CKA AGM Minutes

<Thursday 13th July 2006>





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Laura Neaves)

Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)

Fixtures (Vacant)

Results (Nick Armitage)

Juniors (Liv Armitage)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Lee Matthews)

Publicity (Vacant)

CPO (Nick Evans)

Development (Vacant)


City Rep [ Rick Baldwin ]

Phoenix Rep [ Adam Twiss ]

Lions Rep [ Sara Neaves ]

Tigers Rep [Reda Ibn-Tahaikt ]

University Rep [ ]

Nicola Doak

Alex Beavan


Thanks to all committee members for last years work and a special thanks to Ian for his many years of service on the CKA




Corinne has audited the accounts up to 2005. There is approximately £1000.00 in the bank see attached report.




Apologies for no report.






As this was my first year as the CKA Coaching Officer, I have learned that the BKA are slow in their actions to help and fulfill their promises! (Having been a part of them, you would have thought I would have known!). We have 9 people – 1/3rd of their way through level 2 coaching, and I am still chasing Graham Box to complete the course. We have 12 that have passed level 1.

Andy Rutter is taking another improvers course for players this year and I know that those whom attended last year gained a lot from it – thanks Andy.

This I say as Coaching Officer and not Junior Co-coordinator – I have made in-roads into 7 schools this year and had 4 teams attend National Youth Day. The level 1 coaches should follow up on some of these schools/juniors, as it is a great way of testing your skills as a coach.

If I am elected to stand again, I intend to introduce more coaching courses at levels 1 and 2 and also specialist clinics for coaches that want more technical information.

I suppose as Coaching Officer, I should mention that Littleport Lions are still advertising for a Club Coach should anyone be interested.



Lee mentioned that some members from Lions visited Radio Cambridge and were interviewed


Lee passed on a message from Nick that he felt there was a lack of support for this position from both the CKA and BKA.




Chair: Howard – Proposed Lee, Seconded Corinne

Secretary – Laura

Treasurer – Corinne

Fixtures Officer – Adam

Results – Nick A

Junior Development – Liv

Refereeing – Andy

Coaching – Lee

Press –


Senior Development –

These 3 places need filling, club reps to go back to their clubs to try and find suitable members to fill these positions. Howard to email BKA for some guidelines to help the CPO


2. Election of an honorary auditor:

Auditor – Darren Payne

3. Review of the development plan:

The development plan was discussed and Howard will forward an amended version of the plan when finalised.


4. League Entry Fees:


BKA fees £16 (£15)

scorecards £70 (£62)

Avon Tyrrel £100 (£75)

coaching courses £150 (£0)

Total : £336 (£152)


League fees of £35 (£40) for the first team and £15 (£25) for subsequent teams

Tigers 5 teams £95 (£140)

Phoenix 4 teams £80 (£115)

Lions 4 teams £80 (£115)

City 4 teams £80 (£115)

Uni 2 teams £50 (£65)

Total : £385 (£550)


figures in ()s last year

Suggested League Entry Fees

£35.00 – 1st team

£15.00 – Each team thereafter


5. Change to the constitution to remove National League side representative from the committee:

- A National League side representative has not attended a CKA committee meeting since January 2003.

- Cambridgeshire now has 2 National League sides.

- National League sides are already represented via their clubs (City and Tigers)

- National League sides don't directly pay any fees to the CKA

Proposed change :-


    5.1            The Association shall be administered by the Executive Committee which shall consist of:
    a)       Officers of the Association,
    b)       A representative of each full member club
c)        A representative of the National League side]

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6. Amendment to the League rules on fines for failed referee attendance when the match does not go ahead

At the moment the rules say the club responsible for providing the referee is fined £40 to cover hall costs and the referee's fee, but clearly there is no referees fee.


Proposed changes :-

    2.2.2       Where the match takes place with a stand-in referee (see 2.2.3) the fine will be £10. [which will cover the payment of a fee to the stand-in referee.  This will initially be paid by the home team and claimed back from the CKA.]

