CKA Committee Meeting Minutes

Thursday 3rd September 2015, 8pm, Golden Hind





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Fiona Hill)

Treasurer (Phil Morton)

Fixtures (Laura Neaves)

Results (Mark Wassell)

Senior Development (Vacant)

Junior Development (Liv Harcourt)

Refereeing (Vacant)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Gavin Belsham)

CPO (Angela Gibbs )


City Rep(s) []

Lions Rep(s) []

Phoenix Rep(s) [Simon Hall, Hannah Ward]

Tigers Rep(s) [Steve Clarke]

University Rep(s) []

Vikings Rep(s) [Chris Brown]


Laura needs to be DBS checked to be able to do DBS identity checks.





Nothing to report


Please can I ask that clubs let me know the updated contact details for their officers for this season



I have collected all paperwork and e-records from Corinne.
We need to decide if we want to simply open a new bank account (which enables e-business) rather than go through the process of changing signatories on the existing one. Details of the process have been sent to Howard. See agenda item below.
Complete spreadsheet showing all information is attached. I need to know how much information is actually needed for Committee meetings.

It was agreed that the electronically circulated accounts are sufficient in the current format.
We need to be clear on any subsequent process for spending money once a budget for a specific item has been agreed. Expenditure, from agreed funds in the budget, must be approved in advance by the committee. Reasonable adjustments to budgetted amounts are allowed, subject to approval in advance by the committee. Committee approval is not usually required for some defined, regularly recurring and essential expenditure items, which have been budgetted for e.g. EKA fees, insurance, web domain renewal.
Now that we know who is going to be treasurer for SERL, we need to send them the money remaining in our account for SERL business
It was agreed that the remaining funds in the SERL account would be divided between the contributing teams and rebates issued. Anything remaining will be transferred to the NKA as new treasurers.



See agenda item below.


Please can clubs submit the last 6 SERL scorecards (excluding walkovers) within the CKA system so that SERL status can be calculated. Where 2 CKA teams played one another, each team should separately submit their own half of the scorecard. SERL results need to be entered on the CKA site going forward for status purposes.

Outstanding Vikings 4 result from last season needs to be entered.





Fixtures have been circulated, request for refereeing commitment will follow soon. Please encourage club members to help with refereeing.

Request received to host National Youth Day again next year, agreed in principle and waiting to hear back from Swavesey Village College about availability for the relevant dates.


COACHING (Vacant):


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Adam Twiss has volunteered to be refereeing officer. No objections were raised so this was agreed.

Tigers have 2 new referees waiting to be assessed, once the approval system has been clarified.

There is a plan in place for Uni to develop their referees. It was agreed that Uni’s referee commitments would be allocated to the other clubs and the situation reassessed at Christmas.


The following teams have entered into the league next season:
City 4 + 1 development
Lions 2
Phoenix 4
Tigers 4 + 1 development
Vikings 4
Uni 2
Total 22 teams (20 + 2 development)
(Basically just Lions 3 (Dev) have dropped out the rest remain as last year)

Therefore team order (based on last years finishing places will be) V1, T1, T2, C1, L1, V2, P1, P2, U1, C2, T3, P3, V3, L2, C3, C4, P4, U2, T4, V4, C5 (Dev), T5 (Dev).

Option 1:
Keeping divisions the same as last year (promotions & relegations stand):
D1 - V1, T1, T2, C1, L1, V2 (6 teams - 10 games)
D2 - P1, P2, U1, C2, T3, P3, V3, L2 (8 teams - 14 games)
D3 - C3, C4, P4, U2, T4, V4, C5 (Dev), T5 (Dev) (8 teams - 14 games)

Option 2:
Levelling out top 2 divisions:
D1 - V1, T1, T2, C1, L1, V2, P1 (7 teams - 12 games)
D2 - P2, U1, C2, T3, P3, V3, L2 (7 teams - 12 games)
D3 - C3, C4, P4, U2, T4, V4, C5 (Dev), T5 (Dev), (8 teams - 14 games)

Option 3:
Levelling out divisions -> bump 1 team up from each division:
D1 - V1, T1, T2, C1, L1, V2, P1 (7 teams - 12 games)
D2 - P2, U1, C2, T3, P3, V3, L2 C3 (8 teams - 14 games)
D3 - C4, P4, U2, T4, V4, C5 (Dev), T5 (Dev), (7 teams - 12 games)

Votes in round 1: Option 1 - 1, Option 2 - 3, Option 3 - 5. Option 1 eliminated.

Votes in round 2: Option 2 - 4, Option 3 - 5.

Option 3 agreed.

The season will start on the last weekend of September.


Agreed in principle that the bank account can be moved. In practice this involves closing the account and opening another. It would be useful to have one with electronic banking if possible (and if this is workable with 2 signatories) so this will be investigated. Possibly go with Barclays bank as this is convenient for those who need to make payments.



Back in 2008 the CKA bought 3 shields, 1 for each division. The Division 1 shield has no engraving. The Division 2 shield has engraved : 'VIKINGS 2008/09', '09/10 VIKINGS 2' and 'LIONS 1 2010/11'. The Division 3 shield has engraved '08 09 CAMBRIDGE CITY IV', '09 - 10 VIKINGS 3' and '10 - 11 TIGERS 4'.

It is unclear who paid and arranged for engravings historically. The total cost to get all three up to date would be £60 (£4 per engraving, 7 for division 1 shield and 4 each for division 2 and 3 shields). It was agreed that the CKA would cover the cost of updating the shields, and pay for future engravings.

Lions currently have the division 2 shield and Vikings have divisions 1 and 3. Lions to get the division 2 shield to Chris, who will get all three engraved, invoice the CKA for the cost and return the division 2 and 3 shields to Lions.



From Phoenix, based on the status rule change approved at the EGM:

'For the first status period the following will also apply: There will be a limit of 4 male and 4 female players with first team status. Additional SERL players will have second team status up to a maximum of 3 male players and 3 female players. Any shortfall will be filled with non-SERL players based on rank by total status points. Clubs choose which SERL players have first team status, which have second team and, if applicable, which have no status.'

As the season progresses, for clubs that have separate SERL and first team squads, more players will gain first team status. For clubs that combine the SERL/first team squads there will be appropriately fewer with status.

We appreciate the late notice of this request, but this would enable clubs to respond to changing SERL structures more easily on a season by season basis. For example, last year there were 20 SERL games; this year there are far fewer. The current structure (with the new SERL status rule) doesn’t give clubs flexibility to separate or combine their SERL/first team squads in line with changes to the competition structure.

Another EGM would be required to approve the rule, so just for discussion and consideration. The alternative option of using the appeal system to overcome status issues was discussed, but it was highlighted that this rule would mean decisions are made on calculable measures (games played) and remove any subjectivity.

Any feedback on this should be communicated asap.

Another EGM will be arranged to agree the rule if no major objections are raised. 10 days’ notice has to be given and it needs to take place before the start of the season.




Phil is attending the EKA EGM, he will be representing Vikings.

Laura asked clubs to confirm if the first team CKA matched need to avoid clashes with SERL team matches (in case the same players are playing in both teams). Tigers and City have two separate teams so a couple of clashes are fine. Vikings and Phoenix will play the same players in both teams, so clashes need to be avoided.

The goals awarded for walkovers was questioned, since the division 2 results were decided on goal difference this year and walkovers were involved. Mark has calculated the average goal difference for the 2014/15 season and the current walkover scores reflect these quite accurately. Howard to circulate this info to clubs. It was agreed this remains the fairest way to score walkovers.
