CKA Committee Meeting Minutes

Thursday 1st October 2020, 7.30pm, ‘Zoom’





Chairman (Howard Laffling, Phoenix)

Secretary (Fiona Hall, Phoenix)

Treasurer (Philip Morton, Vikings)

Fixtures (Kevin McGuinness, Tigers)

Results (Mark Wassell, Phoenix)

Senior Development (Vacant)

Junior Development (Liv Harcourt, Tigers)

Refereeing (Chris West, Tigers)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Chris Jones, City)

CPO (Mark Wilson)


City Rep(s) [Nick Collier, Simon McGregor]

Lions Rep(s) [ ]

Phoenix Rep(s) []

Tigers Rep(s) [Mark Potter, Zoe DeBarro]

University Rep(s) [ ]

Vikings Rep(s) [Chris Brown, Martin Brown]


Annalie Barker to look into possible dates for referee theory test -
done, test ran in February.

Liv (and anyone else regularly coaching on behalf of CKA) to provide
Howard with a copy of her DBS certificate – no junior CKA activities have taken place recently so this has been needed.

Howard to add GDPR policy to website - done.




Attended EKA AGM and Zoom EKA EGM.


Nothing to report.


Accounts attached. £3700 in the bank, owe £450 in refunds for U14s National League, and the only expected expenditure is £120 to EKA for affiliation. Currently we have not collected league fees for last season from clubs, and there will be no expenditure, e.g. on trophy engraving. The committee agreed not to collect league fees from last year.

Thanks to those who helped with junior tournament arrangements which are much easier to manage.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


No report.


Nothing to report.

REFEREEING (vacant):

(Howard) Theory test ran in February. 3 passed. Results sent to EKA, but not yet recorded on Fixtures Live

COACHING (Vacant):

Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Mark is stepping down as advised last year. Howard to send an email request for volunteers for the role, clubs to email parents to encourage them to volunteer. Phil to check with EKA if area CPO can be a club CPO.




Chris West has volunteered to be CKA Refereeing officer. There was unanimous support, Chris was co-opted to the committee.


Fixtures have been disruption this season both due to the storms and Covid 19. Liv and Phil have worked out the proportionate payments for the unplayed matches. Cambridgeshire teams pay higher fees than others so suggest refunds split to reflect this. It seems unlikely the league will be finished as the players will move into different age groups. A question was raised about whether we could keep some of the money as a float for the future. It was agreed this was not possible without permission, but CKA clubs could opt not to take the refund and leave it in the Area Juniors budget.

The committee approved the refunds. Liv to email clubs confirming the season is finished, the proposed refunds and asking them to contact Phil with payment details.



Due to Coronavirus, there has been no korfball allowed since March 2020. Each sporting body must submit a return to play plan to the Department for Culture, Sports and Media, which must be approved before play can resume. EKA return to play has not yet been approved. Once approved, each club will need to undertake necessary admin, will need a Covid officer, risk assessments and agreement with venues. Expecting approval in the next week or two.

It is understood that the suitable playing conditions outlined in the return to play are:

Outdoor training for up to 30 adults

Indoor training for up to 30 U18s

Indoor training for up to 6 adults (possibly with more than 1 group of 6, if completely distinct and distanced from one another)

Each club present gave an indication of how prepared they are for return to play.

Vikings – spoken about restarting juniors but have some reservations because of increased mixing between school bubbles. Currently no guidance that this is inadvisable, so it is up to individuals to opt out. For adults, scoping possible enthusiasm for outdoor training and if necessary will look for possible venue, no feedback yet. Unlikely to run indoor training for adults soon, as there is no meaningful hall time available at the moment.

Tigers – ambition is to get juniors going asap, then U18 ‘seniors’, then seniors. No details have been confirmed yet. Before the introduction of the rule of 6, 90% of members are keen to resume based on a recent survey. Perse, Chesterton and CRC happy to host once risk assessments etc. are all agreed.

Liv keen to restart area training for juniors. This would mean we need to appoint a CKA Covid officer and complete a risk assessment.

Phoenix – members are keen to get back. The club has not been training over summer. They have been in contact with CRC to start conversation about what will be needed for returning. Not much contact with juniors about returning so far.

Uni – Howard has been in touch with Uni, the Sports Centre venue is not opening to external opponents. They are working on an outdoor risk assessment.

City – Hills Road is happy for the club to return in due course, at the moment Impington sports hall is only open until 830pm and work is being done on the floor so not sure if and when the hall will be available again. Training will probably start with juniors at Hills Road and then seniors.

Over summer City have been doing 45 mins training for 5 people plus a coach, players have their own post and ball each. In last couple of weeks, have been doing 30 mins shooting and 30 mins fitness so can train up to 20 people in 2 hours. Feedback has been very positive. Lessons learnt; 1) wont please everyone - 40% of membership did not engage, but 60% attending regularly. 2) Positive language used in messaging has been effective. 3) Good to build up gradually – establish habits early and continue as training develops. Builds confidence for players, coaches and parents. First steps important to start the process. People are aware, self-regulating and adaptable to the restrictions that are needed.

Nick kindly offered that coaches from other clubs are welcome to attend City sessions if this would help to re-establish training for other clubs. Clubs/members can contact Nick and Simon for any info about current training set up.

Chris reported that there will be briefing sessions for refs from the EKA once the paperwork is signed off. The new rules include ‘Guarded’ as opposed to Defended shots, which is not a major adjustment. The biggest adjustment likely to be the exclusion zone around the post, for example people will have to learn to vacate from collect if someone doing a running in shot is coming in. There was a trial where people heard the rules for the first time, tried it out and it looked like korfball. Coaching which builds to learning the new rules would be advisable – especially for juniors, might need to not have game play for a while until used to the ideas of the rules/ control.

There was a consensus that it would be good to have a joint objective of having some form of matches between clubs before Easter.

It seems like local competitive play will resume before internationals and national league, as the focus is on grass-roots first.

The committee discussed what are barriers there might be for clubs and agreed that it would be good to have a community ethos of maintaining all 6 clubs through the challenges presented by Covid, working collaboratively if needed. All clubs with representatives present confirmed they will be able to pay EKA fees. Howard agreed to reach out to Lions to check their situation.

Clubs can start preparing now for Return to Play, for further info can refer to the Basketball approved plan for a good guidance starting point.



Howard to arrange an AGM soon.