CKA Committee MinutesThursday 28th March, 7.30 pm, CRC |
Chairman (Howard Laffling) |
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Secretary (Nick Collier) |
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Treasurer (Corinne Bowes) |
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Fixtures (Vacant) |
Results (Nick Armitage) |
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Senior Development (Gary Cole) |
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Junior Development (Liv Armitage) |
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Refereeing (Andy Rutter) |
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Coaching (Vacant) |
Publicity (Vacant) |
CPO (Lucy McGregor) |
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City Rep [Lucy Birch] Phoenix Rep [Ellen Pearce] Lions Rep [Sara Neaves, Laura Neaves, Al Andrews, Nathan Burgess] Tigers Rep [Stephen Clark] University Rep [] Vikings Rep [Philip Morton, Chris Brown] |
Chris West to raise CKA awards with the junior development sub-committee. Need to define awards. Try again for next season
Nick C to chase clubs for updated contact sheets – to do
Gary will form a senior development sub-committee consisting of Development Officers from each club to develop specific ideas and report back to the CKA – to do
Gary to pin down a date and get a hall booked for Dave Buckland to run a coaching course in Cambridge - done, Saturday 18th May
Lions to book Littleport for 2013 for CKA 20th birthday tournament – done
Lions are organizing and will consider whether to have a social for CKA 20th birthday tournament.
Gary will publicize CKA 20th birthday tournament on the forums - done. Corinne to check if we have received KV’s payment for SERL.
Gary trying to get pilot of new level one course developed to be delivered in Cambs.
Howard will reply to EKA endorsing the participation of City and Tigers at Champions Trophy - done.
All clubs will implement following National League results rules, as per the EKA’s requirements – done.
95% of scorecards are arriving on time and most are filled in correctly these days; I need to chase up the other 5% which is time consuming and a pain. Could I ask that even if a game doesn't take place that someone (doesn't have to be the ref - especially if the game doesn't go ahead as there isn't a ref) still submits a scorecard for the match. Otherwise the fixture just ends up being blank and I have no idea that it didn't take place or it was a walkover or it was a void game or is going to be re-arranged. And a reminder that the U18 column is ticked by all captains for junior players - especially for brand new players. Done.
From Gary: please would all refs provide brief comments/highlights when they submit the scorecards. It provides narrative that will help with and press releases/ articles we produce. Done. |
Chris West
Nick C
All clubs to remind captains and referees
All clubs to remind captains and referees |
Junior players approved by email to play in the CKL: Jacob Dawes (Vikings) Tom Kelly (Lions) Oscar Edwards (Vikings) Alyssia Radford (Vikings) Jacob Stanforth (Vikings) Jack Gillett (Vikings) subject to full and correct completion and signing of the appropriate forms.
Phoenix 2 vs Vikings 2 It was discovered after this match that Vikings 2 played an illegal team under the CKL rules, with 3 1st team status players on the pitch at the same time, for a brief period. Vikings believed the team to be legal at the time. Phoenix chose to take a walkover. However, there was an issue with a postponed match, which could have meant the status of some Vikings players was incorrect on the CKA website at the time of or before the match. There is no record of what was on the CKA results part of the website when. A few years ago, due to a similar issue with a postponed match, the status of a number of players on the CKA website was incorrect and this led to many clubs unknowingly playing illegal teams in a number of matches. At that time, it was decided to quickly fix the issue and give a general amnesty for the period before the fix, to avoid having lots of walkovers and thus a big impact on the league. Vikings made statements about the status they observed on the CKA website of the players involved, which led them to believe the team was legal. However, analysis of the games played by these players and the postponed match issue showed that not all of these statements could be correct. After much debate along the way, to conclude the matter Vikings were asked to give a consistent account of how they were misled by the CKA website or to show the analysis to be incorrect, by a deadline, so an independent league sub-committee could decide whether the precedent should apply in this case. Vikings have not responded with a consistent account or disputed the analysis. Therefore the match is a walkover to Phoenix. |
Nothing to report |
Nothing to report |
Nothing to report. |
Nothing to report. |
Nothing to report. |
Nothing to report. |
Nothing to report. |
COACHING (Vacant): |
Nothing to report. |
PUBLICITY (Vacant): |
Nothing to report. |
CPO: |
Nothing to report. |
Lions proposed that they be allowed to keep any profits from hosting the CKA tournament. This proposal was accepted by the meeting. |
April or May, TBD. |
AOB: |