CKA Committee Minutes

Sunday 31st August 2008, 8 pm, Penny Ferry







Chairman (Howard Laffling)




Secretary (Jayne Muir)




Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)




Fixtures (Adam Twiss)




Results (Nick Armitage)




Senior Development (Sara Neaves)       




Junior Development (Vacant)




Refereeing (Andy Rutter)




Coaching (Lee Matthews)




Publicity (Tracey Cooper)




CPO (Janine Collier)






City Rep                                                            [Hannah Pawson]

Phoenix Rep                                                       [ ]

Lions Rep                                                          [Andrew Sills]

Tigers Rep                                                         [Reda Ibn-Tahaikt, Jess Llewellyn]

University Rep                                                    [ ]

Vikings Rep                                                        [Rob Wootton]



ACTIONS FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS:                                                                                                                              

Division 2 & 3 trophies: Lee has quotes at £30-£69 for shields and £25-£39 for cups including simple engraving (eg CKL Division 2 Champions) where he can negotiate a 10% discount. General feeling was that a shield was preferable and depending on league structure that a fresh trophy for all divisions would be appropriate.


Anglia Ruskin University: Sara will send a courtesy email about putting on ‘learner’ sessions. It was noted that there has been no previous uptake of this offer and that the ARU main sports facilities are in Chelmsford. It may be preferable to put time and resources into setting up a new club in Newmarket.


Andy to email referees about safety responsibilities at start of next season.


Junior inter-area team managers: Cambridgeshire is included in the junior inter-area competition next season.


School of Excellence: Lee has been in contact with Steve Barker and is waiting his reply.

Referee practical course: Andy to arrange a practical course.




















It was agreed by email to subsidise Counties with a grant of £75 and subsidise 50% of the level 1 coaching course : 19 attendees at £8.25 each = £156.75 It was agreed after the AGM to grant Sian Mawditt and Lucy Birch £50 each towards Avon Tyrrell.

Revised Area Development Plan submitted to the EKA

Rose and Andy Lynch wish to transfer from Tigers to City, Lucy and James Northfield are transferring from Phoenix (registered with City for NL) to Tigers





All clubs please email committee details for CKA contact list (to

Club secretaries are to be reminded to update their EKA contact details by the 15th Sept 2008. The form can be downloaded from the EKA website.

All Clubs




Accounts attached.

Funds from NL Composite Team, £1300, have been received.

Funds for NYD 2008 reimbursement for the payment of the coach have been received.





Nothing to report.





Nothing to report





EA Cup - being organised – Kelsey Kerridge were ridiculously expensive at £105/hr meaning around £70 team entry fee. Other options are arranging at UEA in Norwich (noting that some teams may have trouble with travel and childcare), holding outdoors or playing in a 1 court venue. Best option was decided to try to book UEA (£24/hr/court last year) for 28th Sept or another date.





(chair) Heather Lymburn, PE teacher at Bury St Edmunds County Upper School, has asked the CKA for assistance in starting up a school korfball team. She needs full size posts and size 5 balls. The CKA has 2 posts we can lend. The CKA’s size 5 balls already in use in schools.


Due to the possibility of setting up a new club in Newmarket, it is unsure whether it would be fair to lend the posts then demand them back. A loan up to Christmas may be possible when the CKA could have applied to the EKA for start up funds for a new club.

Reda volunteered to contact Heather to find out her plans and needs to see how the CKA could best help. Lee to contact EKA to see if they can help.













Uni have had 3 players pass their theory exam at the back end of last academic year, none had time to undergo practical assessment at that time.
On their return my priority will be to get at least one of these practically assessed. Currently Uni have George Marshall qualified to ref though I'm not sure how willing. Adam is aware

Whilst I was on holiday Lions have contacted Graham Crafter re a reffing course, he has given them 21 sept and 11th Oct as provisional dates, I would hope there would be space for other clubs to piggy-back onto this.





Practical assessments for the recent Level 1 course need to be arranged for Phoenix and Lions. Phoenix suggested the 15th September at their normal training session.











Post meeting note : Janine's report was sent out by email prior to the meeting, but was inadvertantly omitted from the agenda, so was not presented at the meeting.

