CKA Meeting Minutes

<Wednesday 13th December 2006 7.30PM @ Penny Ferry, Chesterton>





Chairman (Howard Laffling)

Secretary (Laura Neaves)

Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)

Fixtures (Adam Twiss)

Results (Nick Armitage)

Juniors (Liv Armitage)

Refereeing (Andy Rutter)

Coaching (Lee Matthews)

Publicity (Laura Matthews)

CPO (Vacant)

Development (Sara Neaves)


City Rep [Antony Proietti ]

Phoenix Rep [ ]

Lions Rep [ ]

Tigers Rep [Reda Ibn-Tahaikt ]

University Rep [ ]


Website now up to date with rules, constitution and minutes. Development plan updates completed and plan emailed out. Plan still needs to be put on website.
2 email votes for CPO: Lee - 8 for, 3 abstentions, 0 against. Subsequently Sam - 7 votes for, 1 abstention and 0 votes against
Email received from NKA :-


The e-mails below correspond to an idea of an East Anglian superleague put forward by myself and the NKA committee earlier this year.

With the splitting of the Norfolk korfball league into three divisions next season, this will decrease the number of games per team. Therefore more fixtures in our schedules would be more viable.

Is this any more of a possibility now, for a future season?


Neil Wakefield

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 24 March 2006 14:09
Subject: East Anglian Superleague

Ian, Nick and Howard,

My names Neil and currently i hold the league secretary position on the NKA
committee. My aim is to float an idea to you and the rest of the CKA committee
regarding the possibility of an East Anglian superleague comprising of clubs
from our respective areas. This idea came about after the newly formed Ice
played a game down in Cambridge against Cambridge city i believe and
realised the logistics of travel were not too demanding and the quality of
the game (even for a pre-season warm-up game) was of a high standard.

Advantages of such a league would be greater interconnectivity between our
two associate regions and hopefully a slightly higher standard of game for
the better teams from each area. It also obviously gets our members playing
matches against some new faces, and not turning out against the same person
week after week. Hopefully such a league would boost the development of some
of our clubs.

Let me explain our thoughts on some kind of structure for this league:

-League to consist of 6 teams - 3 from each area. Qualification would be by
achieving a top three finish in the local league the previous year. If a
team decides not to enter the league then a place is to be offered to the
next highest ranking team. National league teams may not enter the
competition (i think this only applies to Norwich City and Knights from
Norfolk and possibly Littleport next year).

-League format - play each team once, with two home games and three away or
two away and three at home, alternatively we may be able to find a suitable
neutral venue - Thetford way maybe?

-Games to be 50 mins (2x25) long with regular BKA rules to apply. Games to
be played over the course of the winter season with league secretaries to
co-ordinate suitable game times for clubs involved.

Obvious disadvantages are the extra travelling for all involved including
referees, and obviously the inclusion of more fixtures into the schedules of
the six teams involved. However, i believe 5 extra fixtures over the course
of a season is not a great burden.

Here at the NKA we believe this is a very feasible idea and with some
co-ordination could become a very successful league to compliment our
existing leagues and hopefully boost the standard of Korfball played in East

If your area decides this may be a feasible idea and you think you may have
enough interest to make this dream come true then we can perhaps meet over
the summer sometime (at a tournament maybe) to further discuss.


Neil Wakefield


Email List should now be up to date please keep me informed of any changes


Accounts Attached

Outstanding Amounts:
CKA Fees for City and Tigers
Missed Ref fine for City
to be written to Tigers for Hall Fees (Missed Ref)
Laura and Martin from Vikings still to pay for Level 1 Coaching course

(Laura Matthews paid her Level 1 coaching fees on the night)


Everything has been running fairly smoothly. One game (T2 vs T3) abandoned due to ref no-show (City). Otherwise every game this season has been played. A small number of games have been moved, but this has all been done in a non-contentious way.

Changes in last month (website is up to date and reflects these)
L4 vs P4 (Lions ref) moved 22 Dec to 5th Jan (old date seen as too close to Christmas)
C2 vs L1 (Tigers ref) moved 21 Jan to 23rd Jan (City venue problem)
T2 vs T3 (City ref) moved from 5th Nov to 14th Jan (previous game abandoned)




The Schools league is up and running. There are some teething problems with some teams having children that are older / younger than the others, but these are to be addressed for the spring / summer league which will be more competitive. Results can be found on the CKA website. I will set up a meeting in the new year (or gather comments by email) to devise the new league - the winner of which will enter the National Schools Championship.

I am currently in the process of making an application to the Lottery fund to get some equipment for the CKA to be placed in schools. Anyone with any views or requests should contact me - though clubs should be making their own applications for junior projects.

I am still waiting for a response from the City Council, whose idea it was for a meeting, to set a date for meeting up to plan another schools Korfball initiative. This is very disappointing. The person in charge of grants is also ignoring my emails!

