CKA Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 27th March 2018, 8pm, Cambridge Regional College





Chairman (Howard Laffling, Phoenix)

Secretary (Fiona Hill, Phoenix)

Treasurer (Philip Morton, Vikings)

Fixtures (Kevin McGuinness, Tigers)

Results (Mark Wassell, Phoenix)

Senior Development (Carla Bennett, City)

Junior Development (Liv Harcourt, Tigers)

Refereeing (Vacant)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Gavin Belsham, City)

CPO (Mark Wilson, City)


City Rep(s) []

Lions Rep(s) [ ]

Phoenix Rep(s) []

Tigers Rep(s) []

University Rep(s) [Sam Galvin]

Vikings Rep(s) []


Philip to make SERL refund payments - in progress, some complete. It was agreed that a deadline should be given in the next correspondence with those who have not paid, by which payment details should be received. If not forthcoming the money will be allocated to junior development spending and no further chasing will occur.


Gavin to email clubs to gauge demand for a Level 2 coaching course. Seems that the logistics may be largely dealt with by Sports Structures. A conversion course is being run in Harrow for BKA L2 to EKA L2, so it is possible. Gavin will continue to look into this.


Philip to investigate. Ely Rugby Club, next door to the Hockey Club
(Ely Outdoor Sports Association) for CKA 25th tournament in summer 2018 - done. Space for four pitches. Phil to make enquiry with requirements of hiring the venue for all of Saturday, including camping and use of the clubhouse (or equivalent) on the Saturday night.

Philip to process Harrow U14 NL refund - done.

Fiona to liaise with Hanna Winsbury to get authorised to DBS identity
checks - has heard back from Hannah but alternative email address needed so still in process.


Sam to organise referee theory test - done - Tuesday 27th February, 7.45pm,

Clubs to forward email from Carla about Veterans match to their members - done.

Martin to look into dates for CKA's 25th tournament - done.




-Attended the EKA AGM. Input on how to vote was sought by email and taken into account.
-Junior player:
Dana Fraser (vikings)
was approved to play in the CKL.

-An unapproved U18 player featured in a match for City. Team managers are supposed to have approval forms available at matches for refs to check, but this system might need to change with consideration of the GDPR legislation concerning the holding of personal data.

It was suggested that a tick box could be added to the scorecard as a reminder for the ref to check U18 paperwork, and also add one to check nails, jewelry etc. However it was pointed out the forms are usually completed at the end of a match so might not help to prevent unapproved individuals playing. Need a referee's checklist to inform new (to the CKL) referees and remind existing referees about match procedures no covered by the Korfball or CKL rules. Howard to create a placeholder document.


It was discussed whether a pitchside list could be used instead of individual forms. This would show all approved players and contain less personal info. These should be easily generated from Fixtures Live. It was agreed that pitchside lists could be accepted instead of junior forms. Howard to inform clubs and refs.



Nothing to report


Accounts attached. Debtors are; Vikings for U14 NL and a ref fine, Lions for their CKA fee and City for a juniors tournament.


Kevin asked for feedback on the refereeing allocation this year, which took location of clubs into account with the intention of reducing travel time for refs. Everyone acknowledged the good intentions of this but it has meant that Lions and Vikings have had most of their home games reffed by each other and in a lot of cases by the same individuals repeatedly. Due to variations in reffing style it was noted that this might not be beneficial for players or refs. It was agreed that the principle behind the allocation was good but that it should be scaled back a little for next year to allow more ref variety.

Kevin also reports that Tigers have investigated some extra hall time for additional development matches. Kevin to circulate dates and details to other clubs.


It was agreed that the fine for missing a referee commitment should be reviewed at the AGM, as the cost of hire at the Perse is currently higher than the fine. Howard to add to AGM agenda.



Nothing to report.


-Senior Cambridgeshire training:
Sat 14th Apr, 11-12pm at CRC
Sat 28th Apr, 10-12pm at CRC
Tue 15th May, 9-10pm potential friendly vs City (selected team only)

Fairly consistent turnout of about 14 players, with most clubs represented at most sessions. Starting to think about selection for Inter-Area but all players are still welcome at upcoming training. Other members of the committee noted that the sessions were beneficial and enjoyable.
-Masters (Veterans) (45+) matches vs Norwich, Sat 14th Apr, 12-2pm at CRC

Looks like Cambridge will have enough for 2 teams, Norwich will have 1 team. It was agreed that the area shirts could be used for the day. Participants will be charged £5 each and this should cover the cost of the hall. Carla will kindly referee.


