MINUTES CKA MEETING SEPTEMBER 23rd 2004. Held at the Boot, Histon, 8.35pm


Present: Ian Birch-Machin (chair), Kevin White, Reda Ibn-Tahaikt, Liv Armitage, Nick Armitage, Andy Rutter, Mike Northfield, Howard Laffling, Alex Beavan, Laura Neaves, Lee Matthews, Scott Christie, Rick Baldwin (minutes)

Apologies: Dave Bate, Zareh Langridge, Steve Moratti

Officers Reports:

Chair                                       Nothing to report                      

Secretary                               Vacant


It was agreed that Darren Payne should be approached regarding the auditing of the CKA finances.

Mike N. handed out the treasurer’s monthly report with explanations (e.g. of the transfers from Knights to the BKA). Account balance: £974.34

Liv stressed the importance of spending money on junior equipment and asked for better communication amongst the committee about expenditure.

Liv explained the situation regarding the BKA and Club School Link. Frank Sieber has different recollections about what he agreed with Liv regarding the deadline and payment (£80). He will however approach the BKA to explain the situation and (hopefully) refund the CKA. The BKA will not be supporting Club School Link in future and will be expecting local coaches to take over.

*It was agreed that the CKA would discuss how to operate Club School Link nearer the time.

*It was agreed that committee members should try to notify the committee by e-mail in advance of any large expenses.

*It was agreed that the minutes of Junior Development meetings should be distributed to the CKA committee.

Andy wondered whether any money could be collected from schools for the hire of posts. It was decided that this was unlikely as primary schools in particular had low sports budgets


Senior Development 

As Lee had resigned, he had little to report but reminded the new officers of events such as the Histon Festival.           


Junior Development

A Primary School League (6 or 7 schools) is being set up and will lead to the BKA schools competition.

Knights Juniors: Simon Jackson has left as Knights under-13s coach to start juniors at Chesterton on behalf of City.            Sijbren Otto will very soon be giving up as Knights under-11s coach. The under-15s team is strong and has re-entered the league and a Knights Seniors will also be entering but there is only a small committee of 3 members. The loss of the coaches makes Knights Seniors fragile and the conflict of junior school teams v Knights was discussed.

Knights have their AGM on Sunday 26th September which may clarify the situation.

*It was agreed that the CKA should try to help develop the under-15s and the Seniors as a new club but that under-11s and -13s should be encouraged to play at/for their schools which could lead to an inter-area team for BKA competitions.

*It was agreed that school teachers should be encouraged to come to club training (the question of the quality of the coaching at new schools was raised by Scott) and that clubs should decide a policy regarding free training for teachers who actively promote korfball in their schools (as already practised by Tigers and City).


Child Protection Officer

Clubs were reminded that if they have any under-18s they need to make sure coaches are approved/vetted and that there is a CPO present at training.


League Fixtures Officer

The League structure was discussed: 3 divisions were proposed with either 6/7/7 or 7/7/6 teams in divisions 1/2/3.  There were requests from Phoenix 2 (loss of 3 top players) to be in Division 2 and from Kites 1 (only one team this season) to be placed in Division 2.

*The voting decided for 7/7/6 with Phoenix 2 in division one.

* The committee voted to scrap play-offs at the end of the season.


D1    C1, L1, P1, P2, T1, T2, U1   play each team 3 times, 18 games per team
D2    C2, K1, L2, P3, T3, T4, U2   play each team 3 times, 18 games per team
D3    C3, KN1, KN2, L3, L4, P4     play each team 3 times, 15 games per team


Results Officer            Nothing to report


Reffing Officer

Andy attended a BKA referees meeting on Saturday 18th September to discuss new IKF rules. In BKA matches this season (National League, Cup, Inter-area) any heavy infringement will result in the free pass being taken from the penalty spot. The IKF is expected to ratify this change at the end of the 2004/2005 season.

Andy will be sending out e-mails soon to advise clubs and referees of their obligations.

Scott reminded Andy that having passed the theory exam, a lot of new referees (c.8?) have to have a practical session. Andy will arrange this.


Coaching Officer            Nothing to report


Press Officer 

The Cambridge Evening News published the report on the Cambridge Tournament in August with a photo and there had been short reports leading up to the tournament and to National Korfball Week. 

Sarah Clark from the Government Office for the East of England had requested a 500-word essay on korfball for publication in their September newsletter. Written and sent by Rick.




Rick had received a letter from Cambridge City Council regarding a change in the organisation of CitySport. There is a meeting at Cherry Hinton Village Centre on Tuesday 12th October at 6.30pm. Scott  and Laura  as the new Development Officers agreed to try to attend.


National Korfball Week feedback

There were 3 CKA events (with Dave Bate pushed into overall control):

Saturday 11th on Parkers Piece (City): a korfball demonstration with flyers handed out.

Wednesday 15th at Kelsey Kerridge (Kites): beginners’ session.

Attendance was “abysmal” but Sue Carr had got a radio station presenter to attend

Thursday 16th at CRC (Phoenix): 7 people attended.


*It was agreed that the newspaper advert hadn’t succeeded and that there should be better publicity of any future events and better distribution of posters/flyers.

*It was felt that the BKA hadn’t notified areas of the event very well or with enough notice. Lee agreed to go back to the BKA to request better and more reliable e-mail communication of any future events.


Andy: In the CKA 10-year plan there is a proposal that Cambridge should enter a reserve National League side. As there are 20 in the squad this season it was felt that was now viable. The reserve side can be operated in the same way as the first team. The costs will be the same (£130) but the NL sides are self-funded anyway. A hall could be hired for 3 hours for 2 games. But this will raise NL refereeing commitments.

*The BKA will require a letter of application from the CKA before the end of January 2005.


Lee: The BKA have vacancies for a general secretary, a senior international team manager and an international co-ordinator. If these positions are not filled, the BKA will not be able to fulfil its national and international commitments. There will be a BKA EGM in November especially if no general secretary can be found. (There are 8 meetings a year and Graham Crafter, the outgoing secretary, and the new paid administrator will be able to assist any new person).


Scott raised the subject of Lions matches being on Friday evenings. Lee/Laura explained that they had unfortunately lost the Sunday slot but that it might be possible to revert to Sundays in January. Matches would be from 8.30. The possibility of having double matches and one referee was suggested.


Squad Lists: Clubs were reminded that squad lists have to be ratified and that University and Lions had so far put forward lists. The deadline is Wednesday October 6th.  A club has

to name its best players in the top four so discussion of the named Lions players ensued (e.g. Steve Haworth and Lucy Northfield) and Lee, as Lions’ coach, explained his decisions.

Howard proposed there should be a clear ratification procedure: a club should submit its squad list, the CKA committee members should ratify or ask the club to re-submit the list with reasons.

* Howard would send out a formal proposal of an established procedure.


Meeting ended at 11.10 pm.

Next Meeting: Monday 1st November, 7.30 at the Pike and Eel, Chesterton.