CKA Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 13th June 2006 7.00 pm @ Penny Ferry







Chairman (Howard Laffling)




Secretary (Laura Neaves)




Treasurer (Corinne Bowes)




Fixtures (Vacant)




League (Nick Armitage)




Juniors (Liv Armitage)




Refereeing (Andy Rutter)




Coaching (Lee Matthews)




Publicity (Vacant)




CPO (Nick Evans)




Development (Vacant)





City Rep                                                                                 [Rick Baldwin                                                        ]

Phoenix Rep                                                                          [Adam Twiss                                                        ]

Lions Rep                                                                              [                                                                               ]

Tigers Rep                                                                             [Reda Ibn-Tahaikt                               ]

University Rep                                                                     [Lucy Martin                                                         ]
National League Rep [ ]


Alex Beavan








Accounts as attached – No change from last month.  Reda still owes £7.00


Rick asked for a £75.00 contribution to Anthony Pioretti’s Avon Tyrroll coaching course.  Committee all agreed this.












Lions have requested Andy to test some more people.
















1. New Rules Proposal…

… ‘to ensure players don’t play for Tigers NL team and another local league team and Tigers local league players don’t play for the composite (‘City’) NL team’ (Nick Collier) Feedback on Nick’s proposal.


Change wording – ‘member of club’ to ‘club affiliated to’


Players playing from outside the county is it a good idea?  Some people were against this as it could mean that players are bought in to win certain matches.  Is there a way of putting a clause into the rules to where experienced players from clubs outside of the county have to be named to the committee before be allowed to play for a team.  Or should this be prevented completely?


Support for amending league rules to match BKA’s so no player can be transferred after the 31st January.

Nick Collier to update proposal for presentation and voting at AGM


2. Development league proposal

Reda – Feedback on Tiger’s proposal, attached below.


-          There would need to be flexibility within the leagues each season.

-          It would allow for experienced players to play down.

-          Reda to go through league rules and make adaptations for development league to present at AGM.

-          It could give new/potential refs a chance to practise.

-          Suggestion put forward that it should be the home team’s responsibility to provide the ref.



3. CKA AGM date

Thursday 13th July 2006, 7.30 pm @ TBA



4. CKA summer tournament

Venue – Netherhall (already booked)

Publicity and invitations – (already done)

Posts –

Pitches tapes – (2 new ones on back order) Rick has 1 set, Lee has 3 sets to pass onto Reda.

Fixtures –

Results – Mike Northfield has offered to sit on the results desk

Catering – Alex Beavan has arranged for a Burger Van to turn up around lunch time for the Tigers tournament and can pass the details on to Howard to arrange for CKA tournament.

Social –




Laura – Lions need a new coach, if anyone is interested or knows of anyone who is interested please contact her.


Lucy – Uni have a new president, Zac Williams, who will now be attending CKA meetings.


Andy – National Youth Day, we still need referees.  Please could everyone go back to their clubs and ask people to contact Andy if they can help.


Alex – Tigers tournament, there is still time to enter.


Liv – Liv has asked for permission to buy a new Gazebo for National youth day and future CKA tournaments.  She has seen one for £70.00, committee agreed expense.  Reda to store.








Nick Collier’s New Rules Proposal

Additional clauses to add to section 4.1, possibly just after clause 4.1.1


(this would need to be kept uptodate if Lions or any other club left or joined the National League)


Eligibility of players playing in the BKA National League to play in the CKA league:

1. If a player plays in the BKA National League for Cambridge Tigers KC during the course of a season, they may only play in the CKA league for Cambridge Tigers KC in that season.  The only exception is if they formally transfer to another club participating in the CKA league, including transferring their BKA registration, therefore barring them from further playing for Cambridge Tigers KC in the National League (and subject to clause 4 below). 


2. If a player plays in the BKA National League for Cambridge City KC (the "Composite" team) during the course of a season, they may not play in the CKA league for Cambridge Tigers KC in that season.  The only exception is if they formally transfer to Cambridge Tigers, including transferring their BKA registration, therefore barring them from further playing for Cambridge City KC in the National League (and subject to clause 4 below).


(optional, for discussion - one idea is to allow such people to play for a club's lowest team, in keeping with suggestions from others about opening up the composition of teams in Division 3.  Is not particularly having a go at Matt and Lia, more the intention is to foreclose the possibility of me or others bringing my mates from London for an important match):

3. A player who holds a BKA registration with a club not affiliated to the CKA may not play in the CKA league.


4.  A player may not play for any other club in the CKA league in the current season until the player has discharged his/her financial responsibility to the club they are leaving.  After 31st January, a player may still transfer to a new club, but will only be eligible to play in that club's lowest team in the CKA league.


Tigers Development League Proposal

tigers wish to propose that for next season, the CKA adopt a beginners league that does not involve any promotion or relegation and the focus is completely on development of beginners.

Last season, there were many matches in Division 3 that were uncompetitive because of the large differences between teams at the top of the league wishing to be promoted and those at the bottom who were often (especially in the case of T5 and C4) very inexperienced.  This didn't help either team, and very disheartening for the beginners.  The best way to retain new players at a club is to give them matches, but last year Tigers lost a couple of beginners after a few months because they did not enjoy playing against experienced teams without any assitance on the pitch from experienced players (because of the squad list rules).  There is only so much a coach can do from the sidelines.

The Tigers proposal is to start a development league with no promotion (or relegation).  All clubs would be eligible to enter teams in this league, separate to their normal CKA league teams.  Because there would be nothing to gain for any club to win the league there would be no rules preventing experienced players from playing in these matches.  The objective is DEVELOPMENT. referees can be arranged by the home team or the CKA (we also felt that this could be a great chance for new referees or inexperienced referees to practice)  and fixtures would be arranged by the CKA but perhaps less often than in the current CKA league.

The proposal would also mean a restructuring of the local league structure, perhaps:

with 7...

div 1:

tigers 1, 2, 3

city 1, 2

lions 1

phoenix 1


8 teams...

div 2:

uni 1

lions 2, 3, 4

phoenix 2, 3

city 3

tigers 4


div 3/beginners would have the following:

tigers 5

uni 2

phoenix 4

city 4

lions 5?


the reason i have suggested this is from last season's stats that t5, p4 and c4 got the most losses and on the whole have inexperience amongst their lowest teams. u2 have been included as without a doubt they will struggle with numbers and experienced players next season. l4 were not included as they were pretty strong.


In summary, we feel that not only would this be able to develop and encourage beginners to learn more about the sport in a non-competitive environment, but it would also help newly qualified refs, help the clubs assess the progression of their newcomers and move them up into the competitive leagues. other club members can help out by playing with them to give them advice and tips as to where they should go and what they should do. if we allow players from the 1st team down, no restrictions can be applied as no team in this league would be pushing for a promotion.

the lowest teams in clubs have mainly struggled in the past to get numbers to play...either because there arent enough players, other team committments (last year, t5 and t4 games were an hour apart at two different venues and consequently, one or both teams struggled to get a consistant team out). this can really help the development of korfball in cambridge and not only enforce the enjoyment factor that korfball brings with it, but also help newcomers adapt more confidently in games rather than get thrown in at the deep end.

this situation needs to be resolved and we hope the CKA can achieve this by the options outlined.

i hope we can come to some conclusion at the next meeting.

reda ibn-tahaikt

(chair - cambridge tigers)
