CKA Committee Meeting MinutesTuesday 25th January 2017, 8.30pm, CRC |
Chairman (Howard Laffling, Phoenix) |
✔ |
Secretary (Fiona Hill, Phoenix) |
✔ |
Treasurer (Philip Morton, Vikings) |
✔ |
Fixtures (Vacant) |
Results (Mark Wassell, Phoenix) |
✔ |
Senior Development (Vacant) |
Junior Development (Liv Harcourt, Tigers) |
✔ |
Refereeing (Adam Twiss, Vikings) |
✔ |
Coaching (Vacant) |
Publicity (Gavin Belsham, City) |
✔ |
CPO (Angela Gibbs, Tigers) |
✔ |
City Rep(s) [Stuart Hatfield] Lions Rep(s) [] Phoenix Rep(s) [✔] Tigers Rep(s) [Steve Clarke] University Rep(s) [Ed Holt] Vikings Rep(s) [Martin Brown, Chris Brown] |
Howard to find out where SERL refund payments need to be sent – done. Philip to make payment. |
Philip |
MK Lakers to provide a list of the individuals who will be refereeing CKA matches, and the qualification levels they hold – Although a full list has not been sent, MK Lakers are providing external referees for matches as appropriate. |
Clubs to circulate senior development ideas to their members and request volunteers who would be interested in doing one of the tasks – done, each task can be recirculated at relevant times. |
Howard to create a doodle for next year's senior inter area competition – done. |
Mark to add junior inter area competition date to the fixtures list – done. |
make all members aware that Laura resigned as Fixtures
Officer |
Philip to update accounts to show extra NL team – done, some additional text needs to be added accompanying the change. |
Philip |
Ed to circulate refereeing theory test details – the date has just been confirmed as 21 February so can be circulated shortly. |
Ed |
Gavin to investigate if Cambridge TV would be amenable to having a feature about Korfball – done, an email was sent, no reply received. |
Angela to investigate a custom Safeguarding and protecting children course. |
Angela |
Philip to approach a member of Vikings who may be able to create a promotional poster – done, Lucy Lloyd is happy to create a poster if provided with the relevant details. |
check that their details on the CKA website Clubs page is up
to |
Mark to update the map on the CKA website Clubs page with a Google map – a draft has been sent to Howard, to be activated on the live site. It was highlighted that the location of Vikings’ venue should be checked carefully as the postcode can bring up the wrong place in satnavs and google maps. |
Howard |
Mark to set up and share an online document with a calendar of local events which could act as promotional opportunities for korfball – done. |
players: |
The CKA committee decided by email to spend £1,126.80 on 48 junior and 18 senior Cambridgeshire Korfball Association shirts. The cost will be recouped via player's fees in this and subsequent years. |
Nothing to report. |
Accounts attached. |
I have confirmed the bank statement elements against the bank records and entered the information into the budget and actuals tab. Other points to note We are expecting about £900 in shortly to come from Inter Area receipts - invoices only went out today Still owe CRC for Dec, waiting for confirmation of hours |
City still owe CKA fees and an assortment of junior payments |
City |
U14 NL all up to date except for two supplementary payments from City and Dragons Still haven't refunded SERL money, but I now have the contacts to begin the task. |
The accounts have been audited by Corrine Bowes. |
The accounts can now be added to the website |
Howard |
FIXTURES (vacant): |
See item 2 below. |
It was highlighted that Tigers and Vikings have a fixture that they need to rearrange. Vikings to let Howard know the details. Clubs are reminded that they should let Howard (in lieu of a fixtures officer) know as soon as it becomes apparent that a fixture will need to be rearranged, so that the website can be updated. |
Vikings |
There has been an error with the scorecard submission system on the website over the last two weeks – results have not been saved when entered. The problem has now been resolved so please could each club ask their referees to check the recent fixtures on the website and resubmit any that are not recorded. It was agreed that the results of all fixtures played up to and including on Sunday 22nd January must be input by Sunday 29th January. |
(Howard) Carla Bennett (City) has
organised 2 more senior Cambridgeshire training |
See item 3. |
Our youth teams performed the
best that they have ever done at the Junior Inter-area: |
(Howard) Uni
are looking at organising a theory test in the near future. |
Clubs to check if any of their members wish to sit the test and let Howard know in the first instance. |
Clubs |
COACHING (Vacant): |
Phoenix have 2 people attending a level 1 coaching course in Birmingham and are requesting funding from the CKA. The cost is £70 each. For the last level 1 course, which ran in Cambridge last summer, the CKA paid the hall fees which worked out at about £7.50-£10 per person with the attendee's clubs paying a remainder of £45. When level 1 courses were a lot cheaper, the CKA paid half and the clubs half. There is money in the budget for coaching courses. The committee agreed that some subside would be appropriate to encourage engagement in coaching. It was highlighted that the decision over how much funding to provide should be carefully considered as there are likely to be similar requests in the future and this will set a precedent. It was agreed that funding of £25 per person would be granted, the cost to the club would then be £45 per person, in line with the last part funded level 1 course.
It was highlighted that there are now EKA Coaching Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses available and this might be something that local coaches would be interested in, in the future. |
MK Lakers vs Phoenix 1 match, originally scheduled for 6th November, was postponed. Despite repeated chasing MK Lakers have still not come up with a new date. |
It was agreed that a deadline of 28th February would be set, by which time the fixture must be scheduled; otherwise Lakers would forfeit the match. Howard to advise MK Lakers of this deadline. |
Howard |
It was later confirmed that the match has been scheduled for 5 March. |
The senior development targets were discussed. |
- Create a calendar of events suitable for korfball demonstration/ promotion within Cambridgeshire, e.g. annual village ‘feasts’/fetes, open days, sports demonstration events. Mark has created the google doc and this will become more helpful in spring/summer as more events emerge. |
- Coordinate a recruitment week event across all CKA clubs. Clubs were asked to confirm their training times, locations and logos were correct on the website. Lucy Lloyd from Vikings is kindly working on a poster to incorporate this information. The poster, once complete, should be circulated by all clubs to all its members, so they can print and electronically share it and publicise all clubs. It was agreed that Uni’s details would not be included on the poster. |
Clubs |
Ed advised that it is possible to pay a small fee (around £10) to promote an advert or event on Facebook, which could increase its reach and audience. This is something that could be usefully employed to promote a recruitment week. The possibility of advertising in local newspapers was also mentioned. Howard advised that this had been tried before at quite high expense and had yielded little return. It was highlighted that if clubs are successful in recruiting, they should ask new members how/where they heard about the club to see which methods are successful. |
- Create a list of summer tournaments that could be targeted for attendance by a cross-CKA team. It is still a little early in the year to focus on this, but it was suggested that aiming to attend one tournament per month from May- August might be a good target. |
- Coordinate a team for the inter area competition. This could include team training beforehand. Carla’s training sessions have been well received and attended by about 15 on average. It is hoped this will lead to participation in the inter area competition. |
meeting will be in mid-March. Jessica Skinner from Sports
Structures Ltd/EKA |
Howard has been advised that as of April, CRC will charge groups £15 per hour to use the classroom where recent committee meetings have been held. An alternative venue will therefore be sort. |
Vikings are considering running an U11s tournament in summer again this year, probably in June. An email has been sent to those involved with junior korfball to see if there is interest and/or a preference for a date. |