Counties 2007
Adam Twiss (Phoenix) is the CKA countiues team manager for 2007
This year they will be held on 21st & 22nd July and will be hosted by the South West Korfball Association in Bristol at St Marys Old Boys Rugby Club.
This will be an outdoor, all-weekend event.
Players are eligible to represent a County if they were born in that County, or if they live in that County. Living in the County should be taken as spending more than 50% of the nights during the 12 months prior to the event in the County or having your permanent place of residence in the County. Students are considered to be resident in two Counties simultaneously: the County of their parents’ residence and that of their term-time residence.
There will be one or two sessions before the event that will combine trials for team selection and the chance to practice together as a team. The exact format will depend upon the number of people who put themselves forward.
Sara (Lions), Reda (Tigers) and Carla (City) have kindly agreed to help organise.
Adam is looking to hear from people who are interested in playing - and are both eligible and free to play on the 21st & 22nd July.
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