CKA Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 10th October 2007, 7.15 pm, The Rock





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Nicola Doak)

Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)

Fixtures (Adam Twiss)

Results (Nick Armitage)

Juniors (Liv Armitage)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Lee Matthews)

Publicity (Vacant)

CPO (Brenda Matthews)

Development (Sara Neaves)


City Rep [Phil Melia ]

Phoenix Rep [ ]

Lions Rep [ ]

Tigers Rep [ ]

University Rep [Elgon Corner ]

Vikings Rep [ ]


Sara and Howard to organise first aid course – done.

Reda to produce proposal for area juniors setup - still to do.

Sara and Nicola to look into CKA end of season presentation evening –cancelled no available date for venue. Need to find trophies and pass them to the winners. Division 2 : City 2 2005/6, Tigers 3 2004/5. Development League (Division 3) : Lions 3 2005/6, Knights 1 2004/5).

Date and hall time for level 1 coaching course – still looking, need a hall for 6 hours on a Saturday or Sunday.


City, Lions, Tigers



Emailed Nikki Lloyd, BKA CPO about CRB checks.
Brenda Matthews appointed as CPO.


Nothing to report.


Accounts attached.

- Payment made to Stephen Barker AFM for Junior Korfballs
- Payment of BKA Insurance
- Cheque written for 1st part of Scorecards – given to Nick at meeting
- Still to do: Fine for missed Ref for Uni (C3 v T4 St Bedes)  Fine £45
- Still to do: Payment to City for St Bedes Hall for missed Ref
- Still to do: Invoicing CKA fees


Some fixtures changes – see email sent.


Scorecards have been handed out to Vikings (to Lee at first match of season
TIG1vTIG2) and to City & Phoenix (to Andy who reffed the PHO1vPHO2 game).
Have had no contact from or with Uni or Lions so assuming they have some
stock from last year???
Will send along more scorecards to the meeting.
One missed reffing commitment already - Uni no show for City 3 v Tigers 4
match last Sunday.

Fixtures, results, league tables, stats are all up and running on the
No signs so far of the postal strike causing any problems (phew, that was
good timing).

Invoice sent to Corinne for scorecards up to Xmas - hoping cheque will be
there at meeting to pick up – given at meeting, see treasurer's report above.


I have bought 13 size 3 balls and am in the process of buying 8 size 4 balls
to help bolster the numbers. There seems to be just enough equipment to
scrape by on as things stand until we get money from a lottery grant.

The equipment has been re-inventoried and I now have a clear list of what is
where and how much of what we have is still around. We have lost a few balls
but other equipment is all present and correct give or take a couple of
casualties. Those people borrowing balls will be advised not to take them to
tournaments - or at least to take the bare minimum to tournaments and take
extra special care to monitor their whereabouts. It is  at tournaments that
balls go astray, sadly.

I have had a poor response to emails to everyone asking for equipment on
their wish list (for the grant application)  - I think they just need a

Appointing Managers and Coaches to the inter area teams has been quite
successful. I am still needing a couple more volunteers though for the U11

I will try to set up a league of some description this season. But based on
the fact that the schools league ended up being run on a Saturday and that
Mayfield school may not be continuing with korfball (it's a bit up in the
air) I think it will be an amalgamation of schools and clubs. In which case
it will be run over a succession of weekends over the season in the form of
mini tournaments at different locations.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.

PUBLICITY (vacant):


All clubs should have staff/volunteer and code of conduct forms completed for U18s, coaches and CPOs. If any details e.g. address change then new forms need to be completed.

All clubs


In regards to Freshers week I had no reply from the uni.  Going to email again in regards to maybe putting on 'learner' sessions.



CRB checks for coaches

All coaches should be CRB checked via the BKA. Plan is for all referees to be CRB checked too. Brenda or Howard to send email with CRB check details.

Teams/divisions with a large proportion of young, inexperienced juniors.

Andy to email referees about safety responsibilities.


All clubs





Wednesday 5th December, 7.15 pm, The Rock, Cherry Hinton Road.