CKA Committee Minutes

Thursday 8h September 2011, 7.30 pm, Golden Hind





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Vacant)

Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)

Fixtures (Adam Twiss)

Results (Nick Armitage)

Senior Development ()

Junior Development (Liv Armitage)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Vacant)

CPO (Lucy McGregor)


City Rep [Simon McGregor]

Phoenix Rep [Adrian Dobbyne, Hannah Ward, Simon Hall]

Lions Rep [Laura Neaves, Jackie Goodes]

Tigers Rep [Chris West]

University Rep [Gary Cole]

Vikings Rep [Martin Brown, Chris Brown]


All clubs to try and find a volunteer secretary, publicity, coaching and senior development officers.

City, Tigers, Vikings (clubs with junior sections) to organise junior tournament days in rotation with adhoc teams if necessary – Vikings hosted a tournament attended by Tigers, City and Milton Road. See junior development officer's report below.

All clubs to help Lions with recruitment. Recruitment by word of mouth is successful – every member of every club please see if you know of anyone, perhaps who you work with, who lives in the Ely/Littleport area who might be interested in taking up korfball with Lions – Vikings sent along 1 person.

All clubs

City, Tigers, Vikings

All clubs


Nothing to report.



Latest accounts attached.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.



Liv has asked Andy Dunlop to organise an U11 outdoor tournament in September. Tigers are to hold an U9 tournament at the Perse this half term. Planning to hold junior development meeting.


Simon Ball (Tigers) to be assessed.

COACHING (Vacant):



Nothing to report.



- organise tournament days with adhoc teams if necessary. Clubs with junior sections to do this in rotation. Dates to be planned in advance. See junior development officer's report above.

- junior development sub-committee – planning to hold meeting.
- junior league – 2009/10 started, but not completed. Not run since.

- organise Cambridgeshire junior teams.


- need to find and appoint senior development officer – all clubs.

- actively work to create new clubs – Finding hall time and volunteers to help start this is an issue. Starting a club is difficult so it's vital that clubs don't fold. Lions could do with help with recruitment. Please can all clubs help out with this.
- expand the geographic base of the CKA – new club needs to be in a new area. Possibility of new club in Colchester.
- coaching courses – no demand at present.

- refereeing theory tests, assessment and courses – Uni, Phoenix and Tigers have people for a theory test. See refereeing officer's report above.

All clubs

All clubs


The league result and play-offs form last season are used to rank the teams. The league structure determines how the ranked teams are split into divisions. The CKA does not interfere with this ranking. The CKA tries to maintain the same league structure season to season, so that promotion and relegation work as expected. However, if the number of teams entered changes radically then the CKA may have to change the league structure and teams may not be promoted and relegated as expected. The league structure is not set to suit individual teams.

The CKA League Entries have been:
Vikings - 4 teams (4th team may end up as development)
Tigers - 4 teams
City - 5 teams
Phoenix - 4 teams
Uni - 2 teams (guessing the 2nd will be development)
Lions - definitely 1 and should be 2 if the 2nd can be a development team

This puts us 2 or 3 teams down on last year with a total of 20 or 21.

The order of teams following on from last year is:
C1, T1, V1, T2, C2, P1, V2, L1, P2, T3, U1, C3, V3, T4, P3, C4, C5, U2, V4, P4, (L2)

The league structure is:
Division 1: C1, T1, V1, T2, C2, P1, V2 (7 teams)
Division 2: L1, P2, T3, U1, C3, V3, T4, P3 (8 teams)
Division 3: C4, C5, U2, V4, P4, L2 (6 teams, or 5 if L2 pull out)

Divisions 1 and 2 will be home and away fixtures, giving 12 and 14 games per team respectively. Division 3 will play each other 3 times, giving 15 games per team. A team's 3rd fixture against another team may be home or away, as determined by the fixtures officer.

Corinne will average the cost of hall time for the Division 3 3rd fixtures across all teams and adjust each Division 3 team's league fees accordingly.

Note that any player, from any club, can play for a development team.



Lions are struggling for numbers. They've asked for their 1st team to stay in division 1 and their second team to be a development team in division 3 - see item 1 above.

Need to recruit more players and would appreciate help. Lions to identify specific tasks.

Lions are looking at new areas for recruitment – Downham Market, Mildenhall and March. They'd like to go into schools and sports centres.

Adam Clarke (Tigers) may have some time for coaching in schools. The CKA could fund this. Could do with 4 collapsible posts. An EKA development grant may be available. Best to run at least 4 sessions in a school rather than 1 session in many schools.

Lions would like some help with coaching and would welcome any guest coaches.


All clubs


No hall time at CRC available in September. Corinne to book now for September next season.

Howard to email NKA and SMKA to let them know.




Late October, TBD.


New balls are allowed in CKL matches.