    2.2.3       Where the match doesn’t take place the fine will be £40, which will cover reimbursing the hall hire to the     home team [and paying the referee’s fee. This will initially be paid by the home team and claimed back from the CKA].

 small italic text in []s deleted

Approved Changes :-

    2.2.2       Where the match takes place with a stand-in referee (see 2.2.3) the fine will be £10. [which will cover the payment of a fee to the stand-in referee.  This will initially be paid by the home team and claimed back from the CKA.]

    2.2.3       Where the match doesn’t take place the fine will be [£40] {£45}, which will cover reimbursing the hall hire to the home team [and paying the referee’s fee. This will initially be paid by the home team and claimed back from the CKA].


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7. Change to the league rules : new status rules:

See document below.

Lee objects to any status rules being used

In favour 6

Against 1


8. Change to the league rules : development league:

See document below


9. Change to the Constitution : Number of Meetings:

5.2            The Chairperson shall call an Executive committee meeting at least [ten] {six} times per calendar year, giving at least ten days notice to all members.

small italic test in []s deleted, large bold text in {}s added.

10 meetings a year is quite a lot and insisting on this in the constitution doesn't make a lot of sense. If we want to have 10 or meetings a year, we still can.


10. Change to the League Rules: Fixtures:

See Document attached



The Cambridge City NL team asked for a loan to buy some plastics posts. The CKA have agreed to support this by way of a loan the NL team. They need to put a proposal forward to the committee.


Monday 4th September 2006 – 7.30PM @ Penny Ferry, Chesterton

NB – Clubs will need to know provisional teams for next season.

4.1      Team Composition

4.1.1       All players should be registered with the BKA as soon as possible after starting to play in the Cambridge Indoor Korfball leagues.

      1. Player Status

        1. The league season will be split into 3 equal parts – ‘status periods’. Player status will be calculated and may change on defined, publicised dates at the start/end of each part of the season.

        2. Player restrictions for the first status period of the season are based upon the last 6 matches of the previous season.

        3. Player status is calculated over the last 6 1st and 2nd team matches, this may mean some matches are included in more than one status period.

        4. Each player is only considered to have played in a match if they were on the pitch for AT LEAST half the game. (i.e. half-time substitutions mean that neither player has to include that match in their status profile)

        5. The numbers of 1st and 2nd team matches played by each player are counted.

        6. If the player has played 4 or more1st team matches then that player will have ‘1st team’ status.

        7. If the player has played less than 4 1st team matches, but 5 or more first and second team matches (added together) then that player will have ‘2nd team’ status. 

        8. All other players have no status

        9. Any player’s status can be appealed against by his or her own club. Particularly in the case of a player coming back from a short-term injury within a status period.

        10. A transferring player has their status wiped clean with immediate effect, no games from their previous club count towards their status at the next status calculation point

      2. Team Composition Rules

At each stage of the season each club will have a number of players with a status. The club will have to follow these restrictions:

Number of ‘1st team’ players allowed

Number of ‘2nd team’ players allowed

1st Team



2nd Team

Max 2


3rd Team


Max 2

Other Teams



Development league teams



4.1.4In the case of an appeal by a club the CKA must be given a minimum of 7 days to approve or deny the appeal

4.1.5Any team fielding an ineligible player shall be deemed to have lost the match and the match will be awarded to the opposition as a walkover victory.

4.1.6If both teams are short of players at the start of the game then the match may still be played if there are at least 6 pairs of matched players (i.e. same sex). If there are insufficient numbers to fulfill this criteria, the result will be declared null and void (i.e. no points will be scored by either team) and the hall and refereeing costs will be shared between the two clubs involved.


Development league rules will be a separate document, the same as the league rules except :-


    1         NON ATTENDANCE

    1.1      Match Cancellations and Rearrangements

    1.1.1       Once a match has been scheduled with the agreement of both clubs postponement of a fixture will not be allowed.

    1.1.2       If a team is unable to attend a fixture, that team must give at least 72 hours notice of the cancellation to the opposing team AND the Fixtures Officer.     Failure to attend a fixture will result in the opposing team being awarded a walkover victory for the fixture. If both teams fail to attend a fixture the result will be void, no points being awarded to either team.




    1.3      Abandonment

    1.3.1       If a match is abandoned due to circumstances for which one of the teams is responsible, the other team will be awarded a walkover victory.

