CKA Committee Minutes

Thursday 18th March 2010, 7.45 pm, Golden Hind





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Vacant)

Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)

Fixtures (Adam Twiss)

Results (Nick Armitage)

Senior Development (Vacant)

Junior Development (Andy Dunlop)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Liv Armitage)

Publicity (Vacant)

CPO (Rachel Watts)


City Rep [Carla Bennet]

Phoenix Rep [Jayne Muir, Gary Cole]

Lions Rep [Laura Neaves]

Tigers Rep [Reda Ibn-Tahaikt]

University Rep []

Vikings Rep [Martin Brown]


All clubs to try and find a volunteer secretary, publicity and senior development officers.

Andy R to arrange a practical refereeing course – Graham Crafter will run a post qualification session. Dependent on the availability of Graham Crafter. Now aiming for September.

Andy R to check Nick Buttinger's (Uni) refereeing qualification – done.

Andy D to send email to ask for volunteers for junior inter-area team managers – done.

Liv to send email to see if there's demand for a level 1 coaching course

Howard to send email email about senior inter-areas team manager – done.

Adam to rearrange CKL fixtures to avoid senior inter-area - done

Andy R to send email to referees reminding them of match timings – done.

Andy D to talk to Adam and Nick A about getting junior league fixtures and results on CKA website.

All clubs

Andy R


Andy D


Reda Ibn-Tahaikt was appointed CKA senior inter-area team manager.

Andy Dunlop was appointed CKA U16 inter-area team manager.

Junior Nick Chalmers (Vikings) was approved to play in the CKL.

Loes Versteegh transferred from Trojans to Vikings on 31st January.

There's a meeting between the 4 SERL areas planned for May to discuss the 2010/11 SERL. I will seek feedback on various issues nearer the time.



Accounts attached.


Email sent about play-offs. Request a decision as to whether or not the play-offs should be CKA timings or full-length games – it was agreed to use the standard CKA match timings.


Nothing to report.



The CKA U16s beat London and drew with Norfolk, winning the three-way series on goal difference. The next CKA U16 games should be against Nomads and MK, on Sat March 20th at Ely College (tbc).
I'd like to put together a CKA U19 team. Between them, the CKA clubs have the U19 players to make a really strong team. Volunteers are invited to be CKA U19 team manager. The manager's job will be to organise the team and arrange matches.
Ely Vikings will be holding U11 tournaments on Feb 28th and Mar 21st.
Laura Neaves and Adam Twiss have volunteered to be co-managers of the CKA U19s team.
We need volunteers to be referees for the U16s matches on Saturday (1-4 pm, Ely college). I referee at least, possibly 2 – Jayne to email referees group.
Created juniors blog page for the CKA :
linked to from the CKA website.



Nothing to report.




Nothing to report.



- junior development sub-committee – no meeting since August.
- junior league – started. Vikings fixtures played. Tigers and Milton Road fixtures still not played.

- organise Cambridgeshire junior teams – U19 and U16 team managers appointed. U13 and U9 there are sufficient players in clubs and so clubs have participated in competitions with other areas.
- improve junior section of CKA website – Junior's blog created, see above.


- actively work to create new clubs – Finding volunteers to help start this is an issue.
- expand the geographic base of the CKA – new club needs to be in a new area. New club being started in Spalding, but not by the CKA, close to Cambridgeshire. Howard to send email about how we might work together.
- coaching courses – maybe demand for another Level 1 course, see above.

- refereeing courses – trying to arrange, see above.



The CKA agreed to fund team entry fee of £75. If there is funding of the senior or junior inter-areas teams in future this will be need to be budgeted for. The budget is agreed at the AGM.


Some people have raised the issue that the City 1 team selection has changed a lot between status periods such that some players who had 1st team status in period 1 now have no status. City have very few players with 1st team status compared to other clubs. There are also a significant number of players who've played a significant number of 1st and 2nd team matches, but few enough to just avoid status. Is there an explanation for this ?

City explained that they have a combined 1st and 2nd team squad. Team selection has often been determined by individual player availability, which depends on a variety of different circumstances.

The flux in City team selections may have exposed weaknesses in the status rules, which assume fairly static teams and haven't been modified since they were written. The CKA may need to consider changes to the status rules for next season. Ideas for changes are welcome and should be presented to a CKA meeting for discussion and feedback, in advance of the AGM, so that formal changes can be presented for approval at the AGM.


May, Thursday or Sunday, TBD.


Tigers are holding a 15th birthday tournament on Saturday 26th June at Cambridge Rugby club.