There was a Junior Meeting for clubs to share ideas and give each other support. I have not been supplied with details of what was discussed yet (I was unable to attend) so am unable to give any more details.


Uni have 2 theory qualified refs, but we need to find time to practically assess. Phoenix Mon night seems to be the only training session in Cambridge that has an 8v8 match in its training. George was not up to it in the assessment he had, need some time to look at Angus. Conflict of interest, see Antony, re clash with Uni training. There next Div 1 commitment is not until 11th march, however this needs resolving on their return from holiday.

I am aware that Martin Brown (Vikings) would like assessing and that Adam Twiss (Phoenix) would like to take the exam and be assessed.




Have been trying to get reports in In Sport & Play, Active Clubs, and have emailed Healthy Living in East Cambs. Have also entered all clubs details on Tried and Tested website.






Sam Haworth appointed as CPO as vote was already held by email as reported in the Chairman section.

CP policy - It was agreed at the meeting that the CKA would follow the BKA CP Policy

Penalties for
playing of underage players or players without appropriate permission i.e. no completed and approved underage player request forms

Walk over

2 Point deductions

£20.00 fine

To be added into League rules at next AGM/EGM

- Refs should check forms at the start of the game – refs discretion if junior is allowed to play without forms if the player is known to the ref to be approved by the CKA.

- Sam compile a list of approved players

- Andy to communicate to refs

- After the 1st January severe penalties come into effect.

- 27th December must submit list of Underage Players to CKA




All Venues should have:

  • first aiders

  • first aid kit

  • risk assessments completed

  • a way of contacting emergency services

Adam has suggested a formal league entry form to assist him/the future fixtures officer – maybe this should include a risk assessment.

Email to be sent to all clubs to explain what they are responsible for

CKA to look into arranging a 1st aid course in the future, Sara to email St John Ambulance




Deadline for CKA to nominate a representative is noon on 15 December 2006. Reda has volunteered.

Lee would like a suggestion put forward that Winners of the BKA cup are automatically entered into the Europa Shield.

Any further views for the meeting should be sent to Reda

4. EA cup / EA superleague:

As mentioned in the Chairman’s report Norfolk are still interested in forming an EA Superleague. Howard to email Norfolk to find out exactly what Norfolk are after (Cup/Superleague) (1day/over a number of weekends)

We also need to think about Fixture congestion/NL players

To be discussed at a later meeting when we find out more information from Norfolk.



Juniors need to have regular competitions, but there are not enough players yet for a league. Therefore it has been suggested that there should be a number of skills days this season (1st one to take place in January at CRC) to enable Junior korfballers to mix, make friends, play korfball and hopefully enable the best to play in inter-area county matches. At present each club is heavily subsidising their Juniors and therefore the CKA are being asked to cover the hall fees for these. Hopefully a league will be started next season and it will then be up to the clubs to bare the costs of halls in the same way as the adult league.

1st session a 3 hour event at CRC, Children to be charged £3.00 for the session – All monies collected and receipts for any expenses to be reimbursed by the CKA to be handed to the CKA treasurer.


Sara has suggested that we host the Counties this season rather than holding the CKA tournament. Committee agreed to support this.

Sara to find out from BKA if they would be happy for us to host it, and what date it is scheduled to be played. Also start finding out possible venues and what is involved in organising it.



The Cambridge Composite National League team have requested some funding from the CKA for Plastic Korfs to train with. They are currently renting 2 from Cambridge City but also have to train with 2 wicker baskets.

The committee agreed to fund up to 4 posts and adaptations, and the NL team could rent them from the CKA for £30.00 per season.


Deadline to get back to Cambridge City Council Sports Development Officer is 29th January. I've suggested that we run the course at zero cost to the participants, during club training sessions, to encourage people to sign up and so that the course always runs. The council said that they may make a donation to the CKA in return. We could run senior and/or junior courses.

- Agreed to run at zero cost.

It is City/Phoenix’s turn not sure which – Phoenix only wants to do adult course. Both City and Tigers would be interested in running Junior Course.

Post meeting note - it's in fact City's turn and Tigers will do the junior course, with City doing the juniors course next year.


Clubs generally think this is going well and have had good/positive responses from the beginners that have played.

One thing to note is that it is disappointing to see several 1st division players scoring hatricks in games that should really be aimed at developing beginners.


Reda – Tigers to provide invoice for cancelled game due to City ref not turning up

Reda – The CKA owned spiked bases and posts are at Perse and they need to be moved. Perse are not happy to store them any more.

Lee – Has an Underage player request form for a 14 year old that he would like approval for. Approved

Lee – Would like two 13 year olds (after 1st Sept) to be allowed to play in the Senior League. Lee to get the BKA to change it's CP policy, as stated in the Underage Player Request forms, to allow this and then the CKA to hold a vote to adopt the new policy. The CKA can then consider the application.

Reda – Would like the minutes sent round quicker





Thursday 1st February 2006 7.00PM Venue to be confirmed