1. I have prepared a CKA CP database based on information given to me by clubs to date. It is, however, possible, that some of this information is out of date as most clubs have recently had their AGMs and there is likely to have been some change in each club's committee officers.

2. I have "audited" Vikings CP status. Most of their paperwork is in place. I've highlighted deficiencies in yellow.

3. I have "audited" City's CP status. Most of their paperwork is in place. I've highlighted deficiencies in yellow.


The main problem right now is I have been informed by Nikki Lloyd that there is a problem with the CRB processing the BKA Disclosure applications. Therefore, whilst I am still happy to sign of applications, I cannot actually send them off for processing until this is resolved. Notwithstanding, the BKA position at present, I wish to remind clubs that they ensure that CRB disclosure applications are nevertheless completed for all volunteers, coaches, and referees and the identity documents signed off in good time before the start of the season, otherwise clubs will start falling foul of the requirements that all referees are CRB checked.


Next steps:

1. I would be grateful if each club could please check the database attached, update & amend where necessary and return this to me by Friday 5th September 2008.

2. I need to audit Tigers, Phoenix and Lions' paperwork at some stage in the near future. Tigers - please can I do yours on Wednesday 3rd September?




City: 4+1
Phoenix: 3+1
Lions: 3+1
Vikings: 4


Tigers had only communicated an unofficial team number before deadline due to lack of chairman (now filled). No official entry from Uni.


This results in exactly the same teams as last year. Whatever the division structure, the ordering of the teams from last year is:
C1, T1, P1, L1, C2, U1, T2, L2, P2, V1, C3,T3, P3, V2, T4, L3, C4, V3, V4

Option 1: 8/11 (same as last season)
Div 1: C1, T1, P1, L1, C2, U1, T2, L2   (14 games)
Div 2: P2, V1, C3, T3, P3, V2, T4, L3, C4, V3, V4   (20 games)

Option 2: 8/6/5
Div 1: C1, T1, P1, L1, C2, U1, T2, L2 (14 games)
Div 2: P2, V1, C3, T3, P3, V2 (15 games)
Div 3: T4, L3, C4, V3, V4           (12 games)

Option 3: 9/10
Div 1: C1, T1, P1, L1, C2, U1, T2, L2, P2              (16 games)
Div 2: V1, C3, T3, P3, V2, T4, L3, C4, V3, V4        (18 games)

Option 4: 8+8+8 (scrapping development league)
Div 1: C1, T1, P1, L1, C2, U1, T2, L2
Div 2: P2, V1, C3, T3, P3, V2, T4, L3
Div 3: C4, V3, V4, C5, L4, P4, U2, T5

Option 5: 6/7/6
Div 1: C1, T1, P1, L1, C2, U1          (15 games)
Div 2: T2, L2, P2, V1, C3, T3, P3,   (18 games)
Div 3: V2, T4, L3, C4, V3, V4          (15 games)

Development League:
The same 5 teams results in a a development league of P4, T5, C5, L4 and U2
Each team will play each other 3 times, for a 12 game season (as per this season)

Three further variations of options 2 and 4 were suggested by City (2b), Lions (2c) and Phoenix (4b).


Option 2b: 7/7/5
Div 1: C1, T1, P1, L1, C2, U1, T2,            (12 games)
Div 2: L2, P2, V1, C3, T3, P3, V2            (12 games)
Div 3: T4, L3, C4, V3, V4                        (12 games)


Option 2c: 8/6/5
Div 1: C1, T1, P1, L1, C2, U1, T2, L2       (14 games)
Div 2: P2, V1, C3, T3, P3, V2                  (15 games)
Div 3: T4, L3, C4, V3, V4                        (14 games)


Option 4b: 8+8+8 (allowing 'Development Teams' in Div 3)
Div 1: C1, T1, P1, L1, C2, U1, T2, L2       (14 games)

Div 2: P2, V1, C3, T3, P3, V2, T4, L3       (14 games)
Div 3: C4, V3, V4, C5, L4, P4, U2, T5      (14 games)


It was felt important to keep 8 teams in Division 1 as something for teams to strive for. Also that the idea of the development league should not be lost. A vote was taken between options 2c and 4b with 4b winning by 8-1 votes with no abstentions.


Specific league rule text updates need to be drafted for development teams for adoption at an EGM in September, before the season starts.






















































City can borrow the green and white CKA shirts for away SERL games this season where the other teams are in red.



