CKA Committee Meeting Minutes

Wednesday 31st August 2016, 8.00pm, CRC





Chairman (Howard Laffling, Phoenix)

Secretary (Fiona Hill, Phoenix)

Treasurer (Philip Morton, Vikings)

Fixtures (Laura Neaves, Lions)

Results (Mark Wassell, Phoenix)

Senior Development (Vacant)

Junior Development (Liv Harcourt, Tigers)

Refereeing (Adam Twiss, Vikings)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Gavin Belsham, City)

CPO (Angela Gibbs, Tigers)


City Rep(s) [Stuart Hatfield]

Lions Rep(s) [✔]

Phoenix Rep(s) [✔]

Tigers Rep(s) []

University Rep(s) []

Vikings Rep(s) [Alison Brown, Chris Brown]


Philip to check if SERL refund payments were made.
Liv to send next year’s fixtures and final U14 NL results to Howard for the website.
Howard to approach MK Lakers to request their home games against Lions 1
and Uni be played at a neutral venue in Cambridge, with the CKA to provide referees and facilitate the hall bookings - done.






Nothing to report.


I will be sending round the contact list to be updated for the new season, please can clubs complete this and return to me as soon as they are able.

It was noted a page needs to be added for MK Lakers contact details.



Accounts attached. I just need to tie up a few loose ends in respect of junior business to complete 2015/16.

Chris has been paid for the engravings to the trophies.

Accounts are to be audited.


See item 2.


Nothing to report.


See item 3.



Structured CKA practical assessment process put in place allowing multiple people to assess to same level. Intro courses ran at Uni and Vikings.
Five practical (CKA) passes and seven theory passes during the season.
Thanks to Gary, Chris, Toby and Martin who have helped out over the season on multiple occasions.

Howard has asked MK Lakers to provide a list of the individuals who will be refereeing CKA matches, and the qualification levels they hold.

MK Lakers

COACHING (Vacant):


Nothing to report


Nothing to report


A one off joining fee of £1 was agreed at AGM. MK Lakers have agreed to Lions and Uni playing their CKL away matches against MK Lakers at a neutral venue in Cambridge on a Sunday, with the CKA to provide referees and facilitate the hall bookings.

MK Lakers associate membership was approved.

Howard will invite MK Lakers to have a representative added to the CKA Committee email list. As an associate member they will not be eligible to vote on agenda items.



The following teams have been entered:
City - 4 + 1 development
Lions - 2
Phoenix - 3 + 1 development
Tigers - 5
Uni - 2
Vikings - 4
MK Lakers - 1

It's proposed to make no changes other than the promotions and relegations as per league positions last season and adding in MK to Division 1. The leagues would therefore look like this:
Div 1 (8 teams) - V1, T1, P1, C1, L1, T2, U1, MK
Div 2 (8 teams) - V2, P2, C2, C3, V3, L2, P3, T3 (T3 and T4 re-named as switched with each other)
Div 3 (7 teams) - T4, U2, C4, V4, T5, P4 (Dev), C5 (Dev)

This was agreed.

Laura hopes to circulate a first draft of the fixtures before Tuesday 6th September, when she will then be away until 16th September and not responding to emails. Clubs are encouraged to send feedback on the first draft during this time and Laura will respond with a revision once she has returned. It is hoped fixtures will begin the first weekend in October.


As was agreed at the AGM, Senior Development is a standing item on the agenda. Possible opportunities for senior development and the ways these could be achieved were discussed.

The following activities were agreed as senior development targets:

  • Create a calendar of events suitable for korfball demonstration/ promotion within Cambridgeshire, e.g. annual village ‘feasts’/fetes, open days, sports demonstration events. A shareable and editable google document was the suggested format, so that events can be added as and when people become aware off them.

  • Coordinate a recruitment week event across all CKA clubs. It was suggested that all clubs hold beginners sessions in the same week and promote all sessions as options for those interested in trying korfball. This reduces the possibility that people are put off trying korfball because they are unable to train at a particular time or because the location they are aware of is inconvenient.

It was agreed that the ideal time to do this would be August/September but that it was too late for this year. It was suggested that this is tried in January/February 2017, and if successful this could be repeated before the start of next season. Clubs to discuss and confirm if they want to take part, and what dates would be preferable in January/February.

Once dates are agreed, the main focus will be on promotion.

  • Create a list of summer tournaments that could be targeted for attendance by a cross-CKA team. It was highlighted that each clubs might have a few people each year who are keen to attend tournaments, but they miss out if their club doesn’t have 8 players. It was agreed it would be good to identify a few tournaments that the CKA could arrange a team or teams to attend. Different individuals could coordinate each tournament.

  • Coordinate a team for the inter area competition. This could include team training beforehand.

Clubs to circulate these ideas to their members and request volunteers who would be interested in doing one of the tasks. This is to encourage more people to get involved with the CKA more widely and share the senior development responsibilities.

The senior inter area competition was also discussed. It was agreed that in the first instance Howard would create a doodle for next years’ date which can be circulated to all clubs to be completed by members who would be interested in attending. It was also agreed that Mark would add the date to the fixtures list on the CKA website, so that people are reminded it is happening and consolidate the idea that the CKA will attend.






Next meeting will be in November.