    1.3.2       If a match is abandoned due to circumstances beyond the teams’ control (e.g. serious injury), if less than half the match has been played the result will be void, no points being awarded to either team.. If more than half the match has been played, the score should stand as that when the match was abandoned.

    In either of the above circumstances, the Results Officer must be informed. The Results Officer’s decision about the nature of the abandonment will be final.


    2.1      Club Responsibilities

    2.1.1   The home club will be responsible for providing referees for each fixture and any choice if more than one CKA approved referee is available

    2.1.2  The referee can be any CKA approved referee, including those from the clubs participating in the match.

    2.1.4  There can be no objections, for example from the team captains, to any CKA approved referee. A stand-in referee can be used who is not CKA approved, but this must have the approval of both team captains.

    2.2      Failed Attendance

    2.2.1       Any club not providing an appropriate, CKA approved referee to an allocated fixture will not be fined by the CKA.


    2.2.3       Where the match doesn’t take place the home team are responsible for the hall costs.



    3         LEAGUE TABLE

    3.2      Promotion and Relegation

    3.2.3 There is no promotion or relegation from the development league


    4         MATCH ISSUES

    4.1      Team Composition

    [4.1.2 ]












    [4.1.12 ]





    4.1.17 There is no restriction on who can play for a team in the development league



    5.1      Dates



    6         LEAGUE FEES

    6.1      Team Fees

    6.1.1 The league entry fees will be {£25 pending above decision on league fees} for each team a club enters into the Cambridgeshire Korfball League.

    small italic text in []s deleted. Some renumbering may be required.


9. Change to the league rules : National League and players from outside Cambridgeshire

Proposed new rules :-

    4         MATCH ISSUES

    4.1      Team Composition

    4.1.17 Eligibility of players playing in the BKA National League to play in the CKA league: If a player plays in the BKA National League for Cambridge Tigers KC during the course of a season, they may only play in the CKA league for Cambridge Tigers KC in that season.  The only exception is if they formally transfer to another club participating in the CKA league, including transferring their BKA registration, therefore barring them from further playing for Cambridge Tigers KC in the National League (and subject to clause 4 below). If a player plays in the BKA National League for Cambridge City KC (the "Composite" team) during the course of a season, they may not play in the CKA league for Cambridge Tigers KC in that season.  The only exception is if they formally transfer to Cambridge Tigers, including transferring their BKA registration, therefore barring them from further playing for Cambridge City KC in the National League (and subject to clause 4 below).


additional option 1 :-

4.1.18 A player who holds a BKA registration with a club not affiliated to the CKA, or an affiliation with a club belonging to any other national korfball association recognised by the International Korfball Federation, may not play in the CKA league.


additional option 2 :-

4.1.19  A player may not play for any other club in the CKA league in the current season until the player has discharged his/her financial responsibility to the club they are leaving.  After 31st January, a player may still transfer to a new club, but will only be eligible to play in that club's lowest team in the CKA league.


10. Changes to league rules to make fixtures officer's job easier and more tenable

********     Failure to give the required 72 hours notice to the opposition will also result in the opposing team being {awarded} [offered] a walkover victory for the fixture.     Matches should be rescheduled [by the home team] for a day no later than [the last day of the half of the season in which the game was originally to be played (see section 5.1)] {4 weeks after the original fixture date and before one week after the end of the season, whichever is earlier.} The home captain must [inform both the away team and the Fixtures Officer once a new date has been fixed.] {suggest three or more suitable dates to the Fixtures Officer, within 2 weeks of the original fixture date. The Fixtures Officer will check the dates for clashes with existing fixtures. A clash is another fixture involving the home or away team within 32 hours of the proposed date. If there are no clashes the dates will be deemed suitable and the dates will be offered to the away team by the Fixtures Officer. The away team must select one of the dates, within 48 hours, unless there are exceptional circumstances e.g. club attending Korfball tournaments all the dates. Failure to respond within 48 hours will be deemed to be acceptance of any of the dates. Inability to field a full strength team will not be considered to be a valid reason for rejecting a date.} The Fixtures Officer will then notify the home captain and the referee.


    1.1.3       If the same team agrees to and then postpones two consecutive fixtures for a match, the opposing team [may claim] {will be awarded} a walkover victory [, or elect to replay the fixture if they prefer].


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