The senior development committee (Sara, Lee, Nick Doak so far) is being set up with a date for an initial open meeting to be set.



It was noted that not all clubs were represented at the AGM which makes it difficult to make decisions which affect all clubs. A draft proposal was circulated with various measures to penalise clubs for not sending representatives to General Meetings.


See attached document. For clarity, attendance at a General Meeting (including the AGM) is 2 voting representatives only from each club, Executive Committee members are not required in addition. There was support for a 6 point penalty for a club’s first team in the following CKL season should this not happen. The specific text will be drafted for presentation at a future EGM or AGM. Cambridge University korfball club were noted as an exception and will only be expected to attend General Meetings during ‘term-time’.


To comply with this, increasing the notice period was felt desirable. Therefore, a provisional date of the 26th July 2009 was set for the next AGM.


Attendance at Executive Committee meetings is also under review and a proposal will be drafted for non-attendance.
















Date of next meeting is Sunday 21st September 2008, at the Penny Ferry. This meeting will be immediately preceded by a short EGM to change the league rules to allow development teams.






Proposal :Attendance at General Meetings


The problem we currently have is that it is very difficult to find a date for the AGM where everyone is in attendance. The matter was particularly highlighted at the last AGM where nobody from Cambridge City attended.


Reading the constitution, voting attendance at General Meetings is up to 2 representatives per club plus the Chairman to give a casting vote. Therefore, if understood correctly, the Executive Committee does not actually have to be there (except to give reports and restand for election). So the AGM could be run where the last AGM minutes are adopted, the current Executive Committee give their reports then resign their positions (except the Chairman), and become club representatives with the officers of the Executive Committee being elected as the last item of the meeting.


This, therefore, means that each club need only send 2 representatives to the AGM who do not have to be from or in addition to the Executive Committee. So the proposal is how to achieve this, by punitive action if required. Cambridge University Korfball Club will be dealt with as an exception below.




Any Full Member Club who fails to send 2 (voting) representatives to a General Meeting, without offering reasonable explanation in the judgment of the majority at the General Meeting, shall,


(A) if the General Meeting is the AGM, with the exception of Cambridge University Korfball Club if the AGM is outside term-time,


1.      be deemed to have resigned their membership of the CKA as of the date of the AGM and will not be allowed to rejoin until the following AGM.


[This means they will not be allowed to enter teams into the CKL or Cambridgeshire Counties or Inter-Area teams. They will still be able to do EKA competitions ie regional/national league if they are affiliated to the EKA.]


2.      not be allowed to enter any teams into the following CKL season


3.      only be allowed to enter teams into the CKL Development League for the following CKL season


4.      not be allowed to enter any players into the Cambridgeshire Counties or Inter-Area teams of the following CKL/EKA season.


5.      have 6-10 points docked from each team in a non-development division prior to the start of the following CKL season.


6.      pay a fine as a special levy per registered club player so that it affects everyone in the club ie £1 or £2 per player not to come from the ordinary funds of the club.


[Interesting as this makes it completely open to the offending club that it is everyone’s responsibility to attend meetings, not just somebody else’s.]


7.      pay a fine, 2 x £25 for each representative not sent, but can come from club funds.


As the AGM takes place out of the CKL season, training is deemed not to be a suitable reason for non-attendance. Although it is obviously better if a date is chosen not to co-incide with clubs’ normal training days. Cambridge City should make a choice if Tuesday or Thursday is their normal training day.




(B) if the General Meeting is an EGM, with the exception of Cambridge University Korfball Club if the EGM is outside term-time,


1.      have 6-10 points docked from each team in a non-development division at the date of the EGM, or following CKL season if after the end of the season.


[Games played would still count towards player status.]


2.      pay a fine as a special levy per registered player so that it affects everyone in the club ie £1 or £2 per player not to come from the ordinary funds of the club.


[Interesting as this makes it completely open to the club that it is everyone’s responsibility to attend meetings, not just somebody else’s.]


3.      pay a fine, 2 x £25 for each representative not sent, but can come from club funds.


Training, whether in or out of season, is deemed not to be a suitable reason for non-attendance. Although it is obviously better if it is chosen not to co-incide with clubs’ normal training days.