CKA AGM Minutes

Thursday 20th July 2017, 8.00pm, Golden Hind





Chairman (Howard Laffling, Phoenix)

Secretary (Fiona Hill, Phoenix)

Treasurer (Philip Morton, Vikings)

Fixtures (Kevin McGuiness, Tigers)

Results (Mark Wassell, Phoenix)

Senior Development (Vacant)

Junior Development (Liv Harcourt, Tigers)

Refereeing (Adam Twiss, Vikings)

Coaching (Vacant)

Publicity (Gavin Belsham, City)

CPO (Angela Gibbs, Tigers)


City Rep(s) [Gavin Belsham, Carla Bennett, Stuart Hatfield]

Lions Rep(s) [Laura Neaves]

Phoenix Rep(s) [Fiona Hill, Mark Wassell]

Tigers Rep(s) [Liv Harcourt, Steve Clarke]

University Rep(s) [Sam Galvin]

Vikings Rep(s) [Philip Morton, Chris Brown]


The minutes were approved




Thanks to all the committee members for all their efforts over the last year and all those that have attended committee meetings. Thanks to everyone who's volunteered and helped with the running and development of korfball in Cambridgeshire.


Nothing to report


Accounts attached.

Some items are still to come in this financial year (end 30th September)
- referee theory test room hire £20
- trophy engraving £15
- U14 NL hall hire £208
- junior hall hire credits to correct previous incorrect invoices we've already paid
- possibly some junior income

There have been some issues with CRC's junior hall hire invoices, which are still not fully resolved.

The above shouldn't impact the overall accounts and reserves too much, most significant impact will be on the juniors, the profit and thus junior reserve. We've added a 'Junior Accounts Projection' sheet to show what how we think the finances will look at the end of the financial year.

Budget wise, the CKL makes about £300 profit i.e. new money we can allocate each year without raising fees, which we've provisionally allocated as £150 to juniors and £150 to senior inter area. We do have significant reserves, some of which we could allocate on a one off basis e.g. Juniors and/or Coaching and Refereeing courses.

Corinne Bowes, as honorary auditor, approved last year’s accounts.


No report.


Thank you to the referees for completing the scorecards and to Adam Twiss for hosting the website. If anyone has any suggestions for improvements to the website or process please let me know.


Cambridgeshire were represented at Senior Inter Area tournament and performed well, a great step for senior development.

Some effort was made to coordinate a recruitment week, which although was not entirely successful has generated ideas and materials for future attempts.


A comprehensive report of junior activity was received, see attached.

Philip suggested that it could be useful to circulate a list of tasks which could be delegated in order to lighten the workload for Liv. Volunteers could then be sought for defined responsibilities and people would be more aware of what was expected of them if they come forward to help.

Carla has been appointed assistant coach for the England U15 team. She reported that the Cambridgeshire representatives at recent trials performed excellently and thanked Liv for her influence and support for these players.


(Howard) Two people passed the refereeing theory test.

Referee development was discussed at the EKA AGM, with feedback from clubs and areas. Currently the processes in place don’t necessarily formally allow areas to be responsible for training and appointing referees.

Carla highlighted that refereeing within the CKA is well paid, in general and in comparison with other areas. This is a useful promotion point for recruiting new referees and may be of particular interest to younger referees who may be studying and/or working part time.

COACHING (Vacant):

Two people from Phoenix attended a level 1 coaching course in Birmingham. 1 person from Tigers attended a level 2 course.

Several coaches have applied for, and were successful in gaining, bursaries which can be used to attend a course to convert a previously held BKA level 2 coaching qualification into an EKA level 2 coaching qualification.

Philip and Gavin have been investigating the possibility of holding a level 2 course in Cambridgeshire so that more coaches can reach this level. They are now aware of the hall hire requirements, and further information will follow once interest has been gauged and logistics have been further investigated.


Sporadic tweets have been sent. Had some interest from Cambridge Independent newspaper in providing coverage, which will hopefully happen soon.

It was suggested that a Facebook group for the area might be useful.


(Philip) County Sport regularly run the Safeguarding and Protecting Children course. There's no significant saving in running a bespoke course. Courses can be booked online, but they usually fill up quickly, so anyone hoping to attend needs to be on the ball to get a place at a local venue.


Chair – Howard Laffling
– Fiona Hill
– Philip Morton
Fixtures Officer
– Kevin McGuinness
Results Officer
– Mark Wassell
Senior Development Officer
– Carla Bennett
Junior Development Officer
– Liv Harcourt
Refereeing Officer
– Vacant
Coaching Officer
- Vacant
Publicity Officer
– Gavin Belsham
Child Protection Officer (CPO)

It is essential that a CPO is appointed, otherwise junior players cannot participate in the Cambridgeshire League. Members were encouraged to pursue potential options for a new CPO given the importance of the role.



Corrine Bowes was elected.

CKA Documents -> Development Plan -> Area Development Plan

Junior Development plan:

Changes agreed: add ‘Maintain CKA Juniors Facebook page’ to the ‘Already doing’ section.

Senior Development Plan:

Changes Agreed: move ‘discuss senior development at every CKA committee meeting’ to the ‘Already doing’ section.


