CKA Meeting Minutes

<Wednesday 22th February 7.30PM>







Chairman (Ian Birch-Machin)




Secretary (Laura Neaves)




Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)




League (Nick Armitage)




Fixtures ()




Juniors (Liv Armitage)




CPO (Nick Evans)




Publicity (Lisa Clatworthy)




Development ()       




Refereeing (Andy Rutter)




Coaching (Lee Matthews)            





City Rep                                           [Rick Baldwin                            ]

Phoenix Rep                                       [Howard Laffling                        ]

Lions Rep                                          [                                                    ]

Tigers Rep                                         [Apology sent from Alex Bevan         ]

University Rep                                      [Lucy Martin                                ]


CHAIRMAN:                                                                 ACTIONS?





TREASURER:                                                                         ACTIONS?


The accounts have remained pretty much the same as at the last meeting, the £40 fines have been chased for missed matches and hall fees have been paid.  There is over £1000 in the bank still.


Lee asked if the BKA could be chased for his work as the Area Co-ordinator for Juniors.







CB to chase








The 2 missed fixtures have been rearranged





Lee mentioned that Julie Allen from Tigers has offered to cover this position in Liv’s absence.  LN to email Julie and check then ask Scott to add to email list.  (Nick Evans also to be added)











Level 1 coaching course happening soon, LM waiting on BKA to confirm date. 5 Phoenix, 3 City, Lions and Uni shown interest.


Level 2 part 2 also going ahead again waiting on BKA for date.


Certificates for last part of Level 2 course are in the pipeline still!












BBC Radio Cambs are announcing NL results & upcoming fixtures, they are coming round to the idea of reporting on CKA Div 1 fixtures but only top of the table clashes.


The Cambridge Evening News are publicising random reports.


Tournament dates have been forwarded to the links previously provided by Howard.


The BKA magazine has had a report including a general league update, Lions & Tigers NL applications, BKA & Tigers Tournament and news of the Radio coverage.


Hits on the CKA website have increased by approx 50-60% on last year.  Regular updates on the site of league round up and NL reports. Anyone can send in reports as Scott can easily add them to the website.


Publicity Match – Papers and Radio interested.  (Radio Camb will cover it live if it can be played between 4-7 Mon-Thurs.  Perse have offered a cheaper hall rate if played after the end of the season.


Lisa has convinced a National Photography Magazine to do a four page coverage of Korfball.  They are looking to cover a match at the End of March-April for entry in a June-July issue.   (They are looking for over 18 players only if possible)


Lisa is having to resign from this position due to personal reasons and lack of support.  She has set a number of things up which she is happy to pass over to the new Officer. 


The Committee thanked Lisa for all her hard work over the season.


The position will need to be advertised and all committee members are asked to check with club members for any possible candidates.


LM has offered to take over the publicity match.





NE has contacted Nicky the BKA CPO but is waiting to hear back from her regarding some issues he has with the forms that need completing.  Some of the forms he feels could be simplified and some duplicate others.


He is also trying to find out if he can get a designated person at each club who can check ID’s for CRB forms, so that passports etc. do not have to be sent to Kent. 


CRB’s must be completed through the BKA not others sources due to validity.


Nick is hoping to hear back from the BKA in the next 2 months.






Rick had a message from Andy that one person owes NL over £50 and has now transferred from City to Tigers for playoff reasons.  He asked if that player could be stopped from playing any further matches until the debt was played.  The committee decided that the person was allowed 21 days from the date of the meeting to pay the debt in full and if it was not paid in that period Andy should notify Laura and that player would be banned from playing any further matches until paid in full.  If they continued to play the game would be awarded to the opposing team.


Lee – Cambridge unfortunately did not retain the Varsity Trophy this year.  Although both teams played extremely well, Oxford had a far more experienced team which picked up on Cambridge’s weaknesses.

The committee joined Lee in wishing them luck for the Nationals on March 4th.







Thursday 30th March 7.30pm at the Pike & Eel