National Schools Championship 2018 : Schools Tournament Monday 26th March, 4-6pm at Milton Road Primary School. The prize for the winner is a place in the National School Championship finals at the Copperbox at the EKA Grand Finals event.

Very grateful to all referees and logistical assistants on the day, people were very generous with their time to be there at 4pm on a Monday. St Matthews won the tournament, their team was a mix of City and Tigers players. On the day of the championship it would be good if someone other than Liv could be there as their coach. Traditionally this is a link school for City, could they investigate this possibility? Ideally someone would work on some coaching beforehand and manage/support on the day. Cambridgeshire might gain a second place if another area drops out.

This was useful in building school contacts, will try to build on this and foster school engagement. Might consider running termly school tournaments next year for example.

Other members of the committee noted that the tournament went brilliantly and was very professional, which is especially impressive given the turnaround time for making it happen. Well done Liv.


U14 National League - Tigers won, City second and Harrow third. There were some difficulties this year. It was the first year it was endorsed and info held on Fixtures Live. One of the pros of this was that the players could see their individual statistics (e.g. goals scored) which they greatly enjoyed. However due to walkover games being recorded they were not entirely accurate. Liv is a little cautious about next year but is happy to run it again. Referee commitment had been a recurring problem. It was agreed that the U14 NL fixtures should be allocated to clubs involved next year. Kevin to arrange this with input from Liv.


Ideal next project/aim for junior development would be getting equipment into schools. There are lots of factors involved; money for equipment, able coaches availability and potential payment, time commitment to set up and maintain. Liv hopes to hold some regular meetings with those involved in juniors locally to keep sharing ideas and make progress.

Carla mentioned that a member of City is looking into the possibility of a link/exchange event with dutch players/schools. There were no objections to this but there is also limited capacity for support. City/individuals to take forward and submit proposals to committee if support needed.

REFEREEING (vacant):

(Howard) I ran a referee's theory test. All candidates passed : Steve Clarke, Ross Thomson and Kevin McGuinness from Tigers, and Hermionie Burn, Rachel Bedwin and Bethany from Uni. I transcribed the answers from those who passed the old test last November to new test answer papers. The candidates : Olivia Harcourt and Chris Rhodes from Tigers, and Jackie Smith from Vikings, still passed. I sent all the results to the EKA Referee's Sub-Committee (RSC) who have accepted them and recorded them on Fixtures Live. The EKA RSC sent us the 'basic assessment' from for practical assessments. Dom McDonald (R level) completed copies for Kevin McGuinness's and Sam Galvin's recent practical assessments. I sent these to the EKA RSC who have accepted them and Kevin and Sam are now 'Q' level referees and this has been recorded on Fixtures Live. Gary Cole (1B level) practically assessed Olivia Harcourt who is now also 'Q' level. I've compiled a spreadsheet of CKA referees. A number of people have recent theory passes and could be practically assessed to Q level / 'CKA approved'. A number of experienced 'CKA approved' referees could be practically assessed, but have no recent or recorded theory pass.

Going forward it should be easier to become ‘Q’ level qualified and records should be better kept to avoid further confusion. Refs should not be assessed at U14 NL but can be assessed at development matches.

COACHING (Vacant):

It would be good to create a spreadsheet of all local coaches and what qualifications they hold. Howard to contact clubs and ask them to provide this info to be compiled. Howard will also contact the EKA and ask for a list according to their records for comparison.



Nothing to report.


Received a couple of queries in response to circulation of Safeguarding info, all have been dealt with.


It was proposed to spend £39 + VAT = £46.80 on getting 70 certificates printed. The proposal was agreed. Phil to pay Liv.



CKA's 25th. In 2018, the CKA will be 25 years old. This will be marked with a tournament or public event. With an appropriate venue the tournament could be combined with an evening social allowing attendance at either or both. Ideally there would be the option to camp to allow visiting teams to more easily attend the social. Ely Rugby Club, next door to the Hockey Club (Ely Outdoor Sports Association) is the proposed venue. Saturdays 16th or 30th June look good candidate dates. 10 teams at £40 a team gives a budget of £400.

Mark highlighted that a plan needs to begin to take shape, including who will be responsible for what. To be discussed at the next meeting, or beforehand.


June, TBC.


GDPR - the General Data Protection Regulation comes into effect on 25th May. Tigers have requested guidance from the EKA. Informed it will be discussed at forthcoming board meeting, training and information for clubs will be considered. The key themes of the changes are transparency about how personal data will be stored and used and justification of the storage and use of historic data. Further consideration will be needed. Howard to include on next agenda.
