CKA Committee Meeting Minutes

Thursday 23rd November 2017, 7.30pm, The Golden Hind, Cambridge





Chairman (Howard Laffling, Phoenix)

Secretary (Fiona Hill, Phoenix)

Treasurer (Philip Morton, Vikings)

Fixtures (Kevin McGuinness, Tigers)

Results (Mark Wassell, Phoenix)

Senior Development (Carla Bennett, City)

Junior Development (Liv Harcourt, Tigers)

Refereeing (Vacant)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Gavin Belsham, City)

CPO (Mark Wilson, City)


City Rep(s) []

Lions Rep(s) [ ]

Phoenix Rep(s) []

Tigers Rep(s) [ ]

University Rep(s) [Sam Galvin]

Vikings Rep(s) [Chris Brown, Martin Brown]

Hannah Winsbury, National Development Officer, England Korfball


Philip to make SERL refund payments - in progress, some complete.


Mark Wassell to send out referees' ratings of teams at the start of the coming
season - complete.

Gavin to email clubs to gauge demand for a Level 2 coaching course – had some expression of interest from Oxford for join venture - Hannah advises they are now going to London. Maybe we don't have enough and it is not worth it. Maybe a conversion course locally would have better take up. Gavin to investigate.


Philip to investigate Ely Rugby Club, next door to the Hockey Club (Ely

Outdoor Sports Association) for CKA 25th tournament in summer 2018 - looks like available - no cost or details confirmed.

Philip to investigate Living sport local coaching bursaries towards the

level 2 course.


Clubs to let Sam Galvin know of opportunities for refereeing assessment

this was discussed and it was agreed that Sam could be assessed at a development match if both teams are happy with that. Kevin will investigate potential development matches that would be suitable.


Mark Wilson to look out for a safeguarding course that he is able to

attend, the Living sport one is recommended.

Mark Wilson

Fiona to look for link to Child Protection policy on EKA website and liaise with Mark Wilson over sharing with clubs - the link was found and shared with Mark. Not yet sent to clubs.

Fiona/Mark Wilson

Philip to transfer £30 to Phoenix for coaching development day - done.

Kevin to implement league structure - done.

Howard to reply to England Korfball Strategy consultation on behalf of

the CKA - done.

Carla to investigate an over 50s match - no update


Mark Wassell to provide data on player ages from Fixtures Live - Howard completed




- Obtained 2 references for Mark Wilson by email.
- Junior players:
Max Keiller(City)
Harry Keiller (City)
Isobel Howes (City)
Asha Bharadwa (City)
Leo Parry (City)
Ed Frearson (City)
Caleb Plant (City)
Ollie Forbes (Tigers)
Dylan Lowe (Vikings)
Daisy Wright (Vikings)
Joshua Ford (Vikings)
were approved to play in the CKL.


Nothing to report


Accounts attached. I will shortly be sending out the invoices for CKA affiliation. There are some outstanding U11 tournament fees from 14 Oct and some U14 NL entry fees outstanding which I will follow up. I will also contact Harrow to process their refund for U14 NL. I will do one more round to try to return the remaining SERL money.



Andy Rutter has asked if some of the Thursday appointments refereeing at
CRC can be swapped so they doesn't clash with City's training - informal swaps of refereeing commitments will happen throughout the season.


Nothing to report.


(Howard) One senior area training session has happened and was well attended (14), another planned for December.


U9s and U11s tournaments happened organised by City and Phoenix, they went well. Milton Road did not attend, Liv is a bit worried we might be losing the school representation. Another on 9th December so we will see if entries differ. Liv glad to pass the tournament organisation over - thanks to those who have taken it on. U14 NL going well, 6 teams, but Harrow not inputting the stats into Fixures Live which affects the credibility. Worried Kent might be doing more isolated things this season, not sure how could try and pull people in next season. Refs only respond on second or third reminder and then everyone volunteers, would be preferable to have people come forward first time. Mindful of development in the area in general, come in waves, need to secure players coming through continuously. All clubs think about how can work collaboratively to attract players. U19s inter area in 2 weeks. Difficult to get players to train and play because of revision for mock exams. Hope for a good performance. Inter areas in late Jan, will need refs, probably in Harrow. Requests will come out - please offer early if possible.


(Chris) A theory test is being run in Ely next week because the hall is set up for exams. Members of other clubs are welcome to sit the test.

COACHING (Vacant):


Nothing to report.


(Liv) Liv has done a few DBS identity checks recently. Would be good to have another authorised identity checker locally. Fiona to liaise with Hannah to get authorised.



At present Uni don't have any CKA approved referees. Sam is ready to be assessed. 3 people keen to take the next possible test. Otherwise all very inexperienced. Could a yearly sitting of the test be introduced ? e.g. At beginning of the season for returning players. Removes one barrier to becoming a ref. It's a long process and need to get a consistent culture of encouraging refs e.g. getting people to have a go at reffing at training. Everyone supportive of developing refs. Try and get anyone who played last year, who will be here next year, to take the test. Sam will book a test for next term. Kev has left Uni 4 commitments at the end of season, Sam should be able to cover or swap to fulfil these.



The senior development targets were discussed.

The google doc of events in Cambridgeshire is unlikely to be needed until next summer.

CKA's 25th. Suggest date should be in June or July, avoiding National Youth Day. Should have a look at other tournament dates from last year and try to only clash with non-local ones.

Development Cup – Howard did email all clubs but had non-committal responses. Howard to email again.



January TBC.


Golden Hind is not ideal location for meetings; the committee agreed it would be worth paying to use the small room at CRC for a quieter environment.