CKA Committee Minutes

Thursday 3rd November 2011, 7.30 pm, Golden Hind





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Vacant)

Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)

Fixtures (Adam Twiss)

Results (Nick Armitage)

Senior Development ()

Junior Development (Liv Armitage)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Jonathon Lyons)

CPO (Lucy McGregor)


City Rep []

Phoenix Rep [Adrian Dobbyne, Gary Cole]

Lions Rep [Sara Neaves, Jackie Goodes, Alex Andrews]

Tigers Rep []

University Rep []

Vikings Rep [Martin Brown, Chris Brown]


All clubs to try and find a volunteer secretary, coaching and senior development officers.

City, Tigers, Vikings (clubs with junior sections) to organise junior tournament days in rotation with adhoc teams if necessary – next tournament planned for early December

All clubs to help Lions with recruitment. Recruitment by word of mouth is successful – every member of every club please see if you know of anyone, perhaps who you work with, who lives in the Ely/Littleport area who might be interested in taking up korfball with Lions.

Corinne to average the cost of hall time for the Division 3 3rd fixtures across all teams and adjust each Division 3 team's league fees accordingly.

Lions to identify specific tasks to help with recruitment

All clubs to try to help Lions with coaching by looking for guest coaches - Martin Brown (Vikings) refereed a friendly during training. Chris West (Tigers), Adrian Dobbyne (Phoenix) and Gary Cole have all offered help.

Corinne to book CRC now for September next season for EA cup.

Howard to email NKA and SMKA about EA cup - done, no response.

All clubs

City, Tigers, Vikings

All clubs





Jonathon Lyons (City) has volunteered to be Publicity Officer and is appointed.

I've offered the 5 spiked bases - I think there should be 6, but 1 is missing - on the forums. Nomads and Croydon may be interested. I've asked if we can have a donation if they take them. Waiting to hear back if they fit their posts.

Junior players approved to play in the CKL:

Hannah Armitage (Tigers)

Josh Lewin (Tigers)

Georgia Allen (Tigers)

Henry Braggins (Vikings)

Georgina Fletcher (Vikings)

Jack Kunkle (Tigers)

Astrid Burden (City)

Kirstin MacVicar (City)

subject to full and correct completion and signing of the appropriate forms.

Underage player request from emailed to CKA committee group and put on CKA website.

Tigers 4 played Josh Lewin and Georgia Allen in the T4 vs T3 match, but neither of these junior players were approved to play by the CKA at the time. Under the league rules Tigers 4 are docked 2 points and fined £20. Tigers 3 chose to let the result (8-5) stand.

I emailed Heather Lymburn for a report on Korfball at the school in Bury, which the CKA have loaned posts to :

'I have indeed left the cambridge area and I now live in London. Last year we had great success out of the Korfball posts with GCSE Korfball running and Korfball running in Year 9 and 10 curriculum. I believe the posts will still be used actively this year, and I have copied in my old Head of Department, Millie Sharp who will be able to give you more information. Are there any potential coaching courses going on which some of the teachers could go on in the cambs area to futher the impact of Korfball at County Upper ?'

I sent a reply about coaching courses.



Accounts attached. Tigers fine will be added to the CKA fees when I issue them in November.



Firstly a request for team captains to make sure the scorecards are filled in LEGIBLY so that the referee can submit the scorecard correctly without having to decipher the names.

Recently, I received a scorecard with the following names: Nora Ni Lewean, Harrison Roouroft and Nora Ni Bjbnall and a note from the ref saying this is what it looked like.

Now these may be correct but it's highly likely the next time I receive a scorecard from this team that the names will have changed and this makes more work for me having to go back and correct all this.

Secondly, can I request that the SERL results are posted to me electronically in the same way the CKA scorecards are.

A lot of SERL results are missing this season - this wasn't an issue last year.

Maybe clubs don't realise they need to do this or that this role has not been handed down to the new person in charge?

I don't have the time or inclination to go digging around the England Korfball website to try to find out this information so am relying on clubs to do this.

It's simple, if teams don't submit the SERL data, the list of SERL scorers will be inaccurate.

It was suggested that a confirmation email is sent to the referee when they enter a scorecard via the website. Nick to add this to the web scorecard entry.

There are lots of players no longer playing that come up when entering scorecards. Nick will email a list of players to clubs so that they can identify the active and inactive players.





CKA juniors academy day for U9's, U11's and U13's planned. Juniors tournament day planned. Juniors meeting held.


Nothing to report.

COACHING (Vacant):


(Gary Cole) Article on Phoenix in CB magazine.


I need to check that junior sections of clubs are following the EKA guidelines. Volunteers need to have filled in the appropriate forms. This includes referees.



- junior development sub-committee – meeting held.

- organise tournament days with adhoc teams if necessary. Clubs with junior sections to do this in rotation. Dates to be planned in advance. See junior development officer's report above.

- CKA awards – need to define awards
- junior league – 2009/10 started, but not completed. Not run since.

- organise Cambridgeshire junior teams – this will hopefully come out of the CKA junior academy


- need to find and appoint senior development officer – all clubs.
- coaching courses – no demand at present.

- refereeing theory tests, assessment and courses – Uni, will have some people for a theory test in the near future, Phoenix has someone too. Simon Ball has had one assessment and needs one more.

All clubs



Early January, TBD.


Ely Community College is close on 13th November for exams. Fixtures will need to be rescheduled.