It is proposed that the CKA will continue to form the South East Regional League (SERL) with the Kent Korfball Association (KKA), Norfolk Korfball Association (NKA) and the South Midlands Korfball Association (SMKA) for 2017/18.

This was agreed.


Annually the CKA makes approximately £300 profit. In the past we have allocated £150 to junior development, it was agreed that this would be repeated. It was also agreed that the remaining £150 for this year be put towards senior development, specifically the participation in senior inter area. Now that financial processes have been refined and income is accounted for in a more timely fashion, we have a clearer picture of our reserves and spending potential. There is approximately £1000 which can be allocated on a one off basis.

It was agreed that £650 would be allocated to coaching, in addition to the £350 which is already provided. This is with a view to cover the hall fees for a Level 2 coaching course in the area.

The possibility of providing development for referees was discussed. It was agreed that Fiona would approach Gary Cole to see if he would be interested and willing to run an introduction to refereeing course locally. Materials that were generated previously by Adam Twiss are available.


It was agreed that £350 would be added to the junior development budget, with a view to acquiring equipment to be used in local schools. Some equipment has recently been reclaimed from a school in Bury St Edmunds, which can be used and should reduce the expenditure required to create full sets of posts.

In was agreed that league fees would remain the same.


The following changes were proposed:

Up to 8 substitutions are allowed. Substituted players may return to the match.

4.3.6 A substituted player is {not} allowed to return to the game ({Option B}[scenario A] in the IKF Playing rules of 1st September 201{3}[6]).
{deleted text} [added text]
Add explanatory text underneath the table following :
[More than 1 row may to apply to a single player in a match and in this case the status points for each applicable row are totalled. If a player comes off, back on, off and then back on all in the same half then this is treated as if the player had come off once and back on once in the same half i.e. 2 status points for a 1st team (1 status point for a 2nd team).]
[added text]

A vote was taken, the result was 9 votes for and 1 against, so the change was approved.

Concern was expressed about the potential extra burden on referees to monitor the use of rolling subs. The intention is that clubs will be responsible for filling out the details of their rolling subs progressively on the score card. The referee therefore should only have to keep a tally of the number of substitutions made and ensure it does not exceed 8. It is important that the score cards are filled out progressively for subs made, as this can affect status points gained. It was suggested that a scorecard be provided to each team to allow for this to happen.


**** Player status is calculated over the
[last 6 Premier League (PL), last 6 South East Regional League (]SERL[)], last 5 1st and last 5 2nd team matches, excluding matches involving Development Teams, matches which do not take place (e.g. walkovers due to late or non-attendance) and matches which are abandoned and the score doesn't stand. Player restrictions for the first status period of the season are based upon matches of the previous season. Matches which are walkovers due to ineligible players are included. This may mean some matches are included in more than one status period.
... For clubs with [PL or ]SERL teams this season, for the first status period of the season, male and female players who have started 4 or more [PL or ]SERL matches are separately ranked by the [total ]number of [PL plus ]SERL matches started, followed by all other male and female players separately ranked by number of 1st team status points. The 4 highest ranking male players and 4 highest ranking female players from each club will have 1st team status. The next 3 male players and next 3 female players from each club separately ranked by 1st team status points plus 2nd team status points will have 2nd team status. For clubs with [PL or ]SERL teams last season and not this season, for the first status period of the season, male and female players who have started 4 or more [PL or ]SERL matches are separately ranked by the [total ]number of [PL plus ]SERL matches started, followed by all other male and female players separately ranked by number of 1st team status points. The 3 highest ranking male players and 3 highest ranking female players from each club will have 1st team status. Then the next 3 male players and next 3 female players from each club, who have started 4 or more [PL or ]SERL matches, separately ranked by [total ]number of [PL plus ]SERL matches started, then by 1st team status points plus 2nd team status points, will have 2nd team status. For clubs without
[PL or ]SERL teams this season or last season, for all status periods, and for clubs with [PL or ]SERL teams this season, for the second and third status periods, the 3 male players and 3 female players from each club with the highest total of 1st team status points will have 1st team status. The next 3 male players and next 3 female players from each club, with the highest total of 1st team plus 2nd team status points will have 2nd team status. Where 2 or more players are tied on the same number of status points or
[PL or ]SERL matches started, the club must decide which of the tied players will have which team status. The club must choose and inform the results officer before their next match or within 2 weeks, whichever is sooner. This choice will be final. If a team does not choose within the time limit the following 3 CKA Officers : Fixtures Officer, Results Officer and Chair (the 'league sub-committee') will agree upon a choice for the club. For clubs with
[PL or ]SERL teams, for the second and third status periods, if the player has started 4 or more [PL or ]SERL matches then that player will have SERL status. SERL status has the same effect as 1st team status. A player may have SERL status in addition to 1st team or 2nd team status. SERL status takes precedence over 1st team and 2nd team statuses.
[added text]

The change was agreed.

8. AOB

The group thanked Liv for her continued and great effort with junior development, acknowledging the significant impact on the quality of the juniors’ abilities, as demonstrated at tournaments and national trials.