CKA Minutes 1st November,2004
Present: Ian Birch-Machin, Liv Armitage, Scott Christie, Mike Northfield, Darren Payne, Rick Baldwin, Laura Neaves, Howard Laffling, Lee Matthews, Steve (Knights).
Apologies: Nick Armitage, Andy Rutter
Minutes of last meeting were agreed
The Chairs Report Ian mentioned the CPO Officer for the CKA and handed out copies of the duties.
Treasurers Report Mike reported that he had paid the ₤500 to the Cambridge Evening News for the Korfball Week advertisements. It was agreed that all clubs will be invoiced for £35 (including Kites) with the exception of Littleport Lions, to cover some of this cost.
Fixtures Officer Howard reported that everything was ok.
Results Officer Nick said that the score cards were not being completed and refs details were being left off.
Press Officer - Rick handed out copies of newspaper cuttings that mentioned Knights and the results of CKA League and National League. Scott also mentioned City Sport may need coaches to undergo CPO checks, but Rick though that making the courses 18+ would solve the problem Rick will confirm.
Senior Development Scott had nothing to report. Laura suggested arranging a meeting of all club development officers.
Junior Development - Liv informed us that the U.11s folded and only the U.16s were training. Liv and Knights are working together for re-development. Sjibren and Mineka are willing to coach again. Also Liv has entered teams into the Inter-area competitions at U.9s, U.11s, U.13s, U.15s and U.19s.
Liv also informed the CKA that Sam Rayner of Lions has accepted the role of the CKA CPO Officer.
Agenda Items
Ian sent all members a copy of the BKA Disciplinary Regulations received from Graham Crafter, regarding the issue of yellow and red cards in area competitions.
CKA posts that were being used by Kites to go to Chesterton.
Liv to compile a CKA stock list of all their equipment.
Team shirts/colours all clubs to be informed that they must play in the same colours, referees to add comments regarding this on match result cards.
Public Liability Insurance will be ₤100 for ₤5,000,000 cover from the BKA.
Lee to check Lions Insurance on U.14s playing in adult league games.
Scott clubs not allowed to vote on squad lists. A vote was held 7 for, none against and 2 abstained. Motion was carried.
Scott proposed that, for existing policies, the constitution should change so that more than half the people present need to be in favour (rather than a straight majority as present) for the change to be passed. This should hopefully prevent things changing as often if a lot of people abstain. The proposal was passed.
Scott re e-mail voting postponed until next meeting.
Next meeting will be Thursday 9th December 7.30 pm at the Pike & Eel.