CKA Committee Minutes

Wednesday 16th March 2011, 7 pm, The Rock, Cherry Hinton Road





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Vacant)

Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)

Fixtures (Adam Twiss)

Results (Nick Armitage)

Senior Development ()

Junior Development (Liv Armitage)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Vacant)

CPO (Rachel Watts)


City Rep [Simon McGregor]

Phoenix Rep [Adrian Dobbyne]

Lions Rep []

Tigers Rep []

University Rep []

Vikings Rep [Martin Brown]


All clubs to try and find a volunteer secretary, publicity, junior and senior development officers.

City, Tigers, Vikings (clubs with junior sections) to organise junior tournament days in rotation with adhoc teams if necessary – Vikings hosted a tournament attended by Tigers, City and Milton Road. City or Tigers turn to host next.

Liv to organise level 1 coaching course. It was requested that the course be open to and publicised to people outside of korfball – done.

Junior inter-area attendees to take some photos at the junior inter-area and write a report for CKA website – done.

All clubs to help Lions with recruitment. Recruitment by word of mouth is successful – every member of every club please see if you know of anyone, perhaps who you work with, who lives in the Ely/Littleport area who might be interested in taking up korfball with Lions.

Andy to arrange refereeing theory test - done.

Consider issues with Development Teams for next meeting.

All clubs

City, Tigers

All clubs

All clubs


Junior player Charlotte Marsh (Vikings) was approved to play in the CKL.

A reminder that the completed and signed approval forms should be available at all matches, for inspection by the referee, before the match begins. If forms are not available the referee could prohibit a junior player from playing.



Latest accounts attached.

SERL Champions Trophy entry deposit of £100 paid to EKA.

Need to know level 1 coaching course attendees to collect payment from them or their clubs. Tigers have already paid for their members that attended.

Corinne, Liv, clubs


Various games have been moved/re-arranged and the CKA fixtures site contains my latest view of what things are. The clubs/referees involved should all know about changes. I have also seen various emails talking about possibly moving other games (venue issues, bank holidays etc.) but none of these have been finalised yet.

We need to set a date asap for the play-offs, but I want to get dates for the various postponed/cancelled games sorted first.




(coaching) Junior inter areas - we are taking nearly 50 children from the Cambridge area to compete in the youth inter area competition this weekend - 29th and 30th Jan. 22 from Cambridge Tigers, 16 from Milton Road Primary School, 7 from Ely Vikings and 5 from Cambridge City. It is an impressive turn out from the area.


Exams taken and passed by Ben Hall and Simon Ball of Tigers. Awaiting Chris West's health improving to arrange practical.

Practical assessment ongoing of Adrian Dobbyne.

COACHING (Vacant):





- need to find and appoint junior development officer – done, although this means we've lost the coaching officer.

- organise tournament days with adhoc teams if necessary. Clubs with junior sections to do this in rotation. Vikings hosted a tournament attended by Tigers, City and Milton Road. City or Tigers turn to host next.

- junior development sub-committee – no meeting since August 2009.
- junior league – 2009/10 started, but not completed. Not running in 2010/11.

- organise Cambridgeshire junior teams – entered junior inter-area teams : U9, 3 off U11 and U14
- improve junior section of CKA website – report and photos from junior inter-area on website.


- need to find and appoint senior development officer – all clubs.

- actively work to create new clubs – Finding hall time and volunteers to help start this is an issue. Starting a club is difficult so it's vital that clubs don't fold. Lions could do with help with recruitment. Please can all clubs help out with this.
- expand the geographic base of the CKA – new club needs to be in a new area.
- coaching courses – Level 1 course organisation in progress.

- refereeing theory tests, assessment and courses – level 2 course run. Theory tests run.

City, Tigers

All clubs

All clubs


See proposal below from Gary Cole and Loes Versteegh.

The feedback was :

- It's good to organise early.

- The proposal requires a lot of commitment from players during an already busy season.

- It's a lot of effort to go to to for just a 1 day tournament – 'a sledgehammer to crack a nut'.

- It was suggested to trial the concept over the summer and target a few good standard tournaments with a CKA team


Concern that within SERL both Vikings and Tigers (both Division 1) have forfeited away matches in Kent.

Tigers and Vikings explained the various reasons. Every effort was made to field teams for the fixtures, but it proved to be impossible.

All agreed that forfeiting of fixtures was undesirable

It was noted that teams from other areas have also been unable to field teams on occasions and forfeited SERL matches.


Wednesday May ? TBD



In the 2009/10 season the CKA squad finished 2nd to London at the Inter-area tournament and qualified to enter the Home nations tournament. This was a great success and demonstrated the strength of Korfball in Cambridgeshire. Unfortunately we have not been able to follow up this success and were unable to enter a squad into this year’s competition.

Rather than ponder over why this happened I would rather look forwards and start planning for next season’s inter-area now. We have some great experienced players in the area and a host of burgeoning young talent. I feel that the Inter-area competition offers us a great opportunity to develop players and clubs within the area. This could work with experienced players mentoring the young talent, sharing training/coaching practices, as well as simply playing with and against different/better players.

I propose that the CKA start to prepare for next years inter-area competition as soon as is feasible. As I volunteered to coach the team this year I am willing to take on this task for the next year with support from Loes Versteegh.

A squad could be selected through the use of trials. This squad could be a mix of experienced and developing players. Training sessions could be held over the remainder of this season and summer with the CKA squad looking to enter some summer tournaments perhaps even some in Holland. This will give the squad the opportunity to play and train together building team spirit and playing relationships.

Players that improve over the coming summer and season or move into the area could then be asked to attend training sessions to assess if they should join the squad. I don't expect the squad to be static over the coming year.

I would like to establish a korfball coaching network within the CKA to enable club coaches to assist with selection by communicating about player’s performances along with discussing coaching developments and opportunities.

Given that I am a relatively inexperienced coach I have asked for Loes support in this. I would also seek to utilise and gain support from the coaching resources we have within the area to assist with the squad’s development. As well as local coaches I would approach guest coaches from national league and international squads. We also have access to players who are currently in international squads who will be exposed to high level coaching methods; they could help to develop players in the squad. This could be a means of disseminating the information/training they receive across the CKA

As a means of paying something back to the clubs the CKA squad could play games against the clubs within the area to enable the players not in the squad to play against the best players in the area. In addition to this club coaches would be invited to attend sessions to see what is being asked of the squad.

Loes and I would like to present this proposal for discussion at the next CKA committee meeting and look forward to your feedback.