CKA AGM MINUTES SEPTMEBER 23rd 2004. Held at The Boot, Histon, 7.45 pm


Present: Ian Birch-Machin (chair), Kevin White, Reda Ibn-Tahaikt, Liv Armitage, Nick Armitage, Andy Rutter, Mike Northfield, Howard Laffling, Alex Beavan, Laura Neaves, Lee Matthews, Scott Christie, Rick Baldwin (minutes)

Apologies: Dave Bate, Zareh Langridge, Steve Moratti

Officers Reports: It was advised to consult the minutes of past meetings for officers’ reports. (On the CKA website:

Treasurer: Mike N. later handed out the treasurer’s summary of the year.

Balance at bank 23/9/2004: £805.11.

The newspaper advert (c£500) is not included. Mike has reminded City Council about paying for CitySport (£72). Liv is still chasing the BKA for refund of Club School Link (£80).

Election of Officers:

Chair                                        Ian Birch-Machin (re-elected)

Secretary                                  Remains vacant

Treasurer                                  Mike Northfield (re-elected)

Senior Development                Laura Neaves and Scott Christie*

Junior Development                Liv Armitage (re-elected)

Child Protection Officer  Liv Armitage (temporary)

       Liv was advised to contact Andrew Sills (Lions / teacher at Ely) as a potential replacement

League Fixtures Officer            Howard Laffling (re-elected)

Results Officer              Nick Armitage (re-elected)

Reffing Officer              Andy Rutter (re-elected)

Coaching Officer              Scott Christie* (re-elected)

Press Officer                            Rick Baldwin (re-elected)

* Two senior development officers were initially elected but it was later agreed that Scott Christie should be officially re-elected as Coaching Officer in order to retain voting rights but that his role would be more concerned with development.

Lee Matthews has moved to the BKA committee and thus resigned as CKA development officer


It was voted unanimously that club subscriptions for 2004/2005 should not be changed.


Clubs were advised to check their BKA insurance already as the new treasurer had made a mistake.


It was suggested that there should be a CKA inventory of assets. Liv intends to do so for junior equipment. (No formal decision was made regarding senior equipment).


The committee was informed/reminded that the BKA offer £50 for a new team (i.e. with newly-registered players) entering a league.


It was announced that the website had had c.3,000 hits this past year.


It was uncertain whether the Child Protection Officer is included in the CKA constitution. Scott agreed to check.


Next CKA AGM: September 2005


Cambridgeshire Korfball Association

Treasurer's Report



Balance at bank 8.9.2003                                -                               £1,663.93

Balance at bank 23.9.2003                    -            £   805.11



Event/Activity Breakdown


1.      League



            League Fees                                     £430

            League Fines                                                £138

                                                                                                Total Income £568


            Stationery  & stamps (fixtures & results)            £29.40

            Insurance 04-05                                            £100

            Missed Match Fees (Phoenix)                   £78

                                                                                    Total Expenses £207.40

                                                                                    PROFIT              £360.60



2.      East Anglia Cup September 2003



            Team Entry Fees                             £200

                                                                                    Total Income £200


            Hall fees                                         £100

                                                                                    Total Expenses £100                                                                                 PROFIT            £100



3.      CKA Senior Tournament August 2004



            Team Entry Fees                             £345

                                                                                    Total Income £345


            Field Hire                                        £88.13

            Trophies                                           £30

First Aid donation                                    £60

                                                                                    Total Expenses £178.13

                                                                                    PROFIT £166.87



4.      CKA Junior Tournament



            Entry fees                                         £350

            Food Sales, etc.                                           £150.79

                                                                                    Total Income £500.79


            Pitch hire                                         £75

            Prizes                                                £7.96

            Food                                                   £115.25

                                                                                    Total Expenses £198.21

                                                                                    PROFIT             £302.58

5.      BKA Junior Tournaments
Inter Area –National Championships - National Youth Day



Inter Area/National
Championships match fees            £170.63

            NYD coach fees                  £296

                                                                                    Total Income £466.63


            Inter Area entry fees                 £30

            Inter Area hall fee              £235

            National championships

entry fees                             £20

            National championships

hall fees                             £70

            NYD Transport                               £475

                                                                                    Total Expenses £830

                                                                                    LOSS                 £363.37



6.      Club School Link



            Coaches Expenses               £160

            Club Entertainment Expenses            £40.15

                                                                                    Total Expenses £200.15

                                                                                    LOSS                 £200.15




7.      Miscellaneous



            Outstanding Fees Owed            £24.50

                                                                                    Total Income £24.50


            Website renewal fee                   £14.98

            Postage                                              £5.09

            Airhorn                                              £11.48

            Introductory Handbook

for Schools                                   £38.30

            Junior Equipment                £1,140

            BKA Fine (AGM)               £25

BKA Affiliation                              £15

                                                                                    Total Expenses £1,249.85

                                                                                    LOSS                           £1,225.35





INCOME                   £2104.92

EXPENSES               £2963.74

Loss                                 £858.82