CKA Committee Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 12th February 2019, 8.00pm, Cambridge Consultants





Chairman (Howard Laffling, Phoenix)

Secretary (Fiona Hill, Phoenix)

Treasurer (Philip Morton, Vikings)

Fixtures (Kevin McGuinness, Tigers)

Results (Mark Wassell, Phoenix )

Senior Development (Chris Brown, Vikings)

Junior Development (Liv Harcourt, Tigers)

Refereeing (Vacant)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Gavin Belsham, City)

CPO (Mark Wilson, City)


City Rep(s) [Chris Jones]

Lions Rep(s) [ ]

Phoenix Rep(s) []

Tigers Rep(s) [Ross Thomson]

University Rep(s) [Tara Morrison]

Vikings Rep(s) [Martin Brown]


Philip to ask EKA who is responsible for data entered into Fixtures Live - done, awaiting response.

Mark Wilson to consider CKA CPO meeting or group email to check up
on all policies and their implementation - still to do.

Mark Wilson

Howard to look at scheduling referee test - done, see below (Refereeing Officer Report)

Howard to look at alternative status/team restriction systems - kindly done by Ross Thomson. See attached and agenda item.

Howard to create a GDPR policy for the CKA - still to do.


Clubs to encourage coaches to be involved with CKA youth training - no impact made if this has been done.




CKA endorsed City and Tigers for National League.


Nothing to report


I have been in touch with Liv regarding U14NL fees. So far we only have CKA fees from Uni, Tigers, Phoenix, Vikings and Lions. Accounts attached.

U9 and U11 tournament fees will be incoming soon. Need to monitor situation with U19 inter area entry fee, tournament postponed and unsure if will go ahead or if we will participate so might need a refund.

Unrelated business: Hannah Winsbury has left her role at EKA as National Development Officer, replacement does not start until March so please be aware there may be some disruption to service in the meantime.


There have been a few rearranged fixtures, process for requesting changes is running smoothly. A few instances of fixture congestion - consecutive days for 1 team. Difficulties this year with the number of fixtures and restrictions on venues. Extending by a week or 2 next year would help enormously. Need to be mindful of Uni but should be able to work a schedule with more games out of term time for non-Uni teams.



(Howard) - anyone heard anything about Senior Inter-area? No word from EKA


Good inter area results - best for a while, we were the only area with 2 teams in the older age groups showing impressive depth of squads. Some Vikings and Phoenix players involved too this year. At Inter area the team manager roles are fulfilled by parents but coaching is dominated by Tigers. Would really like to diversifying, feel there is a lack of confidence for training kids in the area. People are very welcome to help, be mentored, take the lead, talk to Liv if interested.

Please can clubs ensure messages about area training are circulated to the parents of relevant players.

REFEREEING (vacant):

(Howard) Jack Birch (Uni) is now Q qualified - thanks to Dom McDonald.
Tuesday 26th February is proposed date for refereeing theory test.

COACHING (Vacant):

(Phil) EKA coaching sub committee to be revived - one of the items to be looked at will be the level 2 coaching award situation


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Nothing further to discuss than the above report.


Secondary school. Joe plays for Norwich Knights, would like to start korfball at the school - needs at least 2 posts. Hoping to start after Easter. At CRC there are 8 new and 2 old bases, 2 green poles, 2 galvanised posts. So could lend 2 bases and 2 green poles, would just need to buy 2 baskets and 2 adapters. These poles belong to Phoenix, Mark to check with Phoenix committee about lending them.

Mark Wassell

Vikings have black and white size 5s for sale, would also like some match balls. 2 baskets, 2 adapters and 2 balls would be £290 - agreed to buy these, if Phoenix can lend the bases and poles, from Junior Development Budget. Liv to coordinate.


Many thanks to Ross for compiling the summary attachment.

There are 2 types of rules that are in play; how to identify who is in which team; and how to implement that, plus the agreed upon playing down restrictions.

Discussion has come about from the current results system and Mark wanting to resign but the status system being at risk of collapse in his absence. The current system has developed over a lot of time and been tweaked, adding complexity. No point in spending a lot of time and effort on a new system if it is easy to work around and/or has no real impact on those who end up playing. It was acknowledged that issues usually arise from availability and genuinely only having certain options to field a team which might include lots of playing down, but that those decisive games at the end of the season for the league composition also, understandably, tempt clubs to make optimum selections within the rules. People are happy with the double headers, but it is a shame when the opposition play in both matches if they are first and third team. No suggestion of malice, but not always representative. We’re not unhappy with the system and what it allows, it is a lot of effort to administer. And don’t want to force people to make ‘immoral’ decisions - e.g. starting line-ups where people play for a matter of seconds to avoid someone else getting the status points. Fixtures Live has been bought by another company so the future of that is potentially up in the air. Options are; stick with what we have, rework to be based just on appearances or starting (info we can get from fixtures live), no rules at all, system based on team lists (but not keen on this due to subjective nature). Scotland is most similar to ours but status players are picked rather than calculated. Ideally we would try to keep subjectivity out of it. Another factor or option is to have no status rules applied to 2 team clubs. It was agreed that no set of status rules are perfect and all will present difficulties.

If we could have a system based on excel rather than code it is likely there would be more people able to pick it up in the event of Results Officer Vacancy.

No decision can be taken now but discussion should ongoing ahead of AGM. Proposals for alternative systems/ rules are welcome for review.


Suggestion it would be a good idea to formalise some of the ‘unwritten rules’, determined by precedence, we go by, e.g. playing on consecutive days being valid reason for rearranging. This year games have been rearranged on this basis even after fixtures have been published for a long time before this was noticed. Treated as exceptional circumstance, but this was a judgement. Propose to add ‘teams will not be required to play fixtures on the same or consecutive days’ to the leagues rules at the AGM.

Fixture officer in each club needs to take a bit more responsibility too for noticing these and/or checking with team captains whether acceptable to the team in question.

Also a question of whether there is a rule which says the League Sub-committee should not have conflict of interest. This is normally the case. In this instance there wasn't a formal League Sub-committee decision. Process needs to be clarified and rules need to be stuck. Howard to add rule addition to AGM agenda.



Next meeting will be in March.


(Howard) this season there seems to be more of a culture of back chat to referees and open challenges to decisions made. This needs to stop. Clubs to consider the culture they are cultivating and the example senior players are setting for new players and juniors. Referees are so essential and so we must make it sustainable that we keep them doing this important job.

All clubs

Thanks to Ross for organising the meeting room venue which is brilliant and much more conducive to discussion than a noisy pub.