, as well as the National League results for April and May. However, the Cambridge Evening News is 3 weeks behind reporting, Rick is trying his best. Articles have been sent to the BKA magazine…should be out in three weeks.
Survey to be sent out to clubs to review the season.
Query put forward by Andy Rutter regarding why P3 only had 7 players for this important match where T3 had to win by 14 clear goals to win the league…T3 won 16-2. Phoenix had a number of games where they played a player short and it was questioned why Phoenix had 4 teams in the first place when they evidently lacked the depth in squad. Andy also said that finding it difficult to field a 4th team could be understandable, yet there shouldn’t be a problem fielding a 3rd team. Howard Laffling stressed the point that Phoenix have always tried to get a full team out but have found people’s commitment difficult. With the 1st and 2nd teams there isn’t a problem, yet there is always a problem with the 3rd and 4th teams. Ian Birch-Machin suggested that Phoenix review the numbers for their squads in future.
Complaint concerning 2 matches that took place at Littleport Lions. 3 issues were raised.
1) The Phoenix referee was not paid.
An email was sent to the two Lions Captains requesting payment last week but there was no response. Lee Matthews do not refuse to pay the referee at the end of the two matches, he was quoted as saying “if you come up here and ref like that next year, then you will not get paid”.
Lee offered to pay the £10 fee. Howard Laffling received it on behalf of the Phoenix referee.
2) The assignment of referees.
Howard Laffling commented that it was up to the clubs to assign the referees for the season but some referees find it difficult to referee particular matches. Can teams dictate who can or can’t referee a particular match….Teams do not have this right. It is difficult as it is to get referees out to attend matches. It was suggested that clubs could approach the Referee Officer beforehand to offer an alternative referee. However, clubs have to abide by the CKA. If a referee is assigned, the match goes ahead. If there are any issues concerning the match, they have to be forwarded to the Referee Officer, Andy Rutter.
3) The verbal abuse and behaviour of the Littleport Lions’ Coaches, Players and Supporters.
Ian Birch-Machin spoke to Peter Allen concerning the disciplinary measures adhered to by the BKA. In relation to this incident, Ian had received a number of complaints from other CKA players concerning the behaviour of Lions.
One incident mentioned was concerning a Tigers player who was injured. and Lions players stopped the game. A Lions supporter wanted the game to carry on and two Tigers players approached the spectator and confronted her, it was then that inappropriate language was used by the spectator..
With regards to spectators, the home team/club is responsible. The referee can approach the home team captain to control the spectators.
Liv Armitage commented that she received abuse while refereeing at Littleport. Referees dread games where they are receiving abuse from both sides…this subsequently leads them to cause more mistakes. Liv suggested that teams need to be moulded into playing the game more, rather than arguing.
On the issue of yellow and red cards, Ian stated that a referee can give a yellow if they are being criticised and if behaviour is deemed to be inappropriate...abuse is not allowed. Howard Laffling asked for the text received from Peter Allen to be minuted, however, nothing has been received.
Ian is to send out an email to all the clubs about the yellow and red card policies
National League produce assessment forms for referees to fill out concerning the teams that they referee. The CKA could follow suit. Teams could have scorecards that assess the ability of the referee during that particular game.
Overall, the concerns aired are to be forwarded to the BKA. Littleport Lions were informed that their behaviour has to improve and that the CKA will not tolerate any further complaints that they receive in the future. Lee Matthews commented that he will speak to the club, however he stated that the standards of referees needs to be improved dramatically as the current level is considerably poor. Lee mentioned that it has taken this episode to get the refereeing standard to be addressed and improved.
Date set for Saturday 23rd July, Netherhall Upper School. 930am registration, 10am start. Cost: £24 for the 1st team, £16 for the 2nd team.
Clubs were assigned various roles.
Food/BBQ: Tigers/Ian Birch-Machin
Pitch set-up: Phoenix/Knights
Running Desk: Lions
Fixtures: Howard Laffling
Clear up: City
Publicity: Rick
Avon Tyrell – summer coaching course. Would the CKA subsidise a City player to attend the week-long course? Carla from City was asked to forward the letter that she sent to the BKA asking for sponsorship to the CKA as well.
Lee Matthews was asked if he could speak to the BKA about promoting it more. It was agreed that the CKA would offer Carla £50 and City will match that to aid her on the course. A question was raised as to whether in future, the CKA should have a fund specifically to help fund people on courses.
City-Sport was cancelled as no-one showed up.
The BKA u23 National Championships in Cambridge was successful. Cambridge came 7th.
Lee Mathhews asked that each club should have a first aid kit…only Knights and Tigers are known to be without one. City presumably use the Kelsey Kerridge facility.
Nick Armitage stated that the results of the season have been passed on to the BKA.
Liv Armitage raised a concern with regards to a need for development at Knights. Could the club receive any help from the CKA Development officer/s? The club could do with help rather than face competition for new players with the possible start-up of a new club under Scott Christie. Scott suggested that he will help with advice and put some time in if Knights approach him.
Sian and Joey from University are to undertake a referee course.