National Youth Day - 6th July - Help Required

National Youth Day has never been held in Cambridge before.

It is a national tournament designed to celebrate the sport - encouraging
schools and clubs to enter teams regardless of talent. It is not so much
about winning as getting as many children playing as possible, even if they
have never played before. So if you are a teacher or know a teacher who
vaguely knows korfball - enter a team!!

It will be held at the Perse School for boys on Hills Rd on Sunday 6th July
all day.

I need help in the following areas:

CATERING: Ian Birch-Machin. Ian will need several helpers as we will need
to provide extensive refreshments including hot and cold drinks, snacks and
BBQ throughout the day.

TEAM MANAGERS: We need several of these to help teachers who either have
little knowledge of korfball or who are entering more than one team. This
job is fun and invloves getting the kids to the right pitch on time and
giving help and advice while they play.

coordinate this and lots of other people to help either the night before or
on the morning.

TRAFFIC CONTROL: I need three people at least to monitor and control the
parking situation. Walkie Talkies will be provided to aid you direct
traffic to spaces either in the car park or residential.

REFEREEING: The BKA are sorting this but will be askign Andy Rutter to
provide qualified refs. If you are BKA qualified I would expect to be

LITTER CONTROL: Kids are dead messy. I will need a dedicated team of
people to ensure that the area is left as cleaner than we founfd it so that
the Perse will allow us to use their facilities again!

Please let me know as soon as possible which job you would like to help

Liv Armitage - Chair: Junior Development Team

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