CKA Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 24th March 2015, 7.30pm, Littleport Sports Centre





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Sara Neaves)

Treasurer (Vacant)

Fixtures (Laura Neaves)

Results (Mark Wassell)

Senior Development (Vacant)

Junior Development (Liv Harcourt)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Vacant)

CPO (Angela Gibbs )


City Rep(s) [Gavin Belsham]

Lions Rep(s) []

Phoenix Rep(s) []

Tigers Rep(s) [Steve Clarke]

University Rep(s) []

Vikings Rep(s) [Chris Brown, Martin Brown, Phil Morton]


Laura needs to be DBS checked to be able to do DBS identity checks.
City and Liv to confirm final payments for the juniors hall hire so that we can settle payment to City for last season -done.
Clubs to find volunteers or suggestions for who could be approached to be treasurer.

Mark to create a CKA Twitter account -Mark to select new CKA email address for account and to put feed on website.

Sara to send updated contact list.

Steve Clarke to provide Tigers’ input on venue standard for National League (NL) area endorsements - done








Junior players:

Sebastian Jordan (City)

Abi Haynes (Vikings)

Eve Bannister (Vikings)

George Cook (Vikings)

Dymitriy Gasilin (Tigers)

Theo Broomfield (Tigers)

Max Anderson (Tigers)

Oscar Castaigne (Tigers)

Megan Rose (Phoenix)

were approved to play in the CKL.

The CKA endorsed Tigers for NL and City and Vikings for the Promo League.


Nothing to report


(Corinne Bowes) Accounts attached. CKA Fees issued. Have raised cheque to pay for the Junior Hills Road hire to give to City (all agreed with Simon McGreggor, City treasurer).


Still awaiting confirmation of some Uni games.

When/If changing fixtures please make sure that Laura (fixtures officer) and Mark (results) are both copied into the emails as well as both clubs involved and the club due to ref the game.


Scorecards are missing from a number of matches. One form division one, four from division two and six from division three. A couple of the division three ones are for matches played in January. Please can these be submitted as soon as possible.

Ref rating report has been sent out. Overall clubs and individual teams have improved their rating however two teams earned themselves a rating of 3 – Vikings 4 and Phoenix 4.




(Adam) Total of 3 Intro to Refereeing Courses now undertaken. 15 people at Lions, 15 at Uni, and about 10 at Vikings (I say about, as everyone who turned up at training joined in the classroom bit, and about 10 did some reffing); given a total of 40 people. No intention to organise anymore this season. Huge thanks to Gary C, Chris W, Martin B and Toby P who helped make these happen.

First Theory session/test with Andy. 12 people registered. 10 turned up. 7 passed. Passes by club were 1x Phoenix, 2x Vikings, 4x Tigers.

Second Theory session/test to be arranged shortly. Will be in Ely (can get a free venue). Lions have asked that this isn’t on a Tuesday. This is the next on my list.

Will work with Andy to ensure some practical assessments for those that want to proceed at this stage. Costs kept to a minimum and without any CKA funding. Suggest going forward that we make a small allowance in budgets, as its hard for one organiser to chase down 6 different clubs for payment of a few pounds.

(Martin Brown) There have been 4 referee no shows : Chris Brown covered a V3? Match, Steve Grant covered U1 vs V3, I (Martin) covered a match but can't remember the details and Laura covered T2 v V1.

Lions can offer referees practice at their last training sessions (Tuesdays 8-9.30 pm) in each month. Please contact Lions in advance.

There was a discussion about Uni covering their refereeing commitments. This was not put on the agenda as Uni were unable to make the meeting. Uni are asked to come up with a plan with targets and dates of how there are going to work towards developing referees in order to cover their commitments.


COACHING (Vacant):



Nothing to report.


(Howard) We have established routines for captains shaking hands with each other and the referee before a match and players shaking hands before and after matches, but there’s no custom for thanking the referee after the match. I suggest we agree something and establish it, ingraining it in the culture.

Following further discussion – agreed that it would be good practice for captains to shake the referees hand post match.




(Phil) Club health (EKA) highlighted issues and is encouraging people/clubs to get on board to grow and develop.