CKA Committee Meeting Minutes

Thursday 5th September 2013, 8pm, Golden Hind





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Sara Neaves)

Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)

Fixtures (Laura Neaves)

Results (Mark Wassell)

Senior Development (Vacant)

Junior Development (Liv Armitage)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Vacant)

CPO (Lucy McGregor)


City Rep(s) [Stuart Hatfield, Simon McGregor, Gavin Belsham]

Lions Rep(s) [Andy Dunlop]

Phoenix Rep(s) [Chris White]

Tigers Rep(s) [Steve Clarke]

University Rep(s) [Emma Stevens]

Vikings Rep(s) [Chris Brown, Phil Morton]




Thanks to Simon McGregor for attending the EKA AGM on behalf of the CKA.


Nothing to report.


Accounts attached. Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.




There will be a theory referees exam on 11th September 2013 at 7.30pm. Venue TBC. Vikings have requested a referring course – Andy to liaise with Vikings to organise this.

COACHING (Vacant):



I am still waiting to hear back from Angela about whether she wants to take up the role and if she can get a DBS check. Angela has now agreed to take up this role and is awaiting DBS check.

In the meantime can clubs with Juniors ensure they have read the new CP policy guidelines from the EKA website and get back to me with any concerns so I can follow them up on mass with the EKA.

? Is there going to be an area verifier or as an area do we need to send all applications including personal information to EKA for verifying.


Entries are: City 5 (C5 development), Lions 2, Phoenix 4, Tigers 5 (T5 development), Uni 2, Vikings 4 (V4 maybe development), 22 teams. City would like to withdraw last season's C1 and use the places of C2-C6.

Option 1 (City allowed to withdraw C1)

Division 1 (6 teams, 10 matches)

Tigers 1, Vikings 1, Tigers 2, City 1 (2), Lions 1, Phoenix 1

Division 2 (8 teams, 14 matches)

Phoenix 2, Vikings 2, Uni 1, City 2 (3), Tigers 3, Phoenix 3, City 3 (4), Lions 2

Division 3 (8 teams, 14 matches)

Vikings 3, Phoenix 4, City 4 (5), Vikings 4 (Dev?), Tigers 4, Uni 2, City 5 (6) (Dev), Tigers 5 (Dev)

Option 2 (City allowed to withdraw C1)

Division 1 (7 teams, 12 matches)

Tigers 1, Vikings 1, Tigers 2, City 1 (2), Lions 1, Phoenix 1, Phoenix 2

Division 2 (7 teams, 12 matches)

Vikings 2, Uni 1, City 2 (3), Tigers 3, Phoenix 3, City 3(4), Lions 2

Division 3 (8 teams, 14 matches)

Vikings 3, Phoenix 4, City 4(5), Vikings 4 (Dev?), Tigers 4, Uni 2, City 5(6) (Dev), Tigers 5 (Dev)

Option 3 (City not allowed to withdraw C1)

Division 1 (7 teams, 12 matches)

Tigers 1, City 1, Vikings 1, Tigers 2, City 2, Lions 1, Phoenix 1

Division 2 (8 teams, 14 matches)

Phoenix 2, Vikings 2, Uni 1, City 3, Tigers 3, Phoenix 3, City 4, Lions 2

Division 3 (7 teams, 12 matches)

Vikings 3, Phoenix 4, City 5 (Dev), Vikings 4 (Dev?), Tigers 4, Uni 2, Tigers 5 (Dev)

Note if City are allowed to withdraw last season's C1, then City teams will still be renamed C1-C5, and not C2-C6.

After a long debate, it was agreed that City were able to withdraw the clubs first team from the CKA first division. There was a vote on the 2 options:

1st round, Option 1 5 votes, Options 2 4 votes, Option 3 2 votes, no abstentions, Option 3 eliminated.
2nd round, Option 1 6 votes, Option 2 5 votes, no abstentions. Option 1 was voted in for the upcoming season of 2013/2014.

City have offered Lions some friendly games due to the small amount of first teams games they will know be playing.

It was agreed that City will re-name their teams C1-C5. It was agreed that City will treat regular SERL players as having 1st team status for CKL team selections. CKA status will continue as normal for any ‘SERL’ City players.


City, Phoenix, Tigers and Vikings (depends on timings and logistics) would like to enter.

From NKA:

1/ We can do the old style EA Cup. We can get 2 halls (both fairly small courts, but we play our Division 2 & 3 fixtures on them so definitely usable) from 1pm. With only 3 Cambridge teams entering, we could play an 8 team tournament from 1-5pm. (Each team playing five 20 minute games).

2/ We hold an EA 'Varsity' Cup event outdoors. This way we can have as many pitches as we need, play all the Norfolk vs Cambridge games at once before the Norfolk vs Cambridge exhibition game. This is cheaper and will mean less waiting around, but could also be ruined by the weather.

Obviously a third option is cancel or delay the event.

Final proposal was less teams and longer games, CKA clubs would like games to last for about 40 minutes. No Junior teams to play on 21st September. Howard to contact NKA.



Late October/early November?


Lions – Lions hosted the CKA 20th anniversary tournament. Profits were approximately £300 and most of this was made from the evening social. Lions wanted to highlight that they were disappointed with the CKA turn-out for the evening social.

Fixtures secretary – debate regarding start date of league. Agreed for 6th October.

Vikings – The club have only one referee until after Christmas therefore requested that they have less refereeing commitments until after Christmas.

City – requested that as an area we all register/place results on Fixtures live – all clubs in agreement to place results on Fixtures Live.