CKA Committee Minutes

Thursday 8th January 2009, 7.30 pm, The Boot, Histon





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Vacant)

Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)

Fixtures (Adam Twiss)

Results (Nick Armitage)

Senior Development (Sara Neaves)

Junior Development (Andy Dunlop)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Lee Matthews)

Publicity (Tracey Cooper)

CPO (Janine Collier)


City Rep [Lucy Harrison, Antony Proietti]

Phoenix Rep [Jayne Muir, Gary Cole]

Lions Rep [Andrew Sills, Laura Neaves]

Tigers Rep [Liv Armitage, Reda Ibn-Tahaikt]

University Rep []

Vikings Rep []


Andy R to arrange a refereeing practical course – chased EKA again, still no response.

Sara to setup senior development committee and set a date for an initial open meeting - done.

All clubs to try and find a volunteer secretary.

Saturday 19th September was set for the EA Shield for next season. Sara to email the NKA.

Howard to email U11 and U13 National Championships and junior inter-area competition dates to the CKA - done.

Howard to email job description and junior section of Area Development Plan to CKA - done.

Lee to purchase 3 shields, 18”-20”, including engraving, for £210 – Lee needs to know previous league champions for engraving of summary of previous winners. Nick A has 2000 onwards and will email to Lee. Howard to check CKA paper records. Hugh Barker may know champions prior to 2000'


All clubs

Nick A




I re-hosted the CKA website. Phoenix were hosting it for free, but can no longer do so. The new hosting will cost about £16 a year. The first 3 months are free.
Emily Dunnett (Vikings) was approved to play in the CKA League by email.
Andy Dunlop (Vikings) was appointed Junior Development Officer by email.
Our grant application to the EKA for £1000 for a level 2 coaching course in
Cambridgeshire run over a number of weekends was mostly successful and we were awarded £830.



Accounts attached.
I've just sent out the CKA League Fees.


Nothing to report.


Now have details of game back in October (Sun 26th Oct - Tigers 5 v Phoenix 4 with a
There a couple of MRL games that have no scorecards but I’m not too worried about these.
I still need to work on the “Void” matches for Development teams in Division 3 but simply haven’t had time to do this.
Continued thanks to all those refs sending in the scorecards electronically and on time. Please can you ask your refs to keep hold of the scorecard until the result is up on the website. At this point, you can do what you like with the scorecard as you know I have the details. here has been one instance so far this season of the scorecard being submitted but not being received (and therefore processed) and the ref threw away the scorecard. This meant going back to the teams to get the details which is far from ideal and very time consuming. Other than that, the electronic scorecards are working well.


I have contacted a couple of sports centres regarding some hall time but they hadn't really got any time. I'm going to continue looking at the sports centres and hall times and I will contact the teacher at Bury and see how she is doing with the school team, and what I will do is see if we could set up some games with them.
Senior development meeting will be on Monday 2nd February at 8.00pm in the Hereward in Ely.


(Chair) The teacher from Bury said 'I had 25 at my first korfball club on Friday and am expecting more this week so am really excited. Is there a local team that would like a fixture? we are year 10 and 9 so U15??'

(Andy D) Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


I would like to ask for input on date/s for the level 1 course and also the content.

I am also looking to put together a Coaches seminar (theory) based on my knowledge and experience from attending the World Games coaching schools in the Czech Republic and Holland.



CKA CP database which reflects the current situation distributed.
Obviously the requirement that clubs provide refs who have applied for a CRB check through the BKA or who have one is likely to affect some clubs ability to field referees without getting fined unless they sort this out. According to the database referees who have not fulfilled this requirement include Nick A (Tigers), Alex Andrews (Lions), Kev Fox (Lions), Pieter Veenstra (Phoenix), Scott Christie (Phoenix), Sian Mawditt (City). No Uni referees have been CRB checked either.
I do have loads of blank CRB forms and did leave batches with almost all clubs.

(Nick A) EKA are apparently having difficulty arranging getting CRB checks done for free.


The KKA are pushing us for a decision about whether we are going to participate in the SEERL next season.

It was decided that the best way forward was for the CKA to seek to participate in the South East England Regional League (SEERL) next season with the KKA, LKA and NKA. This season this league has replace National League Division 1.

The CKA is very interested in having 2 divisions of the SEERL to allow all CKA clubs to have the option to participate so that there is not a growing gulf between the standard of the SEERL and the CKL and between CKA clubs. It would probably be necessary to restrict clubs to having 1 team across both divisions to facilitate this.

Howard to inform the KKA of our decision.



There is still a general background of bad behaviour towards referees, although the problem has improve in recent years.

Andy to email referees with advice on how to deal with bad behaviour.

Clubs to make it clear that no bad-behaviour or dissent is acceptable

It was agreed to implement a system where referees would rate each team with a numerical score on their behaviour on the scorecard. We can then measure whether the situation is improving or getting worse and if there are any common factors. This will be implemented on the web scorecards entry a.s.a.p. Lee to email details of the the NL system to Nick.


All clubs




- Junior

Andy D was appointed Junior Development Officer.

There will be a junior development sub-committee meeting before every CKA committee meeting. The sub-committee will be open to all. Ideally there should be at least 1 person from each club.

A junior league may be started next season. The alternative is to have regular friendlies.

Cambridgeshire team managers need to be appointed.

Need to improve junior section of CKA website – volunteers ?

- Senior

Date for senior development open meeting set. This will focus on starting a new club east of Cambridge e.g. Bury or Newmarket

We have receive a grant from the EKA to run a modular level 2 coaching course in Cambridgeshire.

It was suggested that it would be useful to have regular locally run informal refereeing workshops. These could cover new rules.

Andy D


Coach – Liv has been in contact with Peter Allan previously who seemed to be willing to coach such a course. Liv to contact Peter and find out if he's still willing and if so how many days the course would be and what the maximum and minimum attendees would be.

Dates – May or June.

Hall time – Littleport as it's cheap. Laura N can arrange.

Attendees – need to decide dates and publicise them as early as possible.



Date to next meeting to be in early March. It was suggested to have it at Ely or Littleport. Date to determined after looking at fixtures.


Vikings won Ely Standard